Red pill me on the Chechens
Are they the hardest motherfuckers in history?
Red pill me on the Chechens
Are they the hardest motherfuckers in history?
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Not really any different from any other mountain nigger tribe. Or sand niggers.
Might as well call ISIS hardest motherfuckers.
inb4 that roach posts again
niggas beat the mongols twice
No, they're good guerrillas, but that's about it.The only reason why Russians tolerate them because of the UN and because they inhabit an important strategic location, hence them not ending up like the Circassians.
>people died for this shitty piece of land
No and yes. People may argue that they beat the mongols, but so did an half arsed army of Bulgarian farmers. And they're muslims so they are 100% trash.
Bulgaria became a vassal of the Mongolians, they were conquered
>The only reason why Russians tolerate them because of the UN
this, Russia would genocide the entire place if nobody was watching
I disagree.
Just Russians realized how to use the clan structure for their own good - buy off some to subjugate others.
Oldest trick in the book.
Same what Persians did with the Greeks after they got their asses handed to them militarily.
>people died for this shitty piece of land
Still better than Russians.
There was also the fact that first war was mostly about stealing shit and selling military gear and after how awful it went there simply wasn't any support for large scale genocide campaign number 2.
Nobody wants their kids in chechnya so only minimal forces were ever mobilized.
We are not roaches
Russia tried several times to end us like the Circassians. They failed. More than 150000 died since 1994, about 1/2 of us died during the deportation 1944. Thousands of families were expelled by the Russian Empire, but we survived.
The Circassians ended like this because they lived next to the Black Sea and already had a good relationship to the Ottomans, the Chechens were in the mountains and didnt give a fuck about the Ottomans.
You probably didn't even know where Chechnya is, so fuck off
>i know nothing about the Chechen wars
They would've put you to death if they wanted to, you're more use to them alive than dead.
The second part of your sentence is right, but not the first one.
Wouldn't say so, The Soviet Union did achieve it's goal of drastically reducing your population.
But not their goal do destroy our nation. The deportation had 2 goals:
1. decrease our population to nealry non-existence / "kill us all"
2. "unchechenize" our native land by settling slavs, jews and other Caucasians there, and destroying our towers, mountainvillages, history
Churka, please. Deportation happened because you cooperated with Nazis during WW2 and therefore deemed not trustworthy. It was the biggest mistake to let you go back.
You've cooperated with the Germans during World War II, in case you've forgotten.
>are they the hardest motherfuckers in history?
>actually believing not proven Soviet propaganda
Are you guys for real? Thousands of Chechens fought in the Red Army. There was a small rebellion in Chechnya against the Red Army, but as I said small, without any German help. That is not a reason to deport more than 500000 people to Central-Asia in waggon for several weeks.
Germans wanted to cooperate with us, but we never accepted their offer. Israilov himself, the leader of the rebellion, said that he has no Intention of switching one oppressor (Russians) with another (Germans).
Top kek
Sure are a lot of hot chicks in Taiwan but.
I've noticed a particular thing about your kind, you always assume big countries want to "cooperate" with you, why is that?Do you honestly believe that you're that important?
>roided up for war
Why bother? It's not like theyre in a melee war anyway
Look at that dumbass machine gun lookin like it was made out of a toster
Wannabe caucasus muds the ottofags didn't even bother helping cause they didn't consider them "true muslims" in their wars with the Prussians that are currently squatting on rightful Pontic Greek clay.
What are you talking about? Germans wanted to cooperate with us because both were against the Russians.
They do it just to intimidate civvies
No, they wanted to use you, big difference.
>ou always assume big countries want to "cooperate" with you, why is that?Do you honestly believe that you're that important?
Younger bullied sibling syndrome. It's the same with Ukraine.
smaller nations never have the choice to act unilaterally though. It's a question of which master you choose to serve.
*Cooperate. Fight against Russia together, win, Integrate us into Großdeutsches Reich as part of the Reichskommissariat Kaukasus.
I don't know why you said always? Lacking of historical background right? Because thats the first and last time that a big country wanted to cooperate with us.
In other words, you were even more insignificant ?
>Red pill
Fuck off back to your containment board.
No, "insignificant" is the wrong word, more civilized fits petter. More civilized than you Slavs. Living for ourselfves in our mountains, with no intention in killing or conquering other nations. Just living in our own territory. For us.
Yermolov did nothing wrong.
They should have given him more time to finish the job. I have never met a single Russian who liked Chechens.
>I have never met a single Russian who liked Chechens.
You probably met a handful of Russians.
I am not a fan of either
>It's not like theyre in a melee war anyway
confirmed never visited caucasia
Easily 40+
Ruskies (with help from the CIA) killed all the good chechens leaving only radical muslims.
Chechens didn't invoke Communism on all of Eastern Europe.
I agree, now turn off everything that runs on AC electricity and digital electronic computing, you wouldn't want to be caught dead using Slavic inventions, right?
There never would've come to that if the Eternal Anglo didn't agree to partition all of Europe like that.
Where's their empire? What lands have they conquered?
While I know the anglo is eternal, it was the Russians that took up their offer.
Though really, I also know that the Russians wanted to use these countries as a buffer towards the west as they were worried about attacks form that direction since Hitler.
Conquered? No. There was a Mongolian ruler on the Bulgarian throne, though, for a year or two.
Remember how you lost the Cold War? Remember how humiliating that was? Just to collapse like that. Under the weight of your own shittiness. Never to be anything again.
I'd normally have sympathy for their plight, but they're Muslim so there's that.
Russia pls genocide.
No, just barbarians/ All their life is a robbery and shit, all the time. Now they start to have some money, i hope they become great people
Because guys in pic are bandits, not soldiers.
They extorted money from businessmen or abdicated for ransom.
And i thought good leaders don't order their soldiers to take maternity hospital hostage
He actually wasn't involved in any of these hostage takings.
The guys in the pic are Kadyrovzi, Kadyrovs privat army. Fighting for Kadyrov and Russia, not rebels.
Barbarians towards our enemies, good to the kind people. Whats wrong? Inform yourself about Chechens before Russian imperialism.
Russia was liberated from the Soviet Union. They were victims of communism like all the other republics. No one wants that shit back. What's humiliating is being in such close proximity to Chechnya and their degenerate religion.
u wut nigga?
>Russians victims of communism
what would you call it? how do you explain the brain drain? Also throughout the entire history of the SU, the majority of the people in charge like, secretaries of state, generals, all the shot callers, they were Ukranian. The only good thing for the average citizen was free healthcare and education, which everyone would gladly pay for instead had they the opportunity to run their own businesses.
Yes, they've lost nearly 66 million of their people in the first decades of the country's existence.
Don't most Russians miss the ussr tho?
Only as orderly empire, not the actual communism.
Empire "We had stability" or empire "We got to act like herrenvolk in other countries"?
empire "dayem pososat"
stability, don't kid yourself. The average Russian has some sort of high education degree, and among their fav passtimes is tea and books.
>herrenvolk in other countries
anything but. Even today lots of non Russians hold high positions, like the mayor of Moscow, and the general of the entire army.
>It was the Jews! It was the Ukrainians! Russians dindu nuffin!
This lack of anything resembling a sense of adult responsibility is why your country is shit and will always be shit.
>The average Russian has some sort of high education degree
This is what Russians actually believe.
Tea and books cause liver cirrhosis and heart disease, apparently.
> This is what Russians actually believe.
This is actually true. Most men take degree to not being in army, most women to marry men and the degree in necessary, even for the lowest of jobs in Russia. How much our degrees worth is arguable, some are just bunch of papers. Anyway in Russia to be without degree is to be the confirmed retard, in the most literal sense.
Same is considered in ex-Yugoslav countries.
Considering that the early Bolshevik leadership was predominately composed of Jews and non-Russian minorities, yes absolutely.
Also, their country has regained the position of a world power in less than twenty-five years of time, you should also check who has to go to whom in order to send their spacecrafts and astronauts into space.
They're from a society that values courage and bravado. Naturally they excel in a military fashion, which then becomes a cyclic thing. Today's generation goes to Ukraine or Syria on the count of heroic deeds from 94, who went to war on the heroic deeds from 44, who went to war on heroic deeds from...
Balkaniggers are similar in that regard.
Not courage, but military prowess.
>Considering that the early Bolshevik leadership was predominately composed of Jews and non-Russian minorities, yes absolutely.
Please provide evidence for this shit, and not infogrammes made in paint, some actual lists
>slavic inventions
hold on, I think you are on the wrong website
>Ex-Yugoslav countries
>not absolute shitholes
We all know you are some butthurt and retardedly delusional Slav, but come on, you cannot actually believe the people there value education.
Both Atanasoff and Tesla were Slavic, you can't claim them as "Western" just because you've provided them with the necessary resources.
>might suit your tastes better
I'll leave that to you, you probably got a bit of "Nigger" inside of you, given your probable colonial origin.
They're not, they're just heavily behind because of deplorable privatization and the recent wars.
And you definitely have a lot of nigger inside you, given your slavic origin.
>we wuz kengz, inventors an shet. shut down yo PC cuz das slavic, also shakespeare was slavic ok
Atanasoff and Tesla are the only slavs in history to do anything remotely worthwhile, you can't claim "slavic ingenuity is stronk" off the back of exactly two fucking people.
Though I know you got bit of nigger in you, at least 11 inches around the anal region.
>They're not, they're just heavily behind because of deplorable privatization and the recent wars.
Privatization following the massive economic disaster caused by Slavs and the recent wars started by Slavs and fought against Slavs INSIDE their own country. If you travel from any western European country to eastern Europe you will notice a massive drop in hygienics and infrastructure, as well as a massive increase in crime and lack of security. In a lot of cases you even get harassed by the police, because they are too retarded to read your passport and will cause you a lot of headache over that. Please tell me how that does not mean you are currently residing in a shithole.
Even an alcohol-ridden Siberian half-breed is higher on the racial scale than the average White American, given the fact that he mainly descends from the same garbage that fled from Europe not so long ago.
Joke all you want, but Atanasoff was the one who laid the foundations for the digital electronic computer by using Electricity and electronics, not mechanical methods, implementing binary numbers internally, separating memory made with capacitors, and refreshing them to maintain 0 or I state
and directing 0-1 logic operations, not enumeration.
furthermore, the ENIAC successor, along with modern computers, are based on these ideas. Atanasoff even had direct contact with Mauchly, one of the chief builders of the ENIAC computer, as seen in Atanasoff’s letter to him, written in 1941.
>Privatization following the massive economic disaster caused by Slavs
The Inflation was mitigated by the end of 1989 and men like Izetbegovic, Milosevic and Tudjman were great orators, but they've commanded negligible diplomatic influence and control over the military and were cravens, they would've never dared to start such a conflict without overwhelming external assistance.
Although theft, bribery and prostitution are more common , all other forms of crime are disproportionately less represented than in the west, especially arson, rape, murder, kidnapping and burglary.Infrastructure is quite bad, I admit but the sanitary needs are identical and in same cases, even better.
>and will cause you a lot of headache over that
They'll cause you headache because in most cases, only shady characters travel to Eastern Europe, we've had an epidemic of British, American, Italian and French pedophiles in the last decade, hence the need to tighten control.
>you are currently residing in a shithole
Western Europe is positively teeming with no-go zones, ghettos and millions of unassimilated immigrants, it's also ridden with terrorist attacks.
The periodic system of elements (Medeleev), modern mechanics(Timoshenko),
modern austronautics(Tsiolkovsky), modern seismology(Mohorovichich), heliocentric theory(Copernicus), modern geometry(Lobachevski), the helicopter(Sikorsky),radioactive theory(Maria Sklodowska-Curie),early photography(Levitsky),wireless telegraphy(Murgas),Big Bang theory(Gamow),objective psychology(Bekhterev), walkie-talkies(Magnuski),colour television(Zworkin),electric tram(Pirotsky),alternating current, radar, hydroelectric plant, cryogenic engineering, transistor, modern electric motor, remote control, neon lighting, wireless communication (Tesla), radio(Popov), long-range telephone(Pupin), crystalline science(Stranski), modern geochemistry(Vernadsky), rocket science(Korolev), pre-lumiere camera(Prosynski), incandescent bulb(Lodygin), transformers(Yablochov), lasers(Brasov and Prokhorov), LEDs(Losev and Holonyak), synthetic rubber(Lebedev), solar cells(Stolev), digital electronic computing(Atanasoff/Atanasov), field recorders(Fidelski), contact lenses(Witcherle) modern education(Komensky), caterpillar tracks(Blinov), electrically-powered railway wagons(Pirotsky), Videotape recorder(Poniatov), petrol cracking(Shukhov), grain harvester(Vlasenko), modern anthropology(Malinowski), bullet proof vest(Zeglen), parachute(Kotelnikov),mine detector(Kosacki), space travel( Tsiolkovsky), vitamins(Funk), lunar roving vehicle(Mieczysław Gregory Bekker), sound in films(Tykociner), radar(Popov), train air brakes(Bozic), conventionally usable plastic(Stepanovic), ballpoint pen(Penkala), supersonic photography(Salcher), dactyloscopy(Vucetic), the antibiotic azithromycin, the power block(Puratic), modern petroleum industry and the kerosene lamp(Łukasiewicz).
These are just from the top of my head.Admittedly, Slavic contribution was arguably non-existent in the early Modern age, but that has drastically changed since the beginning of the second part of 18th century.
>Atanasoff and Tesla are the only slavs in history to do anything remotely worthwhile
No Mendeleev and Copernicus?
The two are more well-known than Atanasoff.
Skłodowska too.
Marie Curie-Sklodowska?
Literally nobody outside of Poland calls her by her maiden name.
Copernicus was an ethnic German who spoke German.
He was a subject of Polish crown and a Polish citizen in the broadest terms, but the question was about ethnicity.
couldnt be more wrong. but fuck you, go ahead miss out on the truth, dont travel to see for yourself. you worthless cocksucker
>share my experiences with my travels
>doesn't tell me where I'm wrong, doesn't try to correct me
You're fucking retarded, Stjepan.
That's their problem, she never gave up on using her maiden name.Copernicus wasn't an ethnic German, his mother was, but his father was Slavic, a Silesian copper merchant of the Krakow branch.
you've been told off, and that you are fundamentally wrong about everything. No one gives a shit about correcting, or teaching you anything. Its more worthwhile to teach a dog to fetch the paper.
who gives a shit what Copernicus was, its what he did that matters.
we wuz germans n shiet
I agree, I was just correcting the person who've made a remark on his ethnicity.