Why is it that no human culture, with the possible exception of bronze Sweden (Nyqvist, Groenlund, Rubinstein 1997), have used animal semen as a food?
It's normal to use milk.
Pic unrel.
Why is it that no human culture, with the possible exception of bronze Sweden (Nyqvist, Groenlund, Rubinstein 1997)...
Other urls found in this thread:
>The only people who drank animal cum with regularity were the Swedes
>possible exception
It's a lot harder to extract?
Because semen is just mucous, OP. Why would you want to eat it?
Um probably because it's infinitely more feasible to just eat the animals themselves? And also because who the fuck would want to?
This is one of the most retarded questions I've ever heard
You can't extract it in bulk, it's not that nutritious compared to eating the animal and come the fuck on, you're earing animal semen.
I'm not surprised I fucking swear.
1) People eats lots of things which are considered disgusting by other groups.
2) Eating a cow is more nutritious than having a glass of milk too, but in the long run keeping the cow for a steady supply of nutrients is the best course of action. Potentially same thing with semen.
First post best post
>It's not gay if you do it for nutrients
you can't extract as much semen as you can milk. plus because bulls are assholes you usually keep as little of them around as you can
Don't have to use bulls though, could use any animal including goats, horses and dogs.
I can picture a bunch of Swedes sitting around, sloshing chunky dog cum around in their mouths, insisting that it's normal and healthy.
why not milk a whale, they ejaculate about 400 gallons per fuck
So after all that pumping you get maybe 10 calories? Plus if you start jerking off your farm animals they are going to start acting nuts around you, might even start trying to mount you now that you've associated yourself with sexual pleasure in their minds
no bully
>with the possible exception of bronze Sweden (Nyqvist, Groenlund, Rubinstein 1997)
I thought lots of culture ate animal semen. Don't the Thai fry it as a delicacy? Rocky Mountain Clams? In Africa its cooked too
Rocky Mountain Oysters are the testicles themselves. I've heard of several cultures eating dick and balls, but never semen itself
>The Etoro, or Edolo, are a tribe and ethnic group of Papua New Guinea. Their territory comprises the southern slopes of Mt. Sisa, along the southern edge of the central mountain range of New Guinea, near the Papuan Plateau
>The Etoro believe that young boys must ingest the semen of their elders daily from the age of 7 until they turn 17 to achieve adult male status and to properly mature and grow strong
>The Etoro believe that they each contain a certain amount of life force, the highest concentrations of which are contained in semen. This life force passes to others through sexual relations. Women are seen to waste the life force if they do not get pregnant after sexual intercourse
>The fear that heterosexual sex causes them to die earlier and the belief that homosexual sex prolongs life means that heterosexual relations are focused towards reproduction
I wonder if there are any tribes where lolis have to swallow sperm all the time.
there's probably a doujin on this subject
>All this thread only to said that the swedens drinks semen
This shit singlehandedly justifies all European colonialism ever.
Don't give yourself ideas
Invite me once you get a tribe set up plz
>you can't extract as much semen as you can milk.
As far as I know, the animal that produces the highest volume of semen in relation to its body size is the boar. They let out an average of 250mL per ejaculation (a human on a good day can reach 5mL).
That's not on par with cows.
A good dairy cow can produce 30 liters a day. Even if pigs were bred for semen production like dairy cattle have been, it probably isn't possible physiologically to increase it to those levels.
The real question is why don't we drink human milk? You don't need to get a girl pregnant for her to lactate.
It's inefficient.
You have to feed her more calories than what you get, and, unlike cows which convert useless grass into delicious milk, she eats the same things you do, so it's better for you to just eat those things.
We have a surplus of calories though, and unlike cows humans have utility other than being pregnant for milk or waiting to die for meat.
I think I found it
Euros never touched New Guinea.
>We have a surplus of calories though,
In the modern world, sure. But cows can produce milk from grass, no human woman can do that, she requires actual food to produce milk and loses most of the energy in the process.
Before this thread gets pruned, gentlemen let me just say that this has been the funniest fucking thread on Veeky Forums in a while
Well played, lads
People in the bronze age were not idiots.
Think about this: You're a farmer in the bronze age providing for a city-state and buying clothing and tools from your fellow workers.
You see a horse with a full on erection. Is your first thought "I wonder if I should eat the putrescent pile of PENIS SNOT its about to make.
If the answer to that question is "Yes", then I don't know whether to be impressed or triggered.