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ready for the death of mages and bruiser meta

also comfy bfs~

You know what it is bitch

>have velkoz support
>does nothing but ult to ks when teamfights are over
>he always have SS up and never uses them
>thinks I will even try to actually win the game
oh boy velkoz support shitters are so fucking delusional man.

Comfy bird girl

>obviously going to buy the new Sterak's on Illaoi but I feel like I'm wasting it if I'm not coupling it with sheen

What do senpai? Should I start building Triforce instead of cleaver? Triforce Sterak's on this girl hurts (and heals, thanks to DD) but I'm worried that's way too expensive.

Xth for Katarina
best girl

Holy shit, no runes or masteries on


Post 12 stats, judge others.

op gg champions username


well since cleavers getting nerfed Id think the choice is obvious


and level 18

yo that looks fun

reasonably confident mine is worse than anybody else's

Post any OC you have no matter how shitty it is.

clevers shit now, go trinity, gage, tank boots, DD for core

then either an armor/health item and adaptive or stoneplate + warmogs

This means shit all if you're not using deathcaps.

>mages are dead next patch
I guess its back to only gangplank then.

>Can't ping other people's wards
For what purpose? We can ping everything else but not items for some dumb reason.



What's the AP ratio on that? 0.9? 0.8?

>Koreans used to use the honor ribbon to mark bad players so they couldn't change their name.


>filthy heal slut

Why warmogs? Spirit Visage's passive healing is getting buffed wouldn't I want the in combat healing boost much more than Warmog's sieging/rotation passive?

Big problem is that I have to give up an armour item for righteous glory. Unless of course I go IBG instead of Trinity but I feel like that's wasteful since she's primarily a damage dealing juggernaut.

it's to check scalings ya dingus, also

Yellow is Armor
Purple is Magic Resist
Blue is AP
Orange is AD
Red is health

Q is a .4 AP
W is based on health, deals physical dmg now
E is a .3 AP
Ult is a .4 - .8 AP based on distance traveled

Don't ever build cleaver. Ever. Her AD scalings are too good. Build a LW item if you need pen.

For the same reason it's a waste to buy triforce. The sheen proc is good though, so pick up IBG if you like the sheen that much.

I did a lot of lane shifting I will admit.

Currently maining support.

Does Sona eat a lot of potatoes?

I'm pretty sure not gay, submissive or female but I may just be in denial.

how to get S in ARAM

How does that relate to my post ?

Tell me how bad I am

>A bug where you can resist taunts has made them almost useless for several months.


Ping the retard's SS to show he hasn't used it

play kassadin and get a good team comp
play gnar
play literally anyone its fucking ARAM just don't be shit

playing adc is so dam fucking fun man.

w-why are mages dead next patch

tell me it aint so doc

What about passive? Just level scaling?

Get velkoz/xerath/varus/ziggs
Poke until you're 20/2/15



God adc is the most rewarding role in the game, love it so much.

If only game by game enjoyment wasn't entirely dependent on your support not being a total fucking retard.

stats of a one trick

Best husband!!!!!
Xayah main soon!!!!!!


learn draven and you don't even need supports anymore

The catch up XP changes a couple patches ago are fucking stupid

>Kill enemy jungler
>He's still even in levels

Dang. That's a hell of a bonus at level one then. Seems like it probably starts at about 100 armor and mr for the duration of the passive.

Rank 62 world best
Rank 18 best in NA


I feel you my dude,
I get retarded support players for more than 50% of my games, but still if they are too dumb to trade I just farm untill lane is over or untill we get some ganks,
if the dude is not so retarded I trade very carefully, timing cooldowns or when one of them is B,
if my support is good then life is fucking good man.

hi leddit

free mr per lvl for EVEYRONE


are you singed irl

I want to give her a home, let her take a shower, and feed her.
Cutest girl.

Just an example build, no runes or masteries
Obviously would take another armor item if against ad teams, etc

Remember that abyssal is a changed item, has banshee veil stats but abyssal magic increase passive

And her armor and mr will persist for 3 seconds after taking damage

Still, her damage is pretty lacking if she can't get her passive damage off

Eh. it's 9 MR at level 18. Basically 3 extra scaling MR blues.

I fucking love bard, but I cant win with him

Reposting my Morgana rework idea, I'll probably try to work on Wither stack VFX, if anyone has any ideas or feedback I'd be glad to hear it.
Also looking for a drawfag

>Purple still primary color
>Skirt no longer looks like tent
>Withered wings, very similar to current Morgana but more modern in every aspect

Range: 550

Passive: Soul Siphon
>Morgana's auto attacks and W mark enemies with Wither (max 3 stacks)
>Damaging enemies with Q or R consumes Wither and restores HP to Morgana for every stack consumed

Q: Dark Binding
>Morgana fires dark sphere that roots first unit hit, if enemy is affected by stack of Wither he gets temporarily stunned instead

W: Tormented Soil
>Morgana creates oozing puddle damaging enemies for their % missing HP and applying grievous wounds to enemies below 40% HP
>Enemies leaving infected area will slightly spread ooze (Think Nocturne Q)

E: Black Shield
>Morgana casts shield for herself or her ally that blocks incoming magic damage and grants CC invulnerability

R: Soul Shackles
>Morgana latches soul chains on nearby enemies, enemies without Wither stacks get slowed and stunned after while. Enemies with stacks get slightly slowed and pulled towards Morgana in small shockwaves, each shockwave consumes stack of Wither. Maximum 3 pull shockwaves each per stack of Wither.
>If enemies fail to escape soul shackles they will get stunned and dealt magic damage

good, fuck powerfarmer junglers

pussies who pve until they're auto stronger than anyone else because they don't understand macro whatsoever, fucking shitters

just like shieldslut supports, playstyle so wrong and braindead it teaches bad habits while artificially boosting elo, doesn't help that all the powerfarmers are usually braindead easy to play. I can guarantee that ledditor is a fucking ShyvShitters

>le XP catchup meme

Why are people so retarded
Just keep shitting on their jungler

I mean, if my support is just retarded and basically ints my game its like... well, it happens, what can you do.

There is something that really triggers me tho...
I had like 3 days in a row last week where every game, I would get a lulu/karma, they would build full support items. Locket, redemption, the whole 9 yards. And then proceed to NEVER use anything on me in teamfights. And I would be like 'listen here you little fuck, you are nothing more than my personal slut, and if you want to win you better start peeling for me in fights' which they would never respond well to, and be like IM NOT JUST YOUR SUPPORT, I SUPPORT THE TEAM!, because they have a severely inflated sense of self worth.

Perhaps I should have been nicer and asked politely, but I genuinely cant fucking stand who think supports not in super high elo are good for anything other than keeping their adc alive.

REALLY GETS MY GOAT if you know what im saying.

Stop posting it


neck yourself

>Every champion (~65) who has no MR/level now has 0.5 per level
>midlane assassins now build banshees against you
>every adc and probably AD assassins will now build guardian angel every game
>you will now have to get through edge of night, hexdrinker, and guardian angel to kill an assassin
>new mr items give MORE MR but less health
>void staff not changed
>adaptive helm and gargoyle stoneplate exist
>only three total magic pen items

Ill be the first to say it "AP in 2k17"

You first

>league becoming more like hots
>hots becoming more like league

Mixed feels.

What are the Frost Armor resists scaling on?

I just had a vel'koz support an hour ago who tilted our adc a lot by taking his farm and shit and he also took barrier instead of exhaust and then we lost the game.

If I had it my way any support that has ever taken an adc's farm should be hunted down irl and executed.


Wither is already Nasus's W, find another name

lolg overreacting as usual

Anybody can shit on a Jungle Naut as he takes 18 fucking years to clear his red buff especially as Graves

thing the player base tends to not only be very "toxic" but also ve very easy-trigger.
I always try to be as direct and polite as possible when typing on my ranked games, not because I legit think this way players will listen to me, kek fuck no , they are dumb, mostly because I don't want to get banned for random shit.
here I would just have said " lulu, peel for me harder on next teamfight please" and that's that.

bretty gud


You would have gotten full marks if you left Yorick out of the chart altogether.

>this new bitch is visually just a reskinned ahri
>even the fanart looks like photoshops on ahri art

I was three levels up on the enemy jungle last game

>25% of their maximum health for hitting somebody stunned
>Basically fucking invincible at level 1

I'm not sure

miss you lolg still no computer or WiFi to play league with y'all again ;_;

so why is still bitching

Since last night, I've been playing Yorick like you guys said to, just sitting in lane pushing all game.

It works, but it really feels like i'm doing a lot less than when I was using him to roam and carry.
Before I'd go 8/1 with low farm and only get a B+ but felt like I was MVP
Now I go like 2/6 with good farm and still get an A, just I feel like shit cause they just keep going and feeding off my team

Why can't carry or even jungle yorick be considered good by Riot?

Also, just finally got the S- on Yorick, so I guess it's no longer an issue, but it's still kinda bullshit.

Not really. The damage differential will be noticed more by the champions that have some sort of ambient magic damage like Tanks and mixed carries than by full on mages that already use Void Staff, pen runes and pen boots.

You do realize that more MR less health with Void staff not being changed is a straight up buff right?

pic related

>Dyrus INTS and goes Botrk Jayce
>jungler tells him to group and stop being useless
>throws a shit fit
>everyone gangs up on the jungler
I seriously don't understand this game or these people.

Apparently you can do whatever you want if you're a streamer

>tobias is now just feeding as meme builds every game
its actually hilarious watching someone self destruct out of diamond




Her armor and mr only last 1-3s after taking damage based on her level tho

Also to note though, her E, her point and click stun that's like a ranged braum passive, has a 1s cd, so she can administer plenty of stuns if she has other melees on her team hitting boys near her

no one missed you

please dont come back

bceause his ult has 2 min cd and you cant teamfight without it


Lost 9/10 of my placement matches

Holy shit the answer on Riot PLS was a bait.

I mean.. I usually start out very polite, and be like
'please lulu, I cannot survive in fights without your help, I NEED you'

And then if they don't I start flaming. I'm pretty good at being exactly toxic enough to not get punished, but still get satisfaction from flaming. Ive been banned repeatedly in the past, so have a lot of experience.

Yeah. The real cooldown would be the per target cooldown.

Good, you ADCucks are scum
You're not "carries", you're just little bitches that want to 1v5 with minimal effort by having someone being your little bitch. Whenever something doesn't go like the ADCuck wants it to go, they sperg out, be it farm, being assassinated or whatever. No wonder nobody wants support, ADCucks are gigantic autists
I swear ADC mains should just suicide

>called Tobias a one trick shitter who will never get out of diamond
>people called me a bronze faggot
Well look where we are now.

Wait does this make her a legit top laner now?

Is there any reason to be happy?