There is literally nothing wrong with drinking estus.
Jaxon Williams
Going for a new run. Already got a faith build, what do you friendo's reckon?
John Diaz
Hand it over.
Elijah Anderson
>he's into watersports
Jacob Butler
What's best pyro build? DEX/pyro? Pure pyro?
Zachary Flores
turns out kicking works
Jackson Watson
If you can't punish an instant heal from across the arena, you're a shitter.
Nathaniel Rivera
Post Church Maidens.
Logan Torres
nth for reminder that if you use Gael's GS your win was fake and unearned.
Jason Harris
Zullie, if you're here, I'd ask if there was any chance to make a youtube video chronicling all the unused animations you've found so far. It doesn't seem to be documented anywhere besides your posts here.
Jaxon Hughes
Made the moveset swap from banner to dragon? Yeah.
Isaiah Morris
The Surge looks like lords of the fallen tier crap and I bet that vampire thing is gonna be the same, if it even is similar to souls and they didn't just put that prepare to dine tag to create hype
David Lopez
If you can't handle some PvE in your PvP, you're a shitter.
Blake Powell
This thread has been blessed by Kingseeker Frampt
Liam Kelly
Yea, I was hoping the damage would also swap over to damage allies, similar to how carthus rouge with the banner works. I'm sure there is a suitable WA that will do the job. Any ideas?
Nathan Roberts
So I'm trying to make a low level invader to just stir things up. My goal isn't to smash the fuck out of people, but to pose a mild challenge and not tryhard.
The goal being to add fun to the game. I don't plan to really be honorable but I don't intend running into the enemies to heal and such either.
Can anyone suggest a really fashionable low weight armor setup?
Carter Butler
i wish kicking was either faster or always broke a guard
i also wish i could kick consistently
Caleb Cooper
>get invaded while playing solo in the smoldering lake >red runs to the giant worm >put a seed and see him get destroyed I love using those things
Lincoln Wilson
If you can't outspace a weapon that has the potential to take you 100% to 0% in a single combo.
Caleb Cruz
Matthew Morgan
If you can't deal with 1HP enemy, you're a shitter
Nicholas Wood
So which one of you guys is Malcolm Reynolds?
Adrian Mitchell
Heavy Greatlance. so that's decent enough then for ring set up? Also for fun I have a simple infused dagger, it isn't fully upgraded yet for when I want to mess with the weapon art and get FP back slowly. Other than that I don't do much casting, really.
Nathaniel Thomas
I see. You make a very interesting argument, user.
Matthew Howard
then you must die with no recourse
Henry Garcia
>even fists have phantom range
You know, considering how they used pvp to advertise the first dlc because >we want the esports crowd
you'd think they would care a whole lot more about this shit.
Asher Morales
If you can't finish a sentence from start to finish you can't
Dominic Nelson
If you can't outspace a slow heavy greathammer, that has the potential to kill you with it's 2H R1, Jumping R2 Frostbite combo, you're a shitter of the highest degree
Julian Davis
Papa Nito grants many skeletons of fortune as well.
Jayden Gray
I meant to say, that's what I should be going for, right? I don't have any of that, yet, still working through Base game, Up to Lothric Castle/ Archives right now.
Owen Foster
is it okay to use this on my 10 vigor pure clergyman (female)
phantom range is lag though isn't it
that means all weapons have it
Josiah Long
Stop mocking the Fallen Knight armor and calling it edgy, it's one of the few good original sets DS3 has.
Chase Perry
My first character used this then I dropped that character. Now that they buffed this shit I want to go back to him.
Justin Parker
>skeletons of fortune
that's a fucking myth. no one has ever seen one up close
Ryan Rivera
Ok poopy pants
Brayden Walker
Yeah, it's just more noticeable on some weapons. Every person using a straightsword becomes a minigwyn, it's damn annoying.
Juan Taylor
That's a good ring setup, yes. I doubt simple will regen FP fast enough for what you'd like, just chug ashen estus, even in the most honurabu of duels thats completely allowed. If you want a sidearm/finisher use a rapier or something to capitalize on the leo.
Aiden Kelly
t. pissy pant knight of want
Jayden Garcia
The millwood axe is pretty entertaining, are there any other fun strength leaning weapons?
Nicholas Phillips
Here's something I didn't know. If you aggro a mimic, run away and sit at a bonfire, they'll sit down where they were standing when you used the bonfire.
Jordan Fisher
If you can't dodge this slow weapon or roll the second L1 properly then sorry, but you're a shitter!
Cooper Martinez
How should I respec? I don't feel like Morne's is doing enough damage.
Jackson Murphy
>it's one of the few good original sets DS3 has >original >tfw no hooded black elite knight set called evil eye set
Nicholas Brown
The helmet tho...
Caleb Richardson
i just figured this out today too
actually they just go back into chest mode whenever they de aggro you
was this in ds1/2?
Blake Wilson
It's caleld the Yahar'gul set.
Parker Nelson
>611 AR >not enough damage I mean, I guess you could go 40/40 with a refined lothric greatsword and use lightning blade on it.
Easton Anderson
isn't it just a dented hooded version of the one the dlc guy wears
Tyler Sullivan
>run into Malcolm Reynolds >make it out without extra items or any weird shit >next match I run into some guy named Yuria, Heir of Fire >kill him with a fellow Aldrich >he gets back up and just launches a barrage of Vestiges at me and kills me instantly
I love playing on PC sometimes.
Luis Nelson
I have a couple questions regarding balance and stuff after the DLC. First, is the splitleaf greatsword any good? specifically wondering if the R1 links into the WA, because that seems like it'd be really powerful. Also, is the real of Steel Protection unfucked in PvP now? Is it worth carrying a +3 ring to cut down on damage taken? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Jaxon Butler
Don't reply to this post unless you have superior fashion.
Adam Martin
Aaron Young
nothin personnel kid
Brayden Nelson
Fucking fabulous. Is that dancer's set?
Isaac Cooper
Parker Taylor
>start a hollow build a few months back >hiatus >ringed dlc is available >new patches revamped infusions I want to make a auxiliary character based on either bleed or poison. Is warrior still the best class to start with? Are hollow builds dead?
Ayden Howard
is that supposed to be Griffith's edgy brother?
Christopher Rivera
Luke Garcia
>wearing girl armor
looks like griffith and guts kid 2bh
Bentley Kelly
Well, I mean, I need to kill hosts quickly when invading gankers. And the WA isn't doing as much damage as I remembered, was it nerfed?
Gavin Bailey
>literally just an armor set without the helmet Git gud at fashion souls, friendo.
Easton Cruz
I don't think you have any room to talk
Luke Roberts
Stupid Hector! Rosalie is dead!
Colton Phillips
It's Jailer Gloves, Herald Trousers and Pyro Crown.
Jonathan Green
Someone tell me what I can do with Executioner's Helm. I can't fashion it with anything but it's my favorite helmet.
Brandon Powell
Quakestone Hammer, Vordt's Great Hammer, Gundyr's Halberd.
James Rogers
Your fashion is godawful and you look like you're trying to hold in a poo
Levi Sanchez
Jackson Gray
who is your favorit boss
mine is red knight :))
Aaron Bailey
I like it with the Clandestine Coat and the Drang Gloves/Leggings.
Gavin Miller
Is Gael black?
Adam Brooks
I personally use it with Morne's armor, though admitedly the different levels of shininess can be an eyesore.
Some faggot spear kept invading me with one so I pulled out mine and shit all over him. Then I pointed downm felt great.
Evan Price
someone said they were hosting at high wall.
Tyler Gonzalez
Is it just me or is the stone parma kind of based for what it is
Levi Lewis
Intended for
png this time around
Thomas Foster
I mean it's a smaller BK shield
Levi Reed
>want to replace my gaels with another greatsword >black knights seems great >that godawful r2
Well.. guess I keep jumping around like an asshole.
Jacob Jenkins
My twink actually used the sun set but after switching to bk shield and adding a secondary long sword I don't habe enough equip.
Swappes to fallen knight and its a perfect 69% all these invaders think I'm a free kill too now but I have on prisoners amd +3s and better at spacing and trading than most.
Kayden Sanchez
Is this the best weapon for gank spanking?
Zachary Collins
Sebastian Reyes
>Want to make a Ganondorf/Ganon cosplay build for invasion purposes >There is no trident weapon >The Four-Pronged Plow looks ugly >Bident is close but not quite there >Nothing else really looks good
I suppose moveset-wise the Winged Knight Halberd is closest to how Ganon uses the trident in the games. Any recommendations?
Carter White
Alexander Hill
Any help please?
Also tips on catching people who just come in for a poke or R1 spam then roll away and continue to roll until you cease chase, then come back to poke?
Cooper Price
not edgy enough
Caleb Reed
Nigga its 600 fucking AR.
Maybe swap out hornet and throw on prisoners. Wait why do you even have on hornet with no parry tool?
I would aim for over 30 stamina and keep the 40 vig.
Also your main problem is probably no fucking poise.
Michael Adams
>no matter what i do i can't fix the nameless knight breastplate to make it similar to its ds1 counterpart instead of giving me huge mantits way to ruin one of my favorite sets, fromsoft
Wyatt Watson
>love everything about Gael's Greatsword >it's THE crutch weapon
Please, I just want it nerfed. Just remove the three hit combo and lower its damage a bit and we're golden.
Hudson Evans
Is the Demon's Scar actually any good as a pyro flame?
Ayden Foster
Levi Barnes
add some question marks to this picture
Jayden Foster
>implying it wasn't like that in DS1 as well
Jacob Walker
>doing the lothric war banner glitch at ringed inner wall >everyone I do it too is summing for help with midir >feel guilty because I know the feel of the midir struggle
Whats a better location to fuck with people without feeling bad?