Dueling Network General - /dng/

Thread #2504
Cardfus Edition
Last Thread: New mechanic, Link Summoning: ygorganization.com/ekisotorarinkuexclamationpoint/

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>YGOPro (Mac): mediafire.com/file/6vvclua195urlb9/ygopro-1.033.D-Percy.dmg
>High Quality YGOPro Images: ygopro.co/Forum/tabid/95/g/posts/t/23339/The-Ultimate-HQ-Card-Project
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>Current Official Rulebook: yugioh-card.com/en/rulebook/EN_SDSE_Rulebook.pdf
>Wiki with a wealth of information for the players: yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page
>Official /dng/ ruling test: testmoz.com/466984
>Hypergeometric Probability Calculator: yugioh.party/
>Yu-Gi-Oh! stock market: yugiohprices.com/

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●OCG: Collectors Pack 2017 (May 13rd)
●OCG: Cyverse Link Structure Deck (June 17th)
●OCG: Circuit Break (July 8th)

●TCG: Structure Decks Machine Reactor & Dinosmasher’s Fury (April 14th)
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●TCG: Dimensional Guardians (May 26th)
●TCG: Pendulum Evolution (June 23rd)
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●TCG: Starter Deck: Link Strike (July 21st)
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Chaos Goddess

Maybe Harpies.

This monster is cute!
Level 3 Cyberse searcher when?

Reposting new SPYRAL GEAR card Reminder the final SPYRAL card will be revealed tomorrow.

why do people like bullying the cute level 3 psychic girls?

>Cardfus Edition
no keep it back there
for once I'll agree with a

Is tomato best protagonist?

>go into akinator
>try to get your cardfu
>post results

I joined his room, just set one monster then for like 5 turns, he did nothing but sit on a single monster and a single card, i spaced the backrow and it was quaking mirror force, and then give him another turn, he is still sitting on his single monster so i get bored and summon kaleido chick and do the BARE MINIMUM of one special summoning, which is for Leo Dancer and then the guy screams in all caps DID YOU READ MY DESCRIBTION YOU NOOB, and the proceed to keep joining his room asking him how are lunalights popular and he keeps kicking me out and even if i join spectators before he does it, he removes his room.

It might seem rude but i find it amusing (or even arousing) how closed minded these people are and their reaction to new stuff.

That's not bad. Definitely at least a 1-of.

He keeps fucking freezing on me.
He's close though. I was sweating when he started to narrow it down but guessed high priestess.

out out out

Delet this

Cardfu edition?
Sign me in

What are your expectations for the final SPYRAL MISSION trap?

you first faggot

>Just beat full meta Dinokangs with shitty pre-MACR Dinos
>Nigga can't figure out his combos with Lost World stopping him from targeting monsters
>Even after I'd let him draw eight cards with Maxx C


It's a trap. So it will be shit. It won't be good enough to compensate for being slow.

Reminder that Aoi pleases old men for something.

go back to being a crybaby bitch soundwave


Step it up /dng/

Take this shit elsewhere.

Probably what the other guy said, but who knows. Konami wants to sell these cards, ya know?

Fuck off

>That face
Oh god

/dng/ has no standards because people rarely drawn non-normalfag cards

Who is that? The guy who wrote the Lunalight cuckfiction?

based on the art something like equipping an opponent's monster for some effect.

fuck off already

No u

>3 more Timelords
And of course ygorganization forgot to tag it under CP17

Who's this slut?

Some tripfag that uses Lunalights and i think was the dude who stomped on Mariomon's true kings deck

EZ with Serene Psychic Witch.
He guessed Tamiyo from MTG, High Priestess, the queen from Candyland, and Sheba from Magi (?)

Not as big a slut as Pilica

shouldve trusted my filter

I'm trusting my filter now

she's a boat slut

Where can I get a YGOpro with Link Mechanic i cant find it.

>boat slut
Wot the fok does that mean

Ruri is a slut

I can't find a ruling for this. Can Cyber Dragon Infinity equip a token monster?

nips like turning WWII Warships into cute girls.

Can't I collect Shawn

no you fucking moron

tokens cannot exist anywhere but the field period

Tokens cannot be used as xyz materials so i guess CDI can't attach them AS xyz materials


token can not be material

She can fit a boat up her cunt

Alright thanks guys thats what I thought. Its bit of a strange interaction.

lithium's first link video has a >link to the BR download

>Level 10 White Aura synchro
Will this eventually get printed like the 6 and 8 plus "White Stingray"

thanks dling now, but fuck. No english?

not till july tcg

what the fuck, Akinator ?

sex with kasha

getting warmer, I see

I have a feeling that Percy will update the very moment I fall asleep.


Go to sleep so I can mess with the new cards faster then.

How Link Era Pendulums Should Have Been

>Pendulums get reworked into being able to place them into any S/T zone
>Any monster Zone between where you place them becomes an PMZ
>You can Pendulum Summon into each zone but the monster(s) needs to fit the scale of each zone

Is there anyway to tell Akinator to change their pics for characters ?

Just wait for Link Pendulums.

STILL no ritual pendulums.

I just realized that to implement Link Format in YgoPro Percy will have to make a new client. I don't think it can be updated via the way new cards are.

But where will we download it and how will we know where to download it?

blame ono like everyone


>But where will we download it and how will we know where to download it?
From the client. It won't be a soft update. But it can still send out archives to update with.
It has actually happened once or twice even since soft updates were implemented. Like when animated backgrounds and it enabled one to spectate already started games etc.

>Level 3 Cyberse searcher when?

That's a fiend, stupid.

>Gamaciel is bugged and doesn't have to remove counters to negate and banish leading him to banish my entire field trying to bait him
I wonder how long this has been a thing since no one uses pure Kaijus

But it can search Cyberse!


cyber dragons are so fun i dont care if they arent meta or not my robo dragons are my pride and joy

Mine isn't bugged and I play pure kaiju.

Cyber Dragons just seem to be mermail tier, let them do their shit and you're a dead nigga.

post deck please

Well there were only 2 counters on Capture Mission and 0 on Waterfront and that Gama kept banishing my shit

Must be a bug in Capture Mission, I don't use it, just the field spell and slumber.

>Holy shit a synchro with over 3000 attack.

>They literally don't exist outside of Cardians and Jack decks anymore.

Crystal wing fast dragon when.

Archetype of Level 3 monsters whose shared effect is "Once per turn: You can increase this card's Level by the combined original Levels of each other monster you control" and their unique effects are Tellarknight goodstuff.

The Spells and Traps have effects that bonus off of controlling level 9+ monsters.

tags when

Best cardfu

Anyone have BRpro that wants to play?

>play Akinator
>think of Leo Dancer, he guesses a generic catgirl
>think of D.D. Assailant, he guesses Blue Saber
>think of D.D. Warrior Lady, he guesses Blue Saber (again)
>think of Pilica, he guesses some bitch from .hack

Shit Akinator, get it together.

I jsut started reading the new link monster rules, and I have a question.
If I play Shield & Sword or any other def/atk point swapping card, will it affect link monsters?


I got an English version, too bad it came from reddit

>Blue Saber

Last Mission tomorrow?

I can't wait for Collector Pack to hit. I really wanna build Timelords or Amazoness on pro.

>Think of Magileine, He guesses some M:TG bitch
>Think of Dr. Pepper, guesses Diet Coke
>Think of the girl in the red dress in the Rhythm Heaven Games, guesses some other bitch


Never, hopefully

So how many Numbers left?

Post meme cards that actually became meta relevent

>yfw "Blaster eff ;)"

It's a one-of at best as Laggia food or random game-ender.

>tfw we live in an age where Jurrac Titano can actually be summoned but Titano sadly sucks balls

Nigga, ultimate pill means you can asspull a V.F.D. with 3 mats at best, titano is a level 9

Kyle Colon ran 2 Tryanno Infinity in his top 8 build


She's p l a y a b l e now, I don't care how average she is, I'll find a way to fit my waifu into the deck.