League of Legends General - /lolg/
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So I installed mxm. What's the point of this exactly? Why do people play multiplayer games other than league? I don't get it.
Bros give me strenght to go play soloQ and carry. What role?
jungle or mid
>tfw more people play jarvan jungle than rek'sai jungle
Wonder why
support. stomping autofill retards is easy af
What do I do as jungler when all lanes are losing and enemy jungler is making pressure?
mid and top
Who would win the Sona vs MF battle based on canonical powers?
power farm and build tank
Lose the game
Because Rek'sai briefly knocked Lee Sin off his throne as King of the Jungle and was dumpstered for it. Elise suffered a similar fate for a time
My champ pool, what should I play to get out of Platinum V?
kog is freelo if you have a dedicated shieldslut
double trigger gun nigger is freelo
xth for Syndra
well then you're just fucked. but as a jungler you either want to give your team the kills if you're playing a tank, otherwise play busted shit like graves and carry. if you're playing a tank and steal all the kill then you'll just become a senator armstrong
Twin Milf is a really good read.
Get fucking rid of Vayne. I'm low elo and the worst fucking thing is people who think they can play Vayne well.
Invest some more time into Caitlyn and Ashe, those mechanics can help you grow. As for the rest, Lucian and Jhin are pretty good right now.
Depends on the writer since we've never seen either of them in a real fight giving their all. I'd say Sarah just because as a pirate she should be far more experienced at fighting then Sona, but maybe Sona's magic is just fucking BS.
Now if it's a titty contest...
Team often says I am playing too passive, but when I get cocky I just get focused and die, I am trying to position out of danger, what should I do in this situation?
>When you hit the level 6 just in time
>no Ahri
Straight pleb
Cheerleader skins when?
Does anyone have a spare account for EUW/EUNE?
My second account got permabanned ;_;
Is Lulu for lewding?
What, for free?
comfy bfs~
also sad magefags ;_;
>top asks if supp can pick him yasuo
>supp has name yasfuo
>says yes
>locks in yasuo
>says brb
Confidence and playing ADC is the thing you wanna learn.
For example.
>Lucian and Thresh vs. Vayne and Lux
>Lux is low on health and so is Thresh
>Lux doesn't have any summoner spells.
>Thresh has exhaust, but Vayne has heal.
A player who knows Lucian knows that Vayne even though she has high damage output is easily beaten with mobility, if you can use Thresh's low health to his advantage and bait the Vayne. (Which ofc she will go for it) You can go for Lux who will be busy trying to cc thresh.
Once you kill Thresh you can turn right around and kill Vayne because Thresh will have exhausted her.
This right here is what you need to be thinking constantly, not the best example but it's simple.
You need to think, how do I get myself ahead, what risks can I take, what are the limits of my champion.
Most of ADC is just impulse and planning, once you get a feel for that. You'll fucking skyrocket.
to piss off lulufag?
Depends on whether or not you are an alpha tentacle monster.
Ideally for free, but I'm open to suggestions.
>dodge oris ult
>nope sorry hehe it was slightly bigger than the visual and got you anyway! hope you enjoy another fun game of league of legends! :)
Boy I sure do love how riot adds on just a little bit of extra range to abilities to totally fool you into believing you're actually dodging, when you're really getting fucked over.
>watch thresh hook fly past my support
>attaches itself anyways
>similar thing with naut anchor
Also fucking christ. I meant Lux instead of Thresh. That one time, being tired does this too you.
Not him but how about Draven? I know people call him cancer all the time but I fucking suck at playing him. Juggling his axes is the only trick to him but that's exactly the problem. I never know if I should keep going for my axes and dealing damage or run away because people know that all they have to do to beat Draven is separate him from his axes.
>now Zac's got a hook
This shit is what tilts me the most
>save flash because I thought I dodged the hook
>nope apparently didn't
well, I'm willing to sell 1 if you don't find any, it's in EUW
>tfw I have a friend to gift me both the new champions while I gift them both champions saving 3k IP.
Ok, do you take oral services for pay?
>somebody pings that your flash was available
I dodged, I couldnt handle another experience changing game
no, sry
how much?
Don't bother with Draven. He's honestly not that good of an adc.
His identity was the adc with the highest damage, but now he got replaced by Jhin, and he's way easier to play and kite with while dealing way more damage and having teamwide utility.
Tfw Cho's Q hitbox is smaller than the visual
>replaced by jhin
kekking at ur life do you know anything about adcs or DPS at all?
I hate this so much. People intentionally go off meta just because they want to try something new. Use the fucking practice tool, or play bot matches.
>they added a pitch modifier to Zac
>when he's low on health he gets smaller and his voice gets higher
Believe me Zacs that just barely escape with 10% HP and spam laugh will be THE most tilting thing in the game after this patch.
/lolg/, I want to fantasize about some champ before bed so I can dream of them.
Who should it be? What should they be doing?
So Illaoi's new core is going to be DD>SG>TF if ahead IBG if behind right?
Knowing how to juggle and when to agress is the biggest part of playing Draven. If you can master how much damage you know you can inflict on any ADC champion-
You'll be that much better at ADC, but that's not all of it.
Map awareness, CS, Trades etc. All a part of the learning curve.
>can play Thresh, Tahm, Bard and Taric
>can't fucking play Janna
just in time for the 10 bans
> They're changing my first main
I'm so torn on how they're treating Zac. The Q looks fun, sure, but the ult looks useless.
Is Janna the most difficult support to play? Everyone seems to have trouble with her.
>Ghosting enemy team through a stream
>Calling out where enemy jungler is
>Doesn't matter because our Jayce top feeds Aatrox, somehow, in record time
>Aatrox just walks around the map one shotting everyone
>Glimmer of hope in our fed midlaner
>He just keeps hoarding the gold
>Overextends and dies
>Game is over because he's the only player with gold
Guess I deserved it for playing dirty but man I fucking hate people who are so bad they can't even lose lane correctly. How the fuck do you manage to feed a fucking Aatrox SOLO?
Illaoi is the 60th most banned champ. She's not going to be the target of one of the 10 bans often. Not while shit like Graves exists.
around 30 euro maybe?
In silver and lower people dont know how to play against her, saw her banned there all the time
Theres even daily reddit threads ranting about how op she is.
I know, its fucking retarded, shes very binary and predictable but silver players just dont get it
>Your ADC picks Ezreal into Lucian
why man, what the fuck were you thinking
Janna is literally SO FUCKING BORING that people feed on her because they actually try to DO SOMETHING and play the game instead of standing behind acturret hitting shield every 6 seconds and typing /all *sigh*
I'd be cracking up laughing because that sounds hilarious.
>6 shards to roll into the new champs
who /fullroster/ here?
I don't get why everyone keeps saying Aatrox is still bad.
Fucker's been getting buff after buff. Against meta tops he may get shut down, but against many easier tops he can roll over people with his surprising burst and sustain.
And now he's getting even more buffs.
Ive got a full roster but im just gonna spend IP because literally why not when i'm not spending it on anything else.
I'm sorry but there are some champions I refuse to own.
Yasuo, riven, vayne etc
Why does everyone forget his fucking jump is interruptable
Jayce always fucking knocked him away after he'd eaten a knock up and slow, why not just E him out of his fucking gapcloser?
I'm like halfway through 4800.
I think Kog is the next one.
the way nunu stares at me in champ select scares me.
right into my soul.
Like he's trying to say something.
I was expecting a nice turnaround kill and instead got keks
>That Kog spam ping
Even in Silver Illaoi only has a 1% ban rate, only the 9th most banned top laner, and the fact everyone gets one ban means people will likely ban out a champ from the position that they play, positions will rarely draw multiple bans.
If anything, Illaoi's banrate may go down because Dunk man's will go up to 90%.
Panth with F/ign
Jax with F/Tp
who wins ?
Thank you Nasus.
You're a good dogoo.
Thanks for carrying.
May good Nasus players carry your games, too!
>letting peer pressure limit your champion pool
unless your played them and didn't like them then that's totally fine.
when you get into the 6300's start combining champions shards, RNG result but for an IP discount.
>my team doesn't ban Lee Sin
>the enemy team picks him
When will they fucking learn. This is Elementalist Lux all over again.
Pantheon, although I suppose it depends on what you mean by "win".
>the enemy team picks him
So you got a free win?
I can't seem to win with her either, I can crush games as Lulu but give me Janna and we auto lose because it seems to me like she does absolutely fucking nothing. I can't carry because I can't keep people alive well enough.
I've played her for 3 years and I'm looking to give up because she has no fucking lane pressure which means you roll over the moment a Lucian shows up against you (Every game)
All the shields and tornadoes in the world won't stop my retarded fucking teammates from walking out of position, and her heal is basically useless. She has no poke or sustain, just disengage.
Lulu and Nami have that too, and are just better in general.
Xth for Vlad x Vayne
>This happens to me
>Watch him try to fight my ADC
>My adc just stands in minions and autos him
>mfw Lee's Q's
>herald is genuinely strong enough to justify the top and bottom roles switching places
>it'll never actually happen because nobody will take the first step and do it
Also to clarify, her heal is useless because you have to fucking CC yourself to get it off, which is literally never worth it
You will just immediately eat the nearest skillshot and die.
>herald is genuinely strong enough to justify the top and bottom roles switching places
Your 5 minutes of experience with the PBE tells you this? Wow, you must be pretty good user. Have you tried competing?
I guess, generally during laning phase I am trying to focus ADC, unless it's Soraka.
I noticed that my biggest problem is that I don't use my AA range to full potential, often go to melee tumble / dash and putting myself in disadvantage.
Just had Yasuo support in soloQ btw.
>have to finish essay that's due tomorrow
>have to wake up early to go out with friend
>sleepy as fuck
>havent played lego legends since last thursday
Life is suffering.
I just didn't like how you had to outplay most of the champions in the game to actually win so I never picked them up. Renekton on the other hand is slightly different because his outplays are almost brain dead at times.
>sneaky watching those 9/11 parodies that people sent.
I'm losing my shit so hard, aren't those videos against twitch though?
>Enemy team has a Kha'Zix
>If you lose first tower you literally can't go anywhere near your own jungle for the rest of the game
>Or else he will kill you with 1.6k damage from one Q
I fucking hate this stupid ass champion, Talon tier levels of bullshit. Genuinely starting to believe Riot's stupid "zed is the healthiest assassin" meme
Whoever gets herald first singlehandedly determines first tower gold and she's strong enough she can usually take the T2 too, sometimes even getting some damage off on the inhib.
>das puto asco fiora
qué quiso decir con esto?
Also /lolg/ told me that Fiora was unbeatable.
LeBlanc is objectively the healthiest assassin.
In what fantasy land are you living in where a team can just commit 3 people to an objective and not have the enemy team notice to the point where someone can just walk into a lane with herald and force down two towers?
The only problem this buff being too strong will bring is it will force junglers to commit more vision top which means stretching what is already a tiny vision budget even thinner
Fucking Riot gutted vision in pre-s6 and it's been "surprise, it's rengar" ever since.
>dashes to you from base
>shoots you with gunblade
>aas you with lichbane
>ports back to safety
*psh notin personel karry*
You know how we constantly have 4/5 man bot now because first tower gold is so important, and fights botlane typically snowball into double kill > take dragon > take tower?
Herald is so incredibly valuable that whoever gets it first is possibly going to be the single most important thing in the game for the first 15 minutes. Really, the only important thing is that getting Herald is now objectively better than dragon, and has much higher stakes because there's only one.
hey gay cuck, hows it going with your crush?