>tfw crucifixion is a manifestation of the idea that man is momentarily stuck at the crossroad between essence and matter
If your a sun worshipper
Not that anything is "wrong" with that. According to many to many Pagan superstition Christ worship is Sun worship, and this belief is carried out even though there is evidence of His being outside of the Bible.
That's fucking stupid. It's a manifestation of the idea that someone wants you to die painfully, and nothing more.
Constantine, the emperor who established Catholicism in Rome, was a sun worshiper, as were most of the pagans who suddenly said they were Christians without even bothering to convert to Christianity.
Constantine died a sun worshiper and donor to the temple of Apollo.
That's the first pope for anyone keeping track. The transition from the emperor being Pontifex Maximus to the "pope" being Pontifex Maximus started right here.
There is a lot about His physical being in AD until He dies, but it also according to many pagans (not all) Christ is an analogy, though Christ is recorded to have existence in 30, but becomes pagan-ized with Constantine ?
"As we have taken the circle as the symbol of reason and madness, we may very well take the cross as the symbol at once of mystery and of health. Buddhism is centripetal, but Christianity is centrifugal: it breaks out. For the circle is perfect and infinite in its nature; but it is fixed for ever in its size; it can never be larger or smaller. But the cross, though it has at its heart a collision and a contradiction, can extend its four arms for ever without altering its shape. Because it has a paradox in its centre it can grow without changing. The circle returns upon itself and is bound. The cross opens its arms to the four winds; it is a signpost for free travellers."
No, it's the lack of ability to breathe due to your leg muscles getting exhausted. Then the lack of oxygen kills you. All symbolism aside
You see a cross right
Its just the right shape to nail a hominid to for a slow, humiliating execution.
Because the horizontal bit is like their arms right.
You get it?
The empire never ended.
What if history up to this point is but the fever dream of a deity that's been imprisoned by the material and is slowly bleeding out on a cross?
Or it's just a really painful punishment that induces a long, agonizing death. I don't think it had anything to do with symbolism until Christianity made the cross its symbol.
The only prior symbolism would be that people would know you were the worst of the worst, a thief, a murderer, a traitor, something like that. Cursed.
>using dumb arbitrary observations of loosely related characteristic of basic geometric shapes to compare 2 different doctrines.
what the fuck is even his point?
>christianity is more aesthetically pleasing?
>according to these shapes christianity is more awesome?
>"just look at these shapes--therefore christianitys better"
>[the circle] is fixed for ever in its size; it can never be larger or smaller
OK and what specific characteristic of buddhism does this relate to?
>there aren't big circles or small circles? what???
Who the fuck is this moron and is he freebasing?
(yes I can use google and wiki and I know his name is chesterton but seriously, who the fuck is this guy and what kind of idiot would make any sense out of his gibberish)
is there anything at all that suggests this?
Yes. The Roman catholic church is the extension of, and continuous presence of, the Roman empire.
It's run the same; one man at the top, a senate under him, and so forth and so on. It's even run from the same place.
Pontifex Maximus became Pontifex Maximus, but instead of commanding legions, the "pope" commanded people to do his bidding or be exiled into hellfire.
The popular belief of which gave the pope overwhelming power.
Are you literally autistic that you can't understand the poetry of an idea without seeing it as a point being made towards the goal of beating someone else?
>the wheel rolls around wherever it pleases
>the cross is stuck in the ground
I'm really glad this fat fuck is dead and buried, we have enough fedoras and shitposters as it is
The Bible, both the Old Testament and the New suggest that the world will end when Rome falls.
In the Old it's Nebuchadnezzar's dream of four kingdoms
In the new it's the notion of "that which witholds" the Antichrist in Pauline epistles.
The world lasts for a thousand years after God burns Rome with fire.
He Who Restrains, and he's the Holy Spirit.
>hurr durr
Why do so many Christians subscribe to these looney conspiracy theories like every Pope being the anti Christ, Illuminati, NWO, etc.?
I'm not even asking rhetorically, I'm genuinely curious.
The title of the pope is the antichrist.
Vicar of Christ is latin and means "in place of, in stead of."
In the greek, it's anti-
The popes are literally antichrists.
Anti- means against, because the anti Christ will literally be against Christ
How is the Pope against Christ? (Other than differing with you theologically)
No, anti- does not solely mean "against", although the popes are also against Christ.
They literally say the pope is Jesus on earth, as Jesus is in heaven.
This is not a conspiracy. They say it in the open.
The pope is the false prophet of Mystery Babylon, as revealed in the bible. He's the leader of the one world church that will hand power over to the actual antichrist.
Roman catholicism is just Babylonian paganism where they changed the names to confuse the gullible. It's 4000 years old, not 1700. Same baptism, same "Mother of God", same "Madonna and Son", same "Queen of Heaven", same everything right down to the hot crossed buns.
Can you explain to me why you believe this? That was my original question. Why do you find this to be fact despite the unsubstantiated claims?
They're substantiated in many books including "The Two Babylons" by Alexander Hislop, "A Woman Rides The Beast" by Dave Hunt, and probably a hundred Christian writers in medieval times, as well as a handful in the mid-19th century.
It's also in the bible.
I'll give you an example of how Roman Catholicism is the same as Babylonian paganism, and not Christianity at all.
In Babylon, the Sun God King's son died, and his wife the Queen of Heaven, Semiramis, went into mourning. She fasted for 40 days. At the end of that time, her son was miraculously raised from the dead. They had a festival and called it Ishtar.
Today's Catholics put ashes on their head, a sign of mourning, on Ash Wednesday. They have a 40 day fast they call Lent where they give something up. Then at the end of that fast is Easter, aka Ishtar, the resurrection of the son.
It's exactly the same.
The Catholics were told that their Lent has something to do with Jesus' temptation in the wilderness, but here's the facts around that.
Jesus was baptized. Nobody died, nobody was in mourning. He did have a 40 day fast in the wilderness. At the end of it, nobody raised from the dead; Jesus rebuffed the devil's temptations and ended his fast.
The two accounts of Babylonian Ishtar and Catholic Easter cannot be closer intertwined; the more you look, the more you see. Even the rabbits and the eggs are from Ishtar, as fertility symbols.
And to this day Catholics call Mary both the Mother of God (not in the bible) and the Queen of Heaven (condemned in the bible).