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Finally Seris as OP image, thank you.

first for i want Maeve to take my virginity at knife point!

first for nando best boy and man



Apologies to Fernandoposter tho

Last time I bother reading twitch chat.

Guys i cant detonate stickies mid charge, is this the end of BK reign?

How the fuck do you even claim the free chest? I get the choice between Purchase and Details.

Is it in training grounds? It's been bugged there for few patches already.

>mid charge
I mean before they stick to something


Yeah, it was in the training grounds,fuck

Why the fuck is Lawnigger still at 7,5k?

OB48 is shit, OB49 when



lo-rez probably noticed that a lot of 10 year olds were using mommy's credit card to buy le justice nigger since they don't get any gold, so they decided to keep the price high

Confirming. Shit's rigged.

>is this the end of BK reign?
But our explosive emperor is immortal.

>Be top eliminations and healing with Seris each match
Thank you Jewbear for my new main.

>new damage class patch
its going to be way worse

they didn't even bother adding a title for seris
that's hilarious

>hello, raynday here, and in this patch we are going to nerf Seris and all the frontliners, now all the dps and flanks start gaining ult before match starts KEEP GAYMING.

It's probably going to be blast damage, meaning it will be fucking AIDS like almost all blasters.
I like OB48, OB48 is good.

i got the voice pack when i opened the free chest

has anyone actually gotten a snek item from the free chest?
I'm pretty sure it's rigged to always give you buck shit or voice packs

>Blast damage with CDless mobility and Cluster Bombs on Q
Watch her still be nowhere near as good as BK

Hot Seris meme build incoming. At Chronos 2, you'll be able to pop out to quickly heal someone before instantly going back into your normal shadow state.

all my buds got a buckshot and voice pack too

i got snek voice

the fuck is this throw bomb animation

I got ayylmao head in my main account and the fancy snake weapon in my alt

it's fucking terrible, when I saw it on PTS I definitely thought it was just some placeholder and they'd update it when the patch went to live. haha whoops, forgot who I was dealing with

Yeah, but that's because BK is busted.

But Drybear told me that kerfuffle means 'having a good time'?
>tfw Lex encourages people to make commotion so he can arrest them later for disturbung peace

Posted in the ded thread by accident, whoops.

How the fuck do I choose the person I want to heal with Seris? I don't want to heal the Kinessa that is miles away from the objective, I want to heal our tank, but Jewrez thinks something else.

Drybear is simply more well versed on hot new British memes than you or the dictionary

just dont look at your kinessa ever, like you should always do as a healer.

>Evade the dragon punch with everything i got while benny hill theme plays
>Drogoz does a 540 and gets me anyway
I forgot how much bullshit this game is

Holy shit am I delusional or is Seris with Agony really good at screwing over squishy flanks? Because you can stun them out of their escape!
>IT'S WORKI-stunned

That is why i like ying as healer, if she's alive and with you you can juke his ult with an illusion.

I got the skins as last 3 chests. But got the dragon ones in the process as well so...

if you play her as a damage/flank its really good, if your aiming to heal the range and duration are still better.

fuck you phone

The only reason I'm playing her.

She has some really lewd voice lines and a lot of sighs.

>instantly going back into shadow
It takes 2 seconds to enter the shadow realm without the card, and at max level it reduces it by 60%.

When the meta shifts so we need 2 healers and 1 tank instead of the other way around, she'll be a must grab.
Right now I think she's kinda useless in competitive.

>Inara is useless and has no impact
>Song name pretty much related.

I think I'm around 90% winrate with her.
Maybe she just fits my play style perfectly.


>Play Seris with Agony
>Notice Maeve main with weeaboo Naruto name
>Stun and kill her whenever she gets near me, making her life hell
wtf I love Seris even more now

>lot of sighs.

what did he meant by this?

Do you not know what a sigh is?


I like Seris' voicelines, this one is my favourite so far

Holy shit, her voice pitch doesn't match her pretty face. What a blunder HiRez.

Nah, once you play a few games with her it really grows on you.

Don't be rude, user.

>check paladins for new champions
>see this new Seris character
Wooow ok guess I'm updating the game JewRez

>6k damage tree

She sounds like a 40+ year old woman and I don't like it. Especially her ult.

yeah, she should have had a voice like Raven

>not into ara ara
Please someone escort this plebian from the premises.

To make it simple for you to understand, imagine a sexy christmas cake having a voice of a child. That's how it is for Seris, it's a miscast of VA.

But this way is an improvement.

>sexy christmas cake
>christmas cake having a voice
The shit you are talking about.

>play against people who are so bad, they lose against 3 flankers
>"hey guys look at my score aren't I good"
I can kill bots too user

shut your trap, newfag.


>imagine a sexy christmas cake having a voice of a child
I'm afraid you've lost me there.

>trying to make me feel lesser for my achievements in a video game.

Damn, it's not working, but that's pretty pathetic of you.

How do you claim your free chest?

did they fuck up match making some more?
I'm getting way more re re matches today

ITT: People who don't know what a christmas cake is.

What a bunch of plebs.

pic related: best christmas cake.


Not my screenshot, but there you go.

What would be a good alternative to a player getting dropped and being replaced by a bot?

Lowered respawn time for the team with the bot?

>open a dozen chests
>have everything except the body of the skin

Try opening the game again.

Yeah, I click that and there's nothing afterwards other than me being able to purchase them with crystals.

>Lowered respawn time for the team with the bot?
I don't know if that would really fix it, but it might be okay.

Relog then, just like said

how about flank seris? her shadow travel and stun make her a better skye

You only need to launch the game 2 times
Its fucking weird but thats how it is

>I was only pretending to be retarded
How embarrassing.

what if instead of an insta kill,the dragon punch hits you and gives a massive knockback/damage that stuns if you hit a wall of something?

>putting words in someone's mouth
>in a text based forum

Shadow Travel might be better, but Skye has more than twice the damage.

I swear to god you guys will try to make everything into a flanker.
Could work, but I worry she might not have enough burst damage.

then what is the purpose of his ult? Drogoz's ult is hardly fight changing, it only helps you dominate the fight more but only if you're already winning, if not then the enemy team should make Drogoz pay for ulting their frontline by quickly disposing of him, and to be honest i'd rather have my frontline dead and their drogoz dead than have Drogoz alive dishing out crazy damage.

He's still replying. Hahahaha

Oh shit that sounds cool as fuck

I dig it, but Drogoz mains would probably riot.

>A shitty melee version of torvolds ult.

Yeah no.

I think it works for set ups at least, but your team would still need another healer, and good fucking luck getting the Tyra/Skye/Kinessa main to switch

jesus christ this is literally unplayable

HiRez needs to shut down the servers until this is fixed 'cause, homie, this is straight up whacked

Post titty healer loadouts

why would you ever want a tyra main to switch, i love tyra teammates, always put out good damage and nice point control with firebomb.

What was the last decent champ/skin voice pack? Torvald? Seems so long ago

I'd say Torvald too.

Now that everyone's insta-locking a support, go Acrobatics Pip. From Above 4, Refreshing Jog 4, Sprint 2, Side Tanks 1, Smithereens 1. During match, rush Chronos. You will not be disappointed.


This free chest is fucking rigged, I got the shotgun too

I like Lex as DCI Luther.