How valid is the New Testament?
How valid is the New Testament?
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What do you mean by "valid"?
Council of Nicea basically rippped out all the parts that they didn't like.
Wrong on so many levels it's painful.
There are presently 5,686 Greek manuscripts in existence today for the New Testament.
There are 7 for Plato, 8 for Herodotus and 10 for Caesar.
The time difference between the events and the oldest known copy for the NT is about 25 years.
Same gap for Plato is 1.200 years, same gap for Herodotus is 1,300 years, and the same gap for Caesar is 1,000 years.
Textural criticism of the New Testament surviving copies, which number in the tens of thousands, demonstrates that the original autographs, which we do not have, were transmitted at approximately 99.5% accuracy over several thousand years.
There's nothing else that close, but for the Old Testament, which has been transmitted at 99.8% intact and above.
Nice source you have there
Christian Apologetics Research Ministry
Great website.
>Old Testament, which has been transmitted at 99.8%
that doesn't mean much when the earliest manuscripts are from the 3rd century BC
2300 years of almost 100% intact transmission from rolled up charred and crumbling scrolls.
Takes a lot to impress you.
Yes, surely this is not biased.
Facts are facts.
Unsubstantiated claims are not facts, Christcuck.
What a load of shit
>lets discuss _____, a piece of literature
>This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use Veeky Forums for discussions of literature.
Except when they're conspiracies by Satan
Feel free to disprove any of them.
Documentation for one of the best selling books of all time is plentiful. Leave your cocoon and explore reality.
satan takes facts and twists them; it's usually not hard to see the twist. You just have to know your enemy.
I'll bother when you produce a credible source
>where's your evidence
>here you go
>No that's not evidence
>No its pretty accurate
>No its not
>Yes it is
Veeky Forums ladies & gentlemen
So you have no rebuttal.
The Oldest Surviving Manuscript of Plato's Tetralogies
(November 895)
Hunt, R.W., The Survival of Ancient Literature. Oxford: Bodleian Library, 1975, No. 56.
Medieval minuscules[edit]
Codex Oxoniensis Clarkianus 39 — 895 AD; first six tetralogies, designated B.[2]
Codex Parisinus graecus 1807 — circa 900 AD; last two tetralogies and the apocrypha, designated A
Codex Venetus Marcianus graecus appendix classis 4, I, designated T
Codex Vindobonensis 54, supplementum phil. Gr. 7, designated W
Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 228 — Laches, fragment
Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 229 — Phaedo, fragment
Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 3509 — Republic, fragment containing 330a2–b4[3]
Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 3679 — Republic, fragment
The only meaningful post in the entire fucking thread.
>Christian Apologetics Research Ministry
Fantastic site. Highly recommend.
It's a story book for small children.
Doubt I'd read the passion week to a small child, but whatevs.
Do me a favor and start reading Romans, then tell me how it's a child's story book.
>Falling for the shitty fedora bait