League of Legends General - /lolg/
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fluffy tails
So is Rakan disabled or not?
This champ is great at meeting new friends.
>this guy slaps your carry on the ass
what do you do?
you just know there are girls (females) irl that act and look just like xayah that are going to main it
Except he doesn't because i'm silver and always ban him, since there is no way to stop a Yi in silver.
mfw I'm santa claus
do I skill Q first on Rakan or W and E for a level 2 engage?
>Jungle Warwick
>Every game in my match history for the past 2-3 months has been jungle Warwick
>Pretty much all victories
>Normal blind pick
>Oh god why am I doing this
>My team instantly start bitching at each other
>Support and adc are obviously premade and are on something like skype
>Top Quinn "Don't worry guys, she's a viable top, just wait and see"
>Mid Nidalee
>Bott Thresh and Tristana
>Quinn gives first blood at 3 mins
>Nidalee fails constantly
>Thresh can't land his grab for shit
>Tristana feeding
>All turrets pushed
>Inhibs down
>Everyone dies when they go to check Baron
>They didn't wait for me
>Only one alive
>Oh fuck this shit
>B and grab Warmogs
>Jump onto Ez with my ult and activate Hydra
>Rape his ass
>Kill Katarina
>Singed throws me away
>Flash towards him
>Kill him
>Lulu and GP start to run
>Hit Lulu a few times
>Passive activates
>kill GP
>Kill Lulu
>Destroy 2 mid turrets
>Head cos low health
>Finish build
>Team now think we can win
>All push mid
>Inhib down and in base
>Enemy team start to spawn
>Fucking killing time
>Kill Ez again
>Holy fuck what have I become
>Rape last 2 turrets and Nexus
>Holy fuck WW GG
>GG wp WW
>5 honourable opponent
>4 teamwork
>6 friends requests
>2 game invites
Regularly get pentas now, silver 1 and about to head into gold league. Warwick is a fucking killing machine with the right items
>>>"tank update"
>maokai is the same except with a new ult
>zac is the same except with a new ult
>sejuani is the only one different
>previous updates have redone entire updates
How fucking lazy
this just in
Will herald be a highly contested objective now?
> Give away account stuffed with IP and nearly all the champs up to 2015
> They quit League
> Decide to try and relog into said account to maybe pilfer some IP for Rakan
> Find it was perma banned.
Fuck me with a fox dick.
at least they didn't fuck everything up like in the last 2 class updates
just riposte it ;)
holy shit
>shitters already roleplaying as furry botlane ingame
Thanks Riot. THANKS!
>give away account
>hurrr why did they do this >.>
what the fuck
we vastayans now
thank fucking god, not every champion needs to be completely different just because they're a few years old
>Try solo to check out new champs
>Can't pick Rakan
>Go into game
>Enemy picks Rakan
What bullshit is this? He was disabled!
>E's you then presses W twice
>walks away as you get killed by aids AND crabs
>100-0 your Carry with ult,Q and ignite on his way out
uhh lolbabs?how is this champion fair?
Can someone gift me Rakan or Xayah? Spent all my ip last week on some runes like a retard. Ign is Shad0w Wyvern. On NA
>towers target minions first
>tanks nexus tower shots like nothing
that ain't making it to live
Only thing disabled here is your brain
they exclusive to certified gamer couples for the first week
Hell yeah motherfucker
i want malz to oneshot me
>double the chance of getting new champ because its a double release
>premade bots everywhere
I only stopped because they said I gave the maximum limit, More tomorrow!
Remember to spread joy and happiness to those around you user!
"No John, you are the vastayans"
and then John was the vastayans
Probably depends on how aggressive you want to be, Q is good for trading, W is good for engage and E gives mobility/shield.
Q's heal increases with level not skill rank so leveling it only increases damage and lowers cooldown.
holy shit, what
Might as well since lmao 100k IP
>tfw aram only player
>don't have to face this shit
So is Xayah good or nah
btw you can easily solo it youtu.be
Boy am I excited to see my shitter teammates completely ignore someone splitpushing with this.
Graw play with me faggot.
How do people have this much spare? It takes forever to earn ip
professional NEETs
>ban Xayah
>entire lobby goes into self-destruct mode
this is why i play this game
Sure thing, add me up loser.
user pls
I've just been playing a long time
xayah is literally better sivir isn't she..
>banning lux when her skin came out
>then lee sin
>now birds
>soon Yi, Kha and Ori
I bet you're the type of faggot who bans new champs in normal games too
I used to have 120k ip before I spent it all on chromas. Its not that hard when you play a couple of games daily without buying anything.
>not wanting to live in Morgana's tent
No please keep dress and add more dresses
i like the part where xayah can ult to send juggernauts directly into the enemy backline
>Give this to Annie
>Use Tibbers guard it
>Throw in a zzrot portal so the tower has minions to shoot
It may not be an RTS now, but soon it will be.
Not that big of a faggot, sorry.
>tfw you're on your last promo to plat and the duoshit are holding your game hostage
Ban the girl or the boy?
Does Warwick actually point you in the direction of half dead champs, and nobody calls him braindead?
Someone pls gift me Sea Hunter Aatrox
Guys is the old adc build Ezreal still good?
When I build triforce and tear I feel very useless and I don't have much impact to the game. Every single matchup I feel like I'm a lot weaker.
I feel like manamune delays my damage way too much up til endgame and triforce rush is way too expensive. By the time I got it our turret is long gone and the path towards it except for sheen gives me weak stats. Even botrk feels very mediocre on him.
woah you're real hostile there, did you not take your autism pills today you stupid burger?
What did he mean by this
CertainlyT Morgana Rework
Soo you are trying to imply they did it because it was given to them, like that makes sense to you?
So when it comes to Xayah's estup, do I ksill latf AP unres ntii he r ikt ro sue agicm epenptration inste
Shitters will be shitters
Morganas getting a rework? Or are you just failing at shitposting?
How is Gnar doing these days? Do you think I can carry with him in lower elos?
Don't worry user the ambulance is on its way
You what, now?
did someone actually have a stroke?
lolg actually gave someone a seizure
you can solo new herald with any basic jungle champion wtf
can the user from yesterday post the xayah copypasta?
>haha silly boys XD
pls post it user i forgot to save it!!
You should have manamura trinity around 20-22 min and thats a good spike time. If you dont have 70%+ q accuracy dont bother playing him. He has to hit basically every spell on cd to do real damage.
Bork feels good. He gets a lot of mileage out of the passive between q and his 2 AS steroids
Not terribly well.
Sure, but there are better, easier and less team-reliant champions available.
Hey dudes!
Here's the final delivery from the contest we held earlier. I'll let you guys know when I finalize the starting date for the next one.
omg shoes
who's next after evelynn and urgot?
he is more for team games but you can carry as him easy on low elo
Who knows. Maybe Morde.
Somebody on LAN gift me please Rakan/Xayah, cant play a lot cause work but want any of the birds
ryse again
Not Viktor.
d-did he blue screen?
>more yordle shit
gettin real tired of this meme
>for the first time in over a year i'm actually interested in playing a newly released champion
>won't be playing it in ranked because i'm not a retard
>won't be able to pick it in normal draft because its going to be banned no matter what, or picked by the enemy team
>don't even get me started on blind pick
I'm not enjoying this.
Holy fuck we're dying together bro i cant breath
Don't let the door hit you on your way to hell!