>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
Other urls found in this thread:
Azura a best
Azura is shit.
These are my wives.
Filter and ignore all Venomroy posts
reminder to do this to every single trips
Lyn's bouncing boobs!
I'm pretty sure the one on the left is a dude.
>All these faglords think that they could take the OG Sigurd in a fight
Lyn~ Lyn~
Stay mad Ikefag redditor
sleepy tiki
>back at waifushitposting
Perma nuke on these general when?
>if *I* don't see a problem, the problem doesn't exist!
How fucking retarded are you?
>ive never been on a Veeky Forums thread:the post
Reminder that Fates is just one of Owain's shitty ebin fanfictions based on some legend, complete with his own self-insert and plenty of inserts of his friends and companions sprinkled throughout.
good taste
Reminder to ignore VenomRoy's anti-Lucina posting. Roy and Lucina are actually very similar in terms of character and should be friend
I'd like to see Chrom and Eliwood interact more than their kids, but yeah.
Don't bully my son you twat
Why would Owain make himself such a shitty unit in his own fantasy?
>literal non-character and cuckdelia 2.0 (now she falls in love with every guy she meets instead of focusing on Chrom!)
>good taste
kys pls venomroy is tha king
>if i feed attentionwhores attention, they will stop attentionwhoring
you're the retard here.
Suddenly is now okay. Wooooow
Can we not get a birthday thread for Kana???
Kana is shit.
But ain't Kana, like, not popular?
>not liking healthy attractive young women
m-muh cuckoldry
>implying anyone would want to make a birthday thread for a shitty knockoff discount refurbished dollar-store Morgan
+atk/-hp cordelia still usable?
Felicia is my sweet wife and Kana is my lovely daughter.
Hinoka is basically a dude and Cuckdori isn't worth getting cucked over
Get better taste, faggot
gee I dunno
Stop posting young girls.
>Not pure Sakura images
Delete this
How oily and sweaty are Corrin's hands after rubbing everyone's faces?
to reddit, you go back
What is /feg/ doing for International Lucina day!
>hack compilation still hasn't been updated
come on user, where are my hacks?
make me
I was going to make a Kana thread but I had to take a biology exam, this was about an hour ago when the thread was at exactly 400~ posts.
When I came back around ten minutes ago not only did we somehow exceed the bump limit (read: 300 posts within the hour) with a new made, it was all because of the tired popularity shitposting argument stirring up again with blatant falseflagging and people either retarded enough to take the bait or pretending to be to incite even more arguing
What the fuck happened?
nothing because I'm not autistic
P-p-please don't take my sunshine away.
*crits you for 3 damage*
Echoes was a flop
Auitsm happened, just autism.
Expect narratives to be pushed if anyone else responds to you
>Been rerolling forever
>Still no Tharja
Rerolling is sucking away my soul
I'm not even asking for anything amazing, I just want my waifu
Would Zephiel enjoy being surrounded by Dragon Lolis? Maybe a team with Nowi, Loli Tiki and Fae?
Highly recommended.
They'd probably bully him
But Odin's damage is fine?
>Of ALL the tripfags he singles out VenomRoy specifically
hmmmm.... I wonder who's behind this post.
>waifushitters who are mentally ill post non stop and no one minds
>one guy talks about Roy in a manner that's actually informative
>everyone loses their minds
Really gets the old noggin joggin.
get a room, Tharjacuck and Venomroy
>want to level up my gwen
>her armor is 1 lower than the supposed lowest amount for a 3*
Uh, is she super fucked or something?
Roy and Lilina love each other!
Nice statboosts
Fuck off Vemon
trip back on Luis
Admittedly at that point he was +2 in magic
But even at the end he was doing damage with his average magic.
Lilina loves Gonzales!
It's destiny.
nah you're just retarded
I have seen the future, folks. And believe me... believe me... It is BAD. It is soooo bad. There's a yuge dragon killing everybody. Women and children. Terrible. Absolutely terrible. The only way we can get out of this mess is for good folks to come together and support Lucina.
Kill yourself, shitposter.
Graduate grade school with reading comprehension and try reading my post again you fucking idiot.
Making sure the Dragonblood doesn't get too thin!
I was reading about Fates and the classes included in game and I ran into skill "Replicate":
>User can create a replica with the same appearance, abilities and HP as the user
Holy shit, are there any more overpowered skills in this game? You could basically field several units with this skill, duplicate them and gz, you now have double the size of your army. Or Im missing something?
Yeah ok Luis dont you have a discord to be shitting up right now?
no whes with Bors and his sexy chin
If one dies the other dies also.
Plus it's on Puppeteers, a shit class.
Best skills for Sharena?
I want to rub Elise's cheek. From the inside. With my dick.
Did Ikefags get out of school early or something?
buying skills is a thing
Gag reflex 3
She has the perfect face for it.
New DLC items for the first few SoV DLC got dumped, looks like Star Shards from FE3
This opens up some nice idea, Delthea with Cancer would be great.
Um excuse me but no, you need to be more tolerant of Grima's culture and stop fear-mongering.
>Starting fanboy wars
>Elly fucks Ninny
>out pops halfblood Roy
>Roy fucks Sophia
>expect another halfbreed
>result is literally a dragon with spiky red hair
>no human form, just a scaly lizard
What happened in that last thread? What a mess.
Wouldn't work.
Delthea is already cancer.