I just graduated and got my first "real" job. I want to get experience and then move to something better and higher paying.
Is 7 months too short a time? Or is it just long enough to not seem strange on a resume?
I just graduated and got my first "real" job. I want to get experience and then move to something better and higher paying.
Is 7 months too short a time? Or is it just long enough to not seem strange on a resume?
whoever interviews you is going to ask why you are leaving your current company...soo...how would you answer that?
A year usually. 2 years if the job has some type of prestige attached to it.
"This seems like a better opportunity because you're organization offers x, y, z and that compliments the skills I've previously developed with my most recent employer"?
I just want to keep getting skills until I'm in my dream job, I look at everything I do as a resume builder.
The job is shit, but I can be vague and lie a bit. The organization is a well respected nonprofit though.
7 months doesn't look good. Try to do two minimum
You don't develop skills in 7 months. At most places for any serious job, it takes a year just to get trained and acquainted with everything to get to the point where you actually start adding serious value.
You leave your job either when you get something better, or the job becomes bad.
Fucking americans. You have literally negative loyalty. Even the disloyal at least stick around if you pay them. You yankee fucks and cucks outright look for examples to leave or betray people.
Sad but true.
If you move around too much, no serious employer will hire you because they want lifers.
> loyalty for an organization that will give you the boot the moment it becomes most convenient for them
No thanks, Europoor.
>Companies are soulless and single minded
> They only exist to turn a profit
> If it would save them $.01 annually they'd fire your ass
> Some literally destroy the Earth and poison children
Why the FUCK would I be loyal to that? Fucking cuck, the point is to take everything you can and keep climbing.
1 year minimum
2-3 ideal
look at the europoor on the finance board - he doesn't understand the basic function of large corporations.
>lets point and laugh at him!
Maybe you would have had a point if we lived in the fucking 1960's.
Lol fuck off bootlicker.
>Is 7 months too short
Fucking millennials I swear...
>Loyalty to big companies
Good goy
this is so completely wrong
What I did was I stayed for 3 years (with one promotion to a senior assoc. In the 2nd year) in my first job even if the pay and work hours are shit, because the experience was great and highly regarded by companies.
There's no such thing in business. I know that a company wouldn't hesitate to fire me should it become advantageous for them to do so. Similarly, I have no hesitation to hand in my notice should I find something better.
It's a business relationship. Not a friendship.
Also, I'm a bong not a burger.
>7 month
>too short a time?
>Or is it just long enough to not seem strange on a resume?
>7 months
what the fuck do you think. If you work as anything for 7 months you entry level anyway, 2 years is a junior position.
Because of my degree and past experience I started in a highly selective consulting position at a well respected nonprofit - but I make shit. So I want it on my resume, but the job Fucking sucks and I want out, life's too short to be on call 24/7.
>I look at everything I do as a resume builder
so when you get to the interview for your dream job and they see that you never stay with a company for more than 1 or 2 years, Wont they assume you will only work there for a short amount of time?
Your resume says you are a job hopper, and you probably wouldn't even get an interview.
You are still in junior position, internships don't matter shit for anything above entry level
I've had two job out of college so far I'm on my third and I stayed 11 months for the first one and 15 for the second one. They key is to have a good excuse. Ie moving to be closer to family, office was too far away from sick loved one, wanted a career change, get creative and you'll make it.
ITT millenial wagecucks cope
>ya heh heh I'll quit this bs job
>heh heh just wait until Bernie is president, he'll teach corporations a lesson
>boomers had everything easy
>wish we went to Vietnam
Let's move to Vietnam guise