League of Legends General - /lolg/

Best ship


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so what do i build on xin?

ring of repick

3rd for DEMACIA

>be in promos for Silver II
>lose two games in a row and somehow get demoted to Silver IV after said two losses

What the actual fuck riot.

Can someone redpill me on Warwick

Is he good after the rework?

best ship

comfy bfs~

LeBlanc = Lebalanced
Katarina = Kapparina
Warwick = Weedwick
Kog'Maw = Cuck'Maw
Thresh = Fresh
Brand = Brendan
Yasuo = Hasagi
Rengar = Rengo
Ezreal = As real as it gets
Fiora = Feedora
Kassadin = Kappadin
Ivern = Green daddy
Riven = Reben
Garen = Destruction man

They're hilarious I know

very cheap eu boostan by diamond 2
p-plis respond need rp

Xth for the 2x4

>tfw Rakan and Xayah will eventually get retconned

Feels good.

>tfw everything is going perfectly
>in less than one day everything turns around and it's no one's fault
>everything is also out of your control
>it will take a long time until i can unfuck everything that was fucked

comfort me lolbros

xth for Syndra

Who is SteveZ, looks like a cool guy.

Why is Xayah's voice so bad??

>2 min ranked queue
Is the game dying or what?


Anyone played the new champs? Don't have enough IP for them. how are they?


their relationship is the only thing that makes them interesting

the reason ez/lux got retconned is because that ship makes the champions lose character depth

so lets post

Current listenings
Favorite flavor of gum
champ that if you get on your team you never seem to win


>any kind of mint really

Pretty good yes. He's no longer useless pre-6 and can be durable and disruptive. Works best building Titanic into tank.

triforce, rageblade, zerkers, gunblade, wits end, infinity edge

i want to fug one of these league groupies but im fucking silver what do

TriForce,Bork is core

past that its up to you

personally I like Rageblade,,Titanic and Steraks/BC

You can't be punished for afk farming to spite the team right? It's essentially just splitpushing which is a valid strategy

Is Braum a good support to pick nowadays? Who does he go well with?

u wot

>post yfw you don't have neet friends to gift you the new champs

>people actually think this game wouldn't lose 70% of the playerbase overnight if autofill was removed and instead queue times were 20+ minutes

i would play them if i had the IP to get them
can you gift one of them to me? (f you are on NA)

Anyone wants Xayah/Rakan? Get dubs and drop your ign.

NA only


it gets better r-right..
i'm not even tilted or play bad

may I ask you a question

I'm really not impressed by Xayah so far. Maybe it's because people aren't actually good at her yet, maybe it's because I've been playing Thresh for a long ass time and Qs are easy, but she feels gimmicky and weak. 525 AA range with no dash, and ALL of her damage is in her E. Quite frankly after dealing with Kalista Rend her feather bullshit isn't impressive in contrast.

Why is the 2x4 so lewd?

SteveZ is fucking great. Shame he hasn't done much league stuff

>Play mostly Tristana if I get ADC
>Rakan's knockup is faster than my jump
>Xayah with her ultimate only laughs at my all in attempts
The power creep is real. Tristana is still fine because of the buffs she got in recent seasons but her W and E are so clunky it's not even funny.

rakan please
IGN AtlaSTheIdiot

his aoe is always good for peeling, he works well with lucian

Hey man, one time I lost 18 games in a row. It'll be OK.

Lucian synergizes pretty well, easy to get off braum passive stun with his double autos

My exact thoughts.

I hit promos to go from Silver III to II, then lose them and instantly get demoted to IV without hitting a loss streak.

x zedderoni

Repost from last thread

Yeah that's an extreme case, but honestly if I get the impression that a laner isn't good, I'm not wasting any time trying to gank it. If no lane looks gankable I just powerfarm until one is. At least I used to do that, now I sorta visit them anyway to poke the enemy laner and maybe push the turret a bit. But especially with the not-so-good laners, doing that runs the realistic risk of the laner taking your (sion but can be anything ranged) q onto the enemy champ that's under the turret as 'let's dive this full hp opponent with at most 800 hp, what can possibly go wrong', resulting in a kill for the enemy. I tell myself that this kind of people would give away a kill either way, but it's still hard to motivate yourself to visit these kinds of people.

Generally if you want ganks, give the impression that you're a good player. And be alive when the jungler is farming his way to your lane. There's nothing more frustrating than a bot lane that goes all in 20 secs before you reach their lane.

Despite silver shitters opinions she is a free kill pre6 for Lucian and any engage support. After 6 you just need to get her ult out then kill her again.

>Rakan actually works better with Lucian than he does with Xayah

>Twisted Fate
>youtube.com/watch?v=Y0VNLhyuxg0 one of the jams that pumps me up
>spearmint, dont really have much gum

Only if they think you're failing to communicate or int'ing

So give your team a couple "careful" or "missing" pings and don't literally run it down the lane into their tower and riot will have your back

Aatrox - 8Tracks
Aurelion Sol - Aerosol
Blitzcrank - Blues Clues
Camille- Camel Toe
Cho' Gath - ChoDie
Graves - Grapes
Illaoi - Illinois
Jayce - Defender of Balance
Karma - Cuckma
Kog' Maw - Koggles
LB - LeBonkers/LeBonk
Lucian - Affirmative Action
Morgana - I want to fucking kill myself
Talon - Fedora man
WW - Dunderwick

Why is Hashinshin one tricking Aatrox? How funny has this been so far? I can only imagine the amount of autism that spews out of him when he probably tries to all in somebody early and die for it.

Dubs get for Rakan

>not using your own smurf to gift yourself the new champs



>having enough ip on your smurf

Xayah is R > E > Q > W with ER first time right?

If syndra was going to kill you
Would she use her power to rip you up
or would she bombard you with her orbs?


>Dubs on vg




>not rerolling on your main and gifting to your alt
2 * 5100 + 2 * 6300 = 22800

Send me ign: imthem

who cares about Hashinshin, he's literally a worse version of tyler1

Is Rakan Q > E > W?

I have no idea why I'm supposed to be impressed by a Fizz E on 120CD. I've had to deal with this shit on 6CD going over multiple walls, I'm not going to get LCS BIG OUTPLAYZ by a brief invulnerability.

xth for being santa claus



>everyone hyping this bitch up
>go up her with the KOG
>blast the fuck out of her and the bitch can't even touch me except the odd lucky feather
>can't even approach me in team fights
is this typical lolg hyping up shit for no reason

your mother

Syndra isn't going to kill me dear gurofag, but if she wanted to kill you she'd probably make your head implode and then bombard you with her spheres.

Just get a brand new champion! greedygoblin.blogspot.pt/p/do-not-play-league-of-legends.html

>Walks in front of Fiora with the vital facing her

>overpowered champ can defeat strong champ

can u gift me rakan?

>riot employees come here

this has to be horseshit

>no one on lolg comes to make you feel better even though they usually do it for others
>tfw now i feel cucked too

riot says in their announcement of her and in her champ spotlight that she needs time to set up optimal damage with her feathers

you know who loves a hero that has to sit around setting up instead of going in?
kog'maw because he'll be sitting there killing you from range






If I have to blind pick top am I better learning Rumble or Jayce? I feel like both of them can play pretty well into anything in the lane.

jinx is an anorexic crackwhore

holy shit he's actually retarded

not just his play, but his reaction

why is this guy popular

>no mobility
Ummm, I'll have you know that her R let's her cross walls. It basically can do what a Lucian e does on a 10x longer cooldown. How is that not broken?


>X support works well with Lucian

Where the fuck is Urgot, I don't care about these birds.

on NA

>mid yasuo
>does well in lane
>has zero idea how to teamfight and keep dashing in without us
>bitches he won lane but couldn't carry shit teammates
this rerun is getting old fast

>why is this guy popular

Go read your last two lines and you'll see. He's pretty much a less contrived tyler1 who's genuinely this autistic. Also I imagine a lot of top laners are like him in solo q so they identify with him feeding it never being his fault


dark star gameplay is live

any real niggas that have a ton of IP want to gift me Xayah?

Considering these champs

Which one should I get? I play top/jungle


When is Riot going to do something about players that refuse to contribute to winning the game?


get Mr. Crowley (yorick) for splitpushing top and muh gouls

Looks fun tbhh

theyre not there for your entertainment kid

I might do that. Give me your HOTTEST Yorick tips.

If anyone wants to retroactively pay it forward and gift me either champ, I'd appreciate it.

I used my 15k IP to gift the two champs to someone else and now have basically none.

IGN Merc Treads on NA