When I turn 18, I am moving to Africa to start a logistics company. Basically getting things from point A to point B. I am a tall skinny white dude from the USA. Will I get mugged and left in the jungle? What are your opinions about the idea? I AM GOING TO BE A MILLIONAIRE BY 25. pic unrelated
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>Will I get mugged and left in the jungle?
Most definitely
>When I turn 18,
confirming my suspicion for the fifth time in a week that everybody here is a mildly retarded 14 year old.
really explains a lot
fuck off neckbeard. I'm 17. you're jealous because you wasted your teens masturbating and collecting pokemon cards.
Why would you do that in fucking Africa? Nothing functions normal there, whenever a country fails at everything, it is compared to AFRICA.
Corruption, poverty, bad roads, no healthcare etc. You have to deal with all of that
Google stories about angry South Africans killing whitey with gasoline and tire fire after hours of anal rape. Shits hilarious. Search for it. Why do you think that Olympic blade runner dude started blasting inside his house? He waa scared shitless. Oh to kill his super hot wife, right. Anyway have fun Op. Africa is lovely
Africa is set for growth. Nobody there provides services the western way. It's totally inefficient. I see opportunity.
It's inefficient because its people are mentally inefficient. One skinny white guy isn't gonna fix that.
I dont give a fuck about making africa efficient, I care about making money, and when your competition are retarded, it helps.
You are gonna get killed or kidnapped by boko haram. Goodluck stranger.
I'm 27,; and I'm interested in trucking as well. Why choose Africa over America, Canada Australia, new Zealand or UK?
>You are gonna get killed or kidnapped by boko haram.
Those niggers are no joke.
>not realizing that the chinese are playing victoria 2 in africa as we speak
also, you aint going to do shit
, the roads in africa r shit
>set for growth
Africa's population is growing faster than their GDP. South Africa is slowly turning into Zimbabwe 2.0 and will be genociding their white population in the next 10 years.
Theres a bunch of good people in africa but tbqhfam the average IQ over there is around 70 and going nowhere fast.
This. In some countries in Africa, the average age is 15. How is a 15 year old going to grow the economy?
fuck these faggots of, go get raped. But, if you wan't to actually succeed, then hire my militia service. Ill get some of my ex-con hookups (brotherhood) and well rope some niggers for you. Shit, im willing to be a white militia could cut themselves a nice little part of africa if they wanted to.
OP, Chinks have you beat by about 50 years. They basically control Africa and its natural resources.
>Will I get mugged and left in the jungle?
>What are your opinions about the idea?
you will be mugged and left in the jungle
KEK the moment they see one of you fag tattooed aryan brothers walk on in the airport, you'll be getting more love than Stephen Donaldson.
I can't wait to hear about OP getting BLACKED.
I hope you like the bee bee see.
Damn, Victoria 2 is such good game. Sad that those Jews will streamline it and put dlc or even micro transactions in Victoria 3
Only true post ITT
I sense a high proportion of ameritards speaking of "Africa" as if it was a huge homogeneous country. Protip : it's not.
Where exactly do you plan to operate OP ? You seem to have no idea yourself, so Im willing to help you a little bit. I worked for 3 years in Mozambique, and I've traveled my fair share around Africa.
Some places are absolute shitholes on Earth where you're not even allowed to go as a tourist (Soudan, Ethiopia, Somalia) that's not even mentioning countries that are terrorist ridden (Niger, Nigeria, most of the Sahel (South of Tunisia/Algeria/Libya), Tchad, etc.)
Why do you think that in all of those 54 african countries, the White population lives in gated communities compounds ?
Somebody's been watching Vice docus...
There is a vice documentary about that, its called "the capitalist cowboys of africa" or something, go look into that so you get the idea how it is, also its a very bad idea. just watch the video.
forgot about it. heres da link:
>There is a vice documentary about that
No shit
Watch the documentary 'empire of dust' about the Chinese in Africa to realise why it's a terrible idea. Not to mention this is just the pie in the sky dreams of a 17 year old and you will never attempt it