Welcome to Sonic The Hedgehog General. Here we discuss Sonic games as well as the entire franchise including cartoons and comics. Share art, music, talk about new developments, discuss ROM hacks, speedrunning, and more!
/sthg/ #738 - Black & Blue Edition
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>Chaos.... >Don't do it, Shadow! >...Chaos...! >Don't do it, Shadow!! >...CHAOS...!!! >DON'T DO IT, SHADOW!!! >C H A O S ! ! ! >NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO >Love!
Anthony Watson
SSMB please go and stay go
Andrew Mitchell
Brody Allen
>tfw we're never going to see pic related get released
It hurts /sthg/.........it really does.
Jaxson Stewart
>>Chaos.... >>Don't do it, Shadow! >>...Chaos...! >>Don't do it, Shadow!! >>...CHAOS...!!! >>DON'T DO IT, SHADOW!!! >>C H A O S ! ! ! >>NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO >Order! *universe implodes*