What is the fundamental purpose of a country?
What is the fundamental purpose of a country?
to accommodate a specific ethnic or a collection of ethnic groups.
to continue existing
you could say that about anything
Country as in what exactly? A modern nation-state?
Doomsday/Death Cults/Religions/Philsophies don't exist to keep existing.
yes, to clarify I was wondering if there was a specific goal to countries e.g. make it's citizens happy
A body of power that people relinquish their rights to seek reparations, and protect one's own property unto in order to secure their safety better. If people were to seek justice on
their own terms it would be a blood bath. When the government fails to do that, it fails to serve it's purpose
to consolidate community power into one entity whose duty is to enforce the NAP
a lot of things try to continue existing
Read this
Let me explain Statist, the government PROTECTS rights, you don't relinquish rights to the government. I assume you live in some nation without liberty (everywhere that isnt the US)
To protect those that it aims to serve. In most cases this means protecting those born in a particular geographical region wherein the country has dominion; and protecting the children of those that live in said geographical region. In reality though, "those that it aims to serve" can be anyone, which is why country's have behaved so differently to one another in the past.
to protect taxpayers
Adding onto what you said, a right must be differentiated from a privilege.
Governments (or rather the people who make up governments) give privileges and can take them.
A state justifies itself by expressing sovereignity through usage of power. Its citizens are bound to serve their country to a certain degree as it represents their common interests. Its purpose is to alter the savage nature of humanity itself, enforcing the unwritten law of nature on a larger scale to prevent its usage on a basic level. People who dont see the use of this concept are exluded from this contract. A state looses its right to govern when it cant fullfill its purpose anymore
To further the interests of it's creators and replace the natural state of "being" with the "social contract".
t. Hobbes
simpsons did it
>mfw there are unironically liberty hating statists in this thread
To protect it's citizens from the crazy fucks outside the country
The natural state for humans is to be divided into clans (extended families). Countries are a mechanism to organise people on a large scale, beyond the natural limits of our evolved "pack behaviour".
To continue existing, preferably indefinitely.
If you want jungle law that badly, go live in a jungle and let the civilized folk get back to the business of building bigger and more complex societies
>infringing upon natural rights and enacting tyranny is civilized
>natural rights
Kek. Rights are a spook.
say that to my face and not online you little bitch
To ensure we don't go batshit crazy.
Also to provide some infrastructure for people to not have to worry about every aspect of living. If people work as a team they can focus on one task and master that skill. That benefits everyone.
natural rights are a meme. Show me the stone upon which God wrote my natural rights and I'll be the first to thank you, but until then I'll insist that the only justice in this world is what we create for ourselves through social contracts
>Implying a Hobbesian nightmare of a war of every man against every man is "freedom".
Even topper kek. Aquinas is famous because he was an early apologist, but his "arguments" are moronic, as are the people who still try to use them today.
It's like a credit union but for power.
Build a model of the universe. Philip Mason, Ph.D., Chemistry, AKA thunderf00t
Thank you for that picture. I will remember that quote when I try to explain to someone property as we know it today is a social construct.
Establish and maintain borders.
Encourage and declare a national language.
Describe and encourage a national culture.
Defend itself and its citizens from attacks within and without.
You'll see Him, face-to-face, right after you die, if not sooner.
Depends on the country.
And he'll thank me for standing up to morons who would twist his words around in order to justify selfish ends
>after you die
So how does that help us decide how to organise ourselves? I can assert that you WON'T see "him" after you die with every bit as much evidence as you have. Clearly we need something in THIS life to guide us.
>neighbor breaks your window
>you can't go over and break their window
>village idiot rapes your daughter
>you can't kill him
In order to have a government, you must give up some rights in order for a higher power to protect those rights. Otherwise, if people kept their power to uphold the "laws of nature", it wouldn't be done as effectively as a governmenT en masse. It's pretty much basic Locke
To have other people pay my taxes for me.
to extract wealth from the masses in exchange for the promise of protection of land and property
>the fundamental purpose of a country is to hang people who sing songs I don't like
Fuck Plato. Read this instead.
Aquinas is used by philosophers arguing that the cult of science is a mistake, and we should stop centering out live, society and development around science.
I became familiar with him simply because of all the pseudo intellectuals bringing him up in that context.
A country is just a orgenized society. So a country's purpose is to do and achieve what it's goverments wants it's society to do and achieve. Wether it's some kind of republic or dictatorship.
the term you're looking for is "force monopoly". Complex society only really works when people surrender their right to inflict retributive harm on others.