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*plays atmospheric old nagrand sountrack*

1th for WE WUZ DRUIDS fanfiction


Anyone here play on Proudmoore?

Is this some kind of shit server? In game latency is showing as 70ms, which is mediocre but bearable. But actual latency is fucking awful, spells, turning in quests, looting, etc are all super delayed.

Nope I play on Los Angeles servers that are located right at Blizzard HQ.

>elves dis mad

>tfw just got another legendary i'll never use

well that makes 5

please respond

I'm playing on eu servers and it's pretty low latency until I realmhop to mexico and the game freezes.

>randomly looking in group finder for a M+ group to join
>see someone on my friends list at the top
>hover over it, its 4 people from my guild in a M+ group
>look at guild
>5 online, the 4 of them in me
>they're looking for a healer, I'm a healer
>scroll up in chat, no whispers or guild talk about this at all
T-they probably just don't want to take a risk on a guild member they don't know r-right? Surely they just want to go with someone more reliable like... a pug? ; ;

>Have block guild invites enabled
>[Faggot] whispers: hey uhh i saw you didn't have a guild want to join mine??


nah you just suck

Do BGs and Arenas

You will get them in chests after the BG

Rated Arena and BGs reward more

I said nothing at all about the current state of D3, so I don't know why you're instantly jumping to its defense like I did.

>Being mad at actual lore that was confirmed in Chronicles
>b-but muh elves!!

>Tank challenge nerfed to fucking hell and back

Glad I got mine when it meant something

all RNG, I occasionally do a bout of BGs and it's pure luck, half the time you get combatant gear which you can't even obliterate for 10 welfare pvp tokens (75 to craft a piece of moggable glad gear), the other half of the time you get a glad piece but it's a ring or neck or some shit, so you just obliterate it.

not seen the boots/greaves/gloves for warrior t20 glad recolor since patch, sat at 150 tokens and hesitant to buy either of the 3 because I know the day after the WQs will award it to me

>tl;dr spam arenas if you have someone to spam them with, otherwise farm bgs and pray, do WQs with glad gear even if dupes so you can obliterate them, maybe get full set before tomb

>Other challenges are still nearly impossible for some classes/specs
>Enhancement challenge is still completely fucked

>tfw prot warr
>afk in skyhold when doing other shit and come back to 3 whispers asking for tips
>tell them about spell reflecting certain shit and throwing enough shards at the encounter to memorize the pattern for add spawns so they dont fuck up
>they just look at me funny when i say how warriors probably have it easier than any other tank right now even without the belt

it baffles me people even attempt this shit without looking shit up

I dunno i play on Emerald Dream. There doesn't seem to be an issue but other anons have been bringing up latency problems so it's possible you're just experiencing the servers shitting themselves.


>be fury warrior
>got bracers
>then cape
>then sephuz
>and helmet today

Now I just pray Arms doesn't outperform Fury when 7.2.5 comes out.

why don't you ask to join them

if they say no then leave the guild and find one that isn't toxic with in-groups that won't even group with their own guild

for the best

They arent changing shit for fury. Even if arms does better fury wont be subpar

What's /wowg/'s thoughts on the PVP brawls?

If there's something Blizzard does best it's consistency

I need friends on Stormrage.



Fuck you Arai-san.

here is your (you)


Whats it like playing on a non Roleplay server? I've rolled on a RP server since day one but I've heard that PVE servers are pretty anti social even tho its the servers where normies play.

>social to outsiders

pick uno

How much longer until we can turn in Resources again?

I have 900

>Go to goldshire again
>Out of the six draenei females checked, five of them had detailings of their massive futa horse cocks on MRP.

It keeps happening. I can't escape it.


>alliance in a perpetual state of needing more players (i.e. passive +50% honor)
>about a 90% winrate
Why even play Horde?

>yfw this


source quote meant for

leveling revamp when
legion level scaling applied to old zones when

>Check MRP
>Its a FUTA
>in all CAPS it says "No Males"

These guys are delusional right? They can't be straight if they fetishize dicks so much.

>mfw I show up to raidlead my guild every week only to get some cunts make me spend 2 hours wiping on Krosus despite the fact we've killed him before as they can't dodge fucking anime attack beams

>leveling revamp when

3 expansions ago

That's what gets me, honestly.

Futas are fine in my book but when every draenei female is a horsecocked bitchbreaker dom it's fucking stupid.



Is blizzard going the TTGL ending for WoW?

Anduin = Simon
Illidan = Kamina
Sargeras = Lordgenome
Void Lords = Anti Spiral

>male body + male genitals fucking female = straight
>female body + male gentials fucking female = gay

I see you are unenlightened to the true nature of this world


Illidan isn't going anywhere. Also, he died already in the early arcs, so it makes no sense making him Kamina since he's alive again.

Why even play Horde?

not if he serves the roles of both kamina AND kittan

Watching both of them is Gay.

The straight thing would be to do the fucking yourself not watching a female with a dick fuck another female.

i hope someone cuts his gay hair when he gets caught

Illidan will lead the Army of light sort of like how Kamina leaded humans on the surface

Anduin will be at his side in the army of light

Anduin will learn to embrace the shadow priest in him that he has kept locked in.

With his light and shadow powers he will be able to defeat the Void Lords after Sargeras sacrifices himself to transfer his power to Anduin.

There's no way we'd spend all this time bringing him back just for him to die in this expansion.

>listen up, Anduin. Don't believe in yourself. Believe in me! Believe in the Illidan who believes in you

And Voljin will deal the final blow

>we wuz faggots getting triggered in the thread
>greykilling nigs never setting foot in broken isles and camping level 1-60 zones

>Have to help out with Mage shit
I guess it was silly of me to think that Blizzard would make all quests related to your class/spec

I feel like a huge legion revamp in old zones would really push WoW over FFXIV and keep it on top. With a story revamp to add cutscenes and the linear mission line like legion has, The old zones would fill with life. Top it off with quality of life animation updates(Your character properly rides each mount believably) and bug fixes for starting zones such as the horribly broken Worgen starting zone. It would be amazing, Legion is an amazing expansion. Watching Sylvanas vs Greymane was really cool. More of that but in all the early zones would be the best thing.


>237 million AP for the next trait.

thanks blizz

Mages are just civilized Shamans

nice blog

>Shaman can't set their Astral Recall to the Maelstrom
>Magatha makes fun of you for being a Farseer but being incapable of making your own portals

thanks, sub for more

>tfw cant solo Hansgar and Franzok as Enh Shaman because they despawn when they grab me

Which class is the most fun to quest and explore with? I want to level something up with questing, no heirlooms, maybe even white gear
Any recommendations?

Get a trinket that spawns shit for them to target like mirror of the blademaster and use it before they grab you.

Liked and upvoted

>Ghost Wolf
>Water Walking

Or Druid
>Travel Form

boring answer but probably hunter
finding new pets was kind of ok-ish slightly

>without heirlooms

I've already got those leveled up in the last couple of years

I was thinking that too but I leveled one up even more recently, but I feel like I would actually play a hunter at max level

For those 3 classes.. What are fun races?

Mages are shit shamans.

>they have to specialize in a single element while shamans can wield all elements at the same time

Yeah I've done it before, heirlooms make it boooring

I can carry 4 weapons at once, doesn't make it a good idea

fuck you blizzard give me back my frostfire hybrid

Maybe after vanilla, but fuck vanilla, get through those zones as quickly as possible

Typical shaman think
Mudman knows nothing about magic

The only part of levelling I don't like it cata
Other zones are great and I'd willingly spend weeks levelling if I could

Shamans have to ask the Elements for Magical Power

Mages get their power directly from the ley lines across space and time,

Is there any market in goldshire for a dominant lady without a dick?

Twilight highlands and uldum(i know it's a meme) are ok

Whats the most popular noblegarden horde spot so I can park my female dwarf there for a while

Only the pleasure dens of Silvermoon have such refined tastes

Yeah I don't mind uldum so much because I love desert zones

Razor Hill probably.

>want to check out wow for first time in years
>scroll of res is no longer a thing
you aint getting my dosh activision nice try

>horde niggers level 100+ in every contested zone up to level 80
>can't set foot in the broken isles
Oh man, sad

Servers being shit for anyone else on US?

They got rid of it because now buying an expansion gives you a level boost

Which class/specs are the most fun?

That's a very subjective question that can only be answered by you

yeah but why would i buy the expansions with out being able to try the changes made in the game sense the last time i played?
2010 was 7 years ago i doubt anything i know about wow is the same


So what do you want, exactly?

>get lego
>its fucking boots that are worse than what i'm wearing
>get titanforged 925 from a +10 its for neck slot in which i have lego
>run 16 upper karazhan 7-10 in 24 hours
>never see a single eye of command drop
>kill world boss yesterday night
>no drop
>kill Apocron again today no drop reroll no drop
>kill Jim today no drop reroll no drop

yeah blizzard fuck my shit up real good

I like priest because disc and shadow are fresh and fun with no specs like them

>double invis
>blink, blink, recall, blink, with spell avoid on each blink
>blowing up people for not giving you their undivided attention
>no longer needs to charge up