Destiny General - /dg/
big dicks in your ass is bad for your health
Thanks doc
It's been scientifically proven that taking meaty cocks in the butt improves overall health.
Well no more dicks for me then.
Only if you're biologically female. Stimulates a different angle of the internal structures of the clitoris and improves bloodflow to the area like a massage.
If you're biologically male the micro tears and minor bruising from the act promotes a high risk of prostate and rectal cancer.
I'm not even joking.
Absolutely untrue. In the male it actually reduces the risk of prostate cancer.
It also feels good, and is really addicting.
I want to raid with joff!
twilight garrison is bae
Medical science. Google it if you wish to know more but initially it came from a study on why both males and females enjoyed anal sex despite the females not having an obvious organ to derive pleasure from that area like men do.
Short answer is the clitoris has a lot of internal structure some of which is lying nearby enough for direct stimulation but the outling areas can receive stimulation from vibrations assuming tissue density isn't an issue.
For the prostate it turns out any sort of bruising or tearing no matter how small is not a good thing and it just promotes a higher risk of cancer as well as enlargement and that sort of micro-tearing and minor bruising is almost unavoidable even from personal stimulation.
Fun bonus fact: women also have a prostate gland but its located above the vaginal canal but riding along and parallel to the urethra. This makes sounding a more rewarding and easy activity for them and could explain squirting.
Post your face virus, I want to see if you are really black
>tfw robolegs never ever
>no results
The only cancer I can find is coming out of your own ass
Used to be until an in-depth study was done that branched off from a anal sex study of all things.
Normal masturbation is still a benefit for your everything still though.
I miss my destiny disc
For some reason this i missed the link.
My bad.
Boom. Also anal sex for women isn't nice for the actual rectal tissue but there are benefits for the vagina. My bad.
Cancer for everyone.
(((American Cancer Center)))
>mfw coming to this thread to look for a raid group but all I get is trap posting and memes I can't understand
God damnit guys I just want to do wotm
its actually American Cancer Society but i guess reading is hard.
Burn, heretic
Im interested in the journals they cite their research, let alone knowing all that is a bunch of kikery and fear mongering.
Just the first result, m8.
Just type in what i did and theres pages including the study and the resulting paper on it.
>posting it again
no one cares
Are sunbreakers shit desu?
I usually main Nightstalker but want to try a Titan
>halfway through the season
>neo aku has not laughed yet
a destiny disc should be like $15 out of a used bin
or bum it off a friend who quit
quick glances show a lot of stuff about smoking and HPV rates. Some of it merely suggests a positive relatonship. Most people who get sodomized are STD ridden though. Mind the typos, long day.
>kikery and fear mongering
>actual medical science backwd by empirical evidence spawning form a study intended to empower women from the far alt left
>must be anti-lib shilling cause it tells me gay sex is actually bad for me outside the already known issues and thats intolerant!
Melting Point is good for raids but thats about it.
Depends on your playstyle desu.
Defender and Sunbreaker are top tier for raids, and Striker is pretty good for strikes. Play around with each and see what you like.
Sunbreaker is the best class though
Dudes depressed, man.
Go deeper. It gets into tissue tears, scarring, and issues that relate. Not going to spoonfeed you 100% if you're actually interest by "go deeper" i mean read up on the subject outside that one single link. Theres several papers related you could read too and form your own informed opinion on the subject.
I'm looking at the reference material as we speak though
Sure is Destiny here in Destiny General.
What's your opinion of lizzy? a new /dg/ trap that plays on xbox and pc
Lizzy is a friend of mine I sort of keep in touch with. She is a nice person and I hope she's doing well.
>1 day after reset
>already the thread is off the rails
well it was an alright 3 and a half weeks of "content" i guess.
Guardians make their own fate.
This is what you chose by participating in these threads.
Who the fuck is tripping in MY thread I'll get them banned asap
Nightfall anybody?
I'll come
No but these traps though. They look like girls, can't get pregnant, and most aren't as emotional unstable as women.
Can women even compete?
fuck off
2/3 for Nightfall. Gonna start it up. Feel free to join.
>Destiny will die before you get a Seventh Column
Is it supposed to be hard or something? I land em all the time as a titan. Specially last week.
>is it supposed to be hard
no dude, 7 kills quickly is super easy and happens all the time.
oh shit the game broke nigga
Yeah, it's been like that since day one.
Just run from spawn to spawn m8.
You should know where they'll be if you know where others on your team are already which means if you head to whatever spawn points they have left there will be a few kills.
Usually theres people on the way from one to the other so you just roll with it.
>start reading marathon lore
>get to infinity
what the actual fuck
Anyone doing WotM on PS4?
depends on who you are
Anyone doing WotM on PS4 and getting the consoles
Don't you summon him
are you joff
I would be down.
Infinity is weird yet good. The first two games were fairly simple in terms of narrative structure, but that game went all over the place to a degree that most games today still are incapable of doing.
So sorry, mang :(
>ghost tries to revive an older guardian before taking our guardian as his silver medal
>old guardian turns him down
>said he's had enough war
>dat symbol on his coffin
>Loses his shit when people refuse to worship his trip.
>Nice person.
Why are you posting with a trip anyway?
because if he posted with a trap he would get banned
apple just likes the attention, its why he keeps the giant mole on his face
>Shits on reddit all day long.
>Comes here and tries to force reddit mentality.
If you're tripfagging, you're the problem.
2/6 WotM getting consoles?
You all are desperate losers desu
Alpha Team is FINISHED.
do i have to avatar fag to not be a desperate loser or
Says the weeb degenerate.
I have an announcement to make. I will be leaving Alpha team at the end of the month. Certain restructuring of the clan and in team fighting has led me to this decision. I'm sure Zippys lap dogs will report this to him but I no longer care. Goodbye.
PS4 2/6 WotM getting consoles
>Giving him (yous)
Played like a damn fiddle.
i'm on welfare so i have yous to spare
Is that really Pandox? Boy is THICC as hell.
>390 wrath is the last destiny content drop
>record book is complete
I guess it's time to finish this. Can't wait to see what happens in december.
Shes also leaking /dg/er pics as you can see here
What the fuck
YTC hasn't posted in the general in months. That's an imitator.
I'm doing OK.
>t cup