If you do not like Poppy you're a faggot and should kys edition
In the last episode of /lolg/:
If you do not like Poppy you're a faggot and should kys edition
In the last episode of /lolg/:
Other urls found in this thread:
10 bans when
Original Lollypoppy is forever burned into my mind
Poppy will never be cute
>go to blind pick with a level 8 friend who just started playing league
>can tell enemies are mainly level 17-18 because some have keystones and some others don't
>get some random guy on my team who used to be gold last season
>one of those "i'm so good because i'm gold (5) " or aka challenger wannabe
>this faggot brings xayah
>ok i sincerely doubt he's going to feed against people this low in level
>this faggot feeds the enemy teemo and warwick big time (who were playing like genuine level 17-18s) to the point that i cannot carry
>we lose at 30 minutes because the warwick and teemo are up on everyone else by at least 3 to maybe 5 levels at all times + not even factoring in the gold gap
>REPORT (me and my friend) FOR NOT ROAMING TO MY LANE (shitter feeds his laners and expects us to roam to help him aka feed their laners more so he can blame us for it apparently not being his fault)
>REPORT (me and my friend) FOR BEING SHIT
>we both managed to not feed and cs fine
is this what its like when you get to gold 5? i'm only in bronze and this guy pitched a fit on par with an elementary schooler during the entire match
She's cute but Sion and Illaoi are more fun to play.
Also best skin incoming.
>Zyra shits out stupid amounts of damage
>look up her kit
>her bases and ratios aren't even that great and she has a non-damaging basic ability
what the fuck
why do you think they build liandries and rylais on her
she does good damage if you just sit in her plants. she does not do good damage if you are able to and do just walk away.
>just finished playing the new game mode
>no need for runes and masteries bullshit
>all the pulls and knockbacks
>watching people rage when they miss or fuck up and get rekt
>all the fun in a quick best of 3 rounds
holy fuck, haven't had this much fun in this shithole of a game since urf first came out
Poppy is my cute wife. I love her!
Ahri is a pure maiden!
fluffy tails
Best guy!!!
woohoo i have a cool guy to be my raken
Death by a thousand cuts
>Rylai's is core on Zyra
>only difference between her easily created ranged plant and her more difficultly created melee plant is that the melee plant slows
>Rylai's means the ranged plant is just totally objectively better
wew lad
Melee plant does more damage when?
These have been very happy days for me , so I'm feeling extra generous .
I'm willing to give all Xayah and Rakan I can.
Draw whatever league of legends image you can, must be cute.
I'll pick the winners when the thread dies.
NA only though.
How much Demacian dick has she taken you think?
holy fuck talk about a shitty file name
>40k ip
>he thinks thats a lot
>Poppy thread
Hey, how topical. Here's the delivery from the last contest lads. I'll let you know when I have more details about the next one.
Well that's why the melee is also attached to her snare.
What other games have improved your LoL skills?
For me it's been touhou and enter the gungeon, decided to start playing vayne after getting gud at those games
does the drawfag who did this have some kind of album or tumblr or some shit? need it for some release later
>what other games have improved your LoL skills?
the best way to improve your LoL skills is to actually play LoL.
which champion attracts the most obnoxious people?
Xth for war
I dont know, after playing bullet hell games all of a sudden dodging in league became easy as tits.
I got better after playing kamidori alchemy meister for some reason.
>enemy team gets blatant cancer in 4 of 5 roles
>but its silver
>watch as they flame each other for about 10 minutes straight.
Great being a fly on the wall
so about xayah mid?
I know I did fucking awful, I need to stop playing jhin
>that's why the melee is attached to her linear skillshot with the longer cooldown instead of the spammable huge AoE
This doesn't make any sense. There's no trade off. The melee plant is disadvantaged because it's melee, and then it's doubly disadvantaged because it's spawned by her E not her Q.
He goes by borvar, and he shows up in drawthreads from time to time.
His gallery is over here:
Thanks my dude
>My New Main
every fuckin' time
The idea is that they're being lashed at while being tied up.
as support, do I kill creeps?
spawning with her e means you root them on top of the plant.
in either case, you do enough hits to proc thunderlord before they walk away.
also poor fag here, someoone pls gift me Xayah
I kinda wanna start playing this game again.
Should I?
>Tfw Poppy will never plant her thighs on your face
is galio meta now?
>its a you have to ban the new champ(s) so your team wont pick it which causes you to leave all the op picks up episode
I totally just realized you might be talking about Uncharted Polygons, the guy who did the picture I posted with and not the guy in the imgur gallery. He's over here: unchartedpolygons.tumblr.com
It depends. But most of the time it's not ok unless you have a relic.
Sure, if you can stomach the initial grind.
Depends. Usually you just don't if there's somebody around to take them.
You'll want to take them if they'll be missed otherwise, but try to avoid messing up the wave.
xayah is one of the op champs. she does a stupid amount of damage as twitchlista.
rakan is decent, but just another support that you're not going to waste a ban on.
Best girl.
Best body.
Best wife.
forgot to say to include your ign and champion you want in your reply ofcourse.
Is anyone else getting Error 004, what the fuck is it and how do i make it go away?
I just wanna play with my friends. ;_;
it means that someone in your party has been banned since they logged on
error 004 means you got your IP permabanned by riot,
Idk what you did there m8 but that's some serious shit.
were you boosting? scripting?
The 004 Error indicates that your connection to the patching servers is unstable. This often happens as a result of conflicting network settings, so I'd like you to work through our connection guide to ensure yours are all compatible with League.
Please let me know if this caused any noticeable change.
I hope that faggot nunu player gets hit by a bus for starting shit over his ban.
tired of getting lee sin "support" with smite that goes into the enemy jungle and feeds his ass off because he spent money on a skin
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
We need a new braum skin
Who should I take to level 7 next
are there any NEETs out there willing to buy me xayah? I don't have any friends
Boiled Triangles (NA)
if you are not a neet then you would have disposable income to buy yourself xayah.
scarlet hammer poppy has the perfect hair color
we need a new graves skin
>if you are not a neet then you would have disposable income to buy yourself xayah
oh yes I forgot, university students have so much money
If you work a single fucking day you can buy multiple champs you lazy nigger
I am going to become a galio one trick
The only parting that is right with Braum is poros.
stop buying coffee and lunches. water and brown paper bags for you.
if you don't reply to this post your climbing chances will die in their sleep tonight
>this fag didnt check the african american box when applying to uni
enjoy not being able to afford league skins whitey
mf, I just lost my ass to a gloating mf top while my support went top and didnt say shit to me
t. highschool dropout
fucked up if true
joke's on you i've already been climbing
jokes on you, my climbing chances are already dead for tonight
You really can't spend $10 to buy a riot card?
sejuani (do not cheese it by playing support)
i was in that game, and you have no idea how mad people got at the xayah
i dearly regret not banning her, the adc had lucian softlocked so i didn't think she'd get picked
If you think that's bad, wait until you get to high elo Imagine being a jungle main and getting Hashinshin on your team three games in a row
>Playing normals
>Play top against GP
>He's throwing his barrels everywhere, not connecting them right, mishitting them, etc.
>"Sorry, i'm new :P"
Why the fuck do some faggots not bother using the fucking practice tool for champs with very technical shit to get down?
Like, it's fucking MADE for getting down GP's barrel positioning and timing, but people don't even bother.
jokes on you. i only play aram.
What practice tool?
sorry i dont use daddys credit card
too good to be in the game, try making the art more shitty next time
is that you, masters nunu
how can they die if i don't play ranked?
>decide im going to play lee jungle again
>practice kick flash like 500 times on bots
>get into ranked game
>kick enemy into tower and blow flash doing nothing after it
>team still gets kill but i just sit there and get executed
you can use the practice tool all you want, doesnt mean shit in a real match when people move.
So this'll sound stupid, but I feel like if a champ builds Liandry's then they should also obviously be taking DFT (unless they specifically need Stormraider's)
i don't think that's the point.
i'm pretty sure they'll find a way..
there is something lower than unranked.
>Masters nunu
I wish. I'm a low masters metaslave. I two tricked nidalee and evelynn to get here last season now i'm lost without my crutches
see this is the problem, what happened between early this morning when i first patched and bought Rakan, and this afternoon when it tried to get me to patch a 2nd time?
Not necessarily, because some champions (like Zyra) work extremely well with things like Thunderlord's.
They serve different purposes
Brand for example takes TDL when you have to all-in and can't afford the DoT for pokes because of high sustain or counter all-in or whatever.
You still build Liandry on him 100% of the time, despite running TDL a good amount of time.
Im not afraid of your cursed posts user
>12 minutes into the game and this sounds
>you have to ban a new champion only because your retard might pick him
>there are two new champions
>you can't ban both
>your Xayah proceeds to do no damage and feed her ass off
wow great release Riot, very appreciated
fuck you
/lolg/ approved streamers?