>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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Tharja a best and canon
Almost at 433 orbs saved up, fingers crossed VS Zephiel doesn't have her in it.
Azura a shit.
Tharja is shit!
sleepy tiki.
Azura a best
Seriously, when? I need this cute boy.
She's shit you cuck.
Post characters and their themes.
Meant for:
kys faggot
Breed Tiki!
I wanna fuck this cute boy
Any words you want to say about Fire Emblem as a franchise as we approach its 27th Anniversary within an hour?
Do you even enjoy Fire Emblem? No jokes, sit down and tell Prince Marth how you feel. You can also say something about Path of Radiance and Awakening since they released on that day too.
I wanna play with Tiki's ears!
I enjoy select Fire Emblem titles.
That is all I will say.
Actually meant for
I like FE but not as much as I enjoy miniature wargames or rts games.
Shadow Dragon is best.
>Palla solos a map 6 levels higher than her
>one level gained
Getting an entire level per kill when you're level 1 spoils you so hard.
Tikiismywaifu is my waifu.
Alm's boyfriend is very handsome.
>Do you even enjoy Fire Emblem?
It's a series that I feel always falls just short of the mark. Most every narrative in the series is mediocre at best, and the few games that do have good stories suffer from significant gameplay or challenge problems.
But I can't get away from it so whatever.
Fuck off cuckold.
I like Fire Emblem games that other people here don't like, and they can't stop me!
FE is shit
>old hag
>used goods
This post pretty much sums up /feg/
What do stories have to do with video games?
Meant for
I love FE even the games that are my least favorites have something going for them. PoR is probably overall the best FE we've had and Awakening is both a blessing and a curse.
Best slut.
I love you, Fire Emblem.
I want to throatfuck Est!
>best FE
Tharja will be in the banner tonight.
>old hag
Not a problem for Nowi, so why Tiki?
Nice buzzword.
>used goods
Nice headcanon.
Not in human form.
0/10 try again
Nowi is __________________
Hope not, so the cucks suffer longer.
t. Awakeningfag
Good, that means I can save my orbs.
Wouldn't want my account to get infected.
Not him but even though I wouldn't call PoR my favorite, it is definitely the FE that has the best balance in terms of narrative and gameplay. A lot of other FEs lean heavily towards one or the other in terms of quality.
I like Hana
If she is, the cuck loses orbs faster because he just cant resist rolling a better Tharja than the one with shit IVs he has currently.
Theme of Navarre, Rutger, FE7!Karel and Lon'qu
Less fuckable than her daughter
I want to like Fire Emblem and get into the series but i hang around here and literally the only game in the series i've played is Heroes. I played a bit of birth right and the mechanics seemed super large and expansive and not nearly clearly defined enough for me. There was all kinds of shit i just had to wonder about what they meant and did.
I must admit I didn't particularly care much for FE even after playing FE7 and SS back in the day, but currently I'd have to say it's easily hands-down my favorite series ever. As much as the fanbase can be irritating, the times when actual discussion takes place is nice and sharing the hype for certain events and reveals is a pleasure to share with everyone.
I wonder if Heroes will have some sort of commemoration.
>that team
Is this our shitty GHB banner....?
Narrative doesn't matter in Fire Emblem.
>2:00 AM server reset
>Zephy goes up
>"It's Fire Emblem's 27th Anniversary! 27 Orb Special Log-In Bonus, today only!
wouldn't mind Shanna banner tbqh
Probably, GHB are usually pretty shit except for one or maybe two good characters if we're lucky.
Marth's cuteness got me into Fire Emblem. Thanks Kaga.
And then you woke up.
How does Hero-King Marth feel about the current direction of the series? We all thought the stories couldn't become more retard after Radiant Dawn, but then Fates graced us with its presence. Gameplay took a nosedive with Awakening, Fates tried to balance it out, and then Echoes perfected its mechanics but kept Gaiden's barren maps. Do you trust Intelligent Systems will be able to Fire Emblem great again with Fire Emblem on the Nintendo Switch? Do you think they can learn from their mistakes and give us a game with a good story, solid maps, and perfected mechanics? They've created each piece individually in a least one installment, but they can never seem to wrap them up into one game.
Gimme. Only FE6 character I don't have besides Zephiel.
>"Ignore all colors except red" the banner
I like when narrative gives context for map layouts in Fire Emblem, like the prison chapters in Thracia, or the chapter where half your army starts incredibly far away from the escape point
You might want to start off with some more beginner friendly FE games like awakening or watch some videos and stuff. This is coming from someone who started with FE7 and has played all the games since.
>"save your orbs" the banner
I still enjoy playing FE to this day, barring the one exception. It has a ton of replayability, as well, so every run you do is different. I'm still a bit surprised it went from niche title to pretty popular series.
I think your expectations are through the roof and you need to learn to enjoy video games
>wanting Roy or Lilina
This. Fuck this oldfag bait garbage.
Give me Tharja!!!!!!!!
a focus on narrative and characterization was the reason kaga created fire emblem
>Not wanting Roy or Lilina
How are those high expectations at all?
But I do enjoy video games. I just want a Fire Emblem game where I can say "This is it. This is the best game in the series."
I just said that because they're garbage units in Heroes. GBA FE>Nu-FE
Yeah, just like Marth, Caeda, Ogma, and Barst were the last GHB banner.
>78 fucking HP on Zephiel, with 57 Atk on top of it
This is perfect for Subaki + Healer, wow. I don't like those knights, though.
Not that guy, but I need at least 3 copies of TA for my current units, and I would love a Roy banner now.
Leave Zephiel to me
When the fuck is /our girl/ getting added?
>implying I'm not trying to get more Roys
But Thracia already exists.
Fernand is pretty cool based on what's been translated so far.
He also dislikes commoners and peasants since they raided his estate which led to his parents and sister getting killed. Hence why he's not cool with Alm (who they just met) and him being made leader of the resistance he helped found.
Tharcia and Mystery of Emblem exists.
>anything not S tier is garbage
Haha true my fellow mlg gamer :)
>mfw my Snacki hits 61 attack w/ LaD3 and attack seal
>Tfw unironically looking forward to a shit banner because of SI potential.
Screw Zephiel, give me Lloyd and his bro already.
Don't play with my emotions like that, user.
Fuck off.
I don't necessarily disagree, but it would be easier to like it if I could actually read what the fuck is going on.
>Screw Zephiel, give me Xander and Camus already.
>put Nowi/Blue Mage/Distant Counter Effie/whatever on red X
>have Nino/Brave Archer/whatever assassinate blue mage, then Draw Back/Reposition
>kill Knights and Zephiel with ease
Funny enough: this is how I felt when I played and finished FE1, despite going into FE3 afterwards and enjoying various changes. Don't know what it is, but I really enjoyed the first game.
I love Fire Emblem. One of my favorite series.
Wish I knew fans irl though.
Seekers of Mila Banner Leaked:
Celica - Red Mage - Ragnarok
Saber - Red Sword - Silver Sword+
Boey - Green Mage - Arrow
Mae - Blue Mage - Aura
FIRE EMBLEM DIFFERENT DIMENSIONS OSTIAN PRINCESS banner with Lilian, Marf, and The Sucker when?
>Fake Difficulty: The Game
This might be the easiest GHB to date. 1 green and blue mage and someone with draw back.
>when its blue in SoV
Heck off