>user! wake up! You keep dreaming about the holy roman empire and shitty philosophers!
>We're about to take Moscow, are you in or not?
User! wake up! You keep dreaming about the holy roman empire and shitty philosophers!
"Clarify, Hans. Are we presently outside of Moscow, or are we on the way!"
Moscow is a spook.
Just because Moscow is, does not mean it ought to be taken
Praise skepticism
Idk man, I have a feeling this is all gonna go to shit and decades from now people will be writing nazi fanfic about us on a Mongolian basket weaving forum
The dude who destroyed the HRE once told me than taking Moscow aint enough to conquer Russia
*freezes to death*
So you probably wonder how i got here...
Sure thing homie just lemme check my Veeky Forums account first
>agonizes 6 months in Stalingrad
>thought they would take a city 3 times bigger with a massive defense
Huh how did I get in the german army ?
>Hans you retard, we're at Kursk trying to seal this salient. No fucking wonder we've been pushed back this far
Mein gott, I forgot to turn off the ovens at home.
The gas bill is gonna crucify me.
Stalingrad came after Moscow though
Imagine being a German soldier in Guderian's vanguard about to take Moscow, you must've been in a state of total elation. After the humiliating defiance of Britian, you must've thought "We're fucking back in stride now when we take Moscow the USSR will crumble, the red bear is slain, gg faggots, I'm gonna kick back enjoy some looted vodka. Then we're going to go home for the biggest victory parade in the world, bust deep loads in my qt.3.14 blonde haired blue eyed wife, and raise a family of beautiful children"
Then you get shoved back by Zhukov, then winter, then Stalin brings his Siberians back from the frontier with Japan to join the fight. Then Stalingrad.
Then you're like "hey it's a set back, but when it thaws out we'll fuck them up"
But it doesn't.
Then you're huddling in a foxhole in the ruins of Berlin, all your comrades are dead. you're hungry, you're tired. You saw your nations hopes die with Operation Bragration, and now the allies have actually landed in Europe, unthinkable. You'd kill for that vodka you never got.
Then you think about when you were last happy, at Moscow.
>You'd kill for that vodka you never got.
>You'd kill for
As a German soldier during the battle of Berlin that kind of loses its meaning.
>Hurry up comrade user, you're going to miss the train!
before typhoon they already had their doubts since 1/4 of their army is gone, 1/3 of their equipment gone and an angry manlet is shouting "TOTAL VICTORY" in the radio while they have to fight for every meter forward
the ever worsening weather and ever growing resistance of the enemy could only stirr one response in their consciousness
>are we gona make it?
>an angry manlet is shouting "TOTAL VICTORY" in the radio
Oh yeah, by the way, I got a letter from Hague adressed to you regarding that.
>hehe ihr Schwuchtel, Hitler kaputt
Thank you, user, this made me chuckle
At least you killed a lot of Russians, right?
>You make it through the battle
>Known as "silent Hans"
>Die in a Gulag
They didn't even REACH Moscow, Stalin was determined to make it hell for the Germans if they set foot in the city and they were mobilising their forces in the east in any case. Obviously it's speculative so we don't know what would have happened, but I can't see the Wehrmacht reaching Moscow as a tipping point.
Just say "ja" to everything and occasionaly do a "Heil Hitler" you'll be spitze.
"user, you're in the Waffen SS now, and Division Charlemagne at that too. Now drown your fears in that schnapps, and let's go take that city like your Napoleonic ancestors did".
J-Ja klar. Ich hatte nur einen komischen Traum in dem wir den krieg verloren hatten und ich im 21 Jahundert lebte
I just need my fix, kamerad. How about we requisite a commie farm and enjoy our medicines
>that was 2 years ago
>we're going to fly behind enemy lines and rescue Mussolini from his mountain castle prison
>then escape on small biplane on a short makeshift runway
You in?
The Storch is not a biplane Otto, it's a parasol
You're drunk again, leave me alone
Forward To Moscow
into the abyss
Is that a duelling scar or from shrapnel or something?
The Soviets had women on the outskirts of Moscow digging story deep trenches, there's absolute zero chance the Heer would've even made it to the city, regardless if Stalingrad fell
At first i was going to ask why they would want a heart drug, then I saw they oxycodone in the back.
Germans weren't going to to be able to siege Moscow in 1941. However if they had stopped their advance in the beginning of November and dug in defense lines to wait out the winter, they would have easily been ready in the spring of 1942 for an offensive on Moscow.
Stalin was still in his angry manlet phase in the beginning of 1942 when he made huge military errors while Zhukov had to sit and watch him fuck everything up. The Wehrmacht would just have to wait for Stalin to waste hundreds of thousands of troops in the winter and than they would be ready to take the city come spring.
Why wouldn't the Soviets just envelop them like they did with every other operation?
They only did that in Stalingrad because army group south was overextended across the caucuses. If the Germans had decided instead to attack Moscow they wouldn't have been as overextend as they were when they attacked Stalingrad, so encirclement is less likely to have happen. Not too mention that stopping their offensive in November would have saved them thousands of experienced troops and given them time to prepare for a siege of Moscow.
Let's go kills some slavs
senpai tbhtbqhf senpai idk familia desu famalam this was the Heers position in '41 , Soviets were still launching non stop counter offensives until the Siberian divisions arrived to overwhelm the Germans, i'll post the soviet December '41 counter offense picture following this post
The north was going bad for the Germans, you don't need me to tell you the loss of the 9th so quickly destroyed their safety from envelopment
The reason that the soviet winter counter offensive was so successful was because the Wehrmacht was over extended in December due to their push for Moscow and only had 1/3 of their tanks still in use. Which is why i think if they had stopped their offensive in November, before the Winter, and started to form a defensive line they would have been in a much better position to take Moscow come spring.
I'm not extremely well versed on Operation Barbarossa however, so you may be right. Just ordered pic related yesterday to try and get a better idea of the Wehrmacht chances of victory in 41'.
No you aren't wrong. Assuming they stop at the right moment,dig in and have enough breathing space too deliever Winter equipment the soviet winter offensive of 41 would be easily repulsed. The question is if a 42 offensive on stalingrad makes sense. The soviets expected the germans to attack there and case blue was so successfull because the soviets were surprised. It would make more sense to use your forces elswhere in 42.
*42 offensive on moscow makes sense
Let's take into account Germany was already at war with Britbongistan and America, holding entire army groups back in France for some reason, and the North African Campaign holding down over 100,00 plus German troops
Where would Germans resupply their men from to hold down their newly conquered 100 miles?
Should have clarified, In my alt-history scenario Germany doesn't declare war on America. Once Germany declares war on america it doesn't matter if they take Moscow or not, they are already fucked.
An invasion of Britain is obviously out of the question, but its not like the British could invade Europe alone either, so i don't see how Britain could be much of a threat to continental Europe by themselves.
Even if the Germans some how took Moscow, i don't see it as a guarantee they will beat the soviets. I think best case scenario is they fight until a stalemate and the USSR gives concessions to Germany.
Duell scar
agreed, everybody acts as if taking Moscow would have been "it" for the Russians. Obviously a large political and rail hub but no guarantee it would settle the eastern front.
Taking Moscow and then offering a peace offering may have been enough to end the war on positive terms for the Germans but they were fucked once the war made its way into 1943.
and yes no declaration of war against the US.