League of Legends General - /lolg/

Dark Star Orianna hype!


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xth for fuck you

They look and act like disney characters with a pg-13 edge


Build Sightstone in ranked if you are support.

If you don't you are garbage.

I'm tilted

The first instance of League on a PS4 soon

More like Dreamworks characters.

I want to CRUSH Orianna into a cube and smelt her for precious metals!



>tfw have been waiting for the past two patches in hopes of seeing star cutie ezreal
>start of the new patch and im already eager to see whats coming next patch

anyway lood comfy bfs~

Blade Caller Damage Array:

0% crit chance:
90 + 60% bAD 1 Feather
243 + 162% bAD 3 Feathers (required to root target)
495 + 330% bAD 10 Feathers(when damage per feather plateaus at 10%)

20% crit chance (IE)
99 + 66% bAD
247.3 + 178.2% bAD
544.5 + 363% bAD

50% crit chance (IE+PD)
112.5 + 75% bAD
303.75 + 200.5% bAD
618.75 + 412.5% bAD

70% crit chance (IE+PD+ER)
121.5 + 81% bAD
328.05 + 218.7% bAD
618.25 + 445.5% bAD

80% crit chance (IE+ 2 Zeal)
126 + 84% bAD
340.2 + 226.4% bAD
693 + 462% bAD

100% crit chance (IE+ER+2 Zeal)
135 + 90% bAD
364.5 + 243% bAD
742 + 495% bAD

For anybody interested in playing Xayah.

I like em.

Does anyone else in the League setting have gf/bf/wife/husband? The only other I can think about is Lucian who has a dead wife.

>get a little more trashed than when i normally play this game
>can only play singed mundo and tryndamere

what does it mean

What are you saying?

this shit is gayer than i am

>Super Galaxy Rumble will never go on sale

haha dae homosexuality? please give me attention lol

Whats /lolg/'s opinion on tyler1?

Follow your dreams.

I wasted so much time for a fucking chest with a ward skin in it.


>New Cosmic skins
>Icon released for Kassadin
>Super Galaxy skins
>Never released an icon for Rumble

>18 minutes into game
>my adc is 0/4/0 with 38 cs
send help

>Great champ
Thats wrong though

Someone post the tyler1 clown webm

>742 + 495% bonus AD
>fervor gives 60 AD
>300 extra bonus damage from your keystone

sellout faggot, but he makes redditors mad so he's chill

he has his thing going with greek and it seems to be doing well

Ah, damn. I'll try it. I noticed masteries final talent seems super fucking important and felt bad for a game I played because I ended up not choosing one since I was reading them for so long on the hero select. This shit's gonna take some getting used to.

Yeah, I've played a few games and felt fine, but things like the completely different jungle monsters/layout, and all those weird plants in the jungle just have me scratching my head. No way I'm gonna touch a jungler for a few dozen games.

Also already own pretty much even character in the game from when Azir got put in and before so characters aren't a problem. Though, I think what throws me off more than the new characters are all the old characters doing shit I had no idea they could do now. Like our Ryze has some big warcraft 3 Mass Teleport thing I was not expecting to get hit by AT ALL and was so jarred and confused when it happened haha.

You are good with those champs?

I'm lookin to get back into Mundo. I loved him but then everybody played him because pro players picked him.

Better than my teammates here in plat



Well they've said multiple times they fucking hate how runes work now and want to make them more interesting, as well as that leveling to 30 is an outdated progression system that doesn't really do anything but keep people from playing the game.

I expect they'll just do away with summoner levels at some point in favor of a flat "play this many games/do some piss easy hextech crafting with materials you get from being introduced to the game". Something like "play three games as support" and unlocking exhaust, or "get ten kills" to unlock ignite. Buying a few of the new runes to unlock rune pages.

Keystones are important, yeah. Some champs are really good users of them, some just pick one they can actually use.

Go look at new Galio, Warwick, Poppy and Sion.

Homie we aren't going to give you attention just because you are gay.

>Maokai into Lucian
>Enemy Lee decides this isn't hard enough for me, proceeds to never leave Top

>Meanwhile our Bot is feeding double digit kills to Vayne
>Meanwhile our Mid is feeding double digit kills to Syndra
>Meanwhile our Malphite is memebuilding full AP


New Yorick is sick as fuck

Have you tried him as support?

>shitting on new champions with literal meme champion
>with Titanic my E gives me almost 300 AD
Mundo think u big fgt

That's too generous
They look like a half-talented artist's donut steel deviant-art anthros.

Disney has better grasp of character design at even the lowest level than these two tryhards. Like they're in-universe tryhards...where's my Jax lore?!

Why do I get the impression Riot's already come up with a ton of ways to replace runes, and the only thing they're stuck on is how to reimburse players for buying them when they're gone.

>start playing 3s for free easy gold
this shit is like bizarro league of legends, I've never been more puzzled

>Not knowing about Ashe and Trynd

>ekko top with ignite

fucking faggot try hard fuck

Sounds like Malph is the smart one.

Full AP has the chance to pop both Lucian and the enemy bot if he can catch them.

Because that's exactly the problem.

They'll probably be completely reworked again, and any runes you own that no longer exist are fully refunded.

Yeah he tried that, ulted onto Lucian for the 1v1.

Lucian won.

I imagine he'd do fine ghoul wise with the support shield, but his wall would be fucked over with there being two people there to hit it out immediately.

I'm just more disgusted that the ghouls proc Corrupting Potion's damage.
Just throwing the ghouls at them level 2 and popping the potion would ALWAYS take out like half their health.


Why are people taking coin on rakan?

hes playing minecraft with greek atm lel

This is the best image.

Why do I have to put with this shit everygame.

>enemy x is always better than your x

Now double it

His q and autos are short range so not reliable for harass. His dash speed scales with movespeed.


That about sums it up.

It's a good item, and like Thresh, he's not melee technically so can't easily proc it, but doesn't have an autoattack passive to make up for it. He also likes the CDR and regen it gives.

And it's his recommended item so braindead people just take it without knowing why.

Have they been confirmed in lore? I thought a lot of that was player speculation.

always love how new champ releases ruin my 70% win rate for about a week

its hard to tilt me even in complete shit stomps but this garbage tilts me every fucking time

lol pick xayah who does jack shit early game into lucian EVERY game and just feed relentlessly for 10 straight minutes

So all of Xayah's problems like being an immobile ADC with 525 range, her Q doing zero damage, zero synergy with Runaan's, BotRK, or Lethality, and her reliance on Essence Reaver delaying her Infinity Edge power spike are all nothing compared to her potential AoE root and just sheer damage, right?

>still using lethality
do you know what month it is?

>ghouls proc Corrupting potion

Shots at the wall are not shots at you and the carry. Whenever I play it winds up being pretty pokey with the overall strength coming from the fact that your team now has sick-ass Yorick power along with plenty of his toolkit power for whatever fights happen.

Kinda like how support Malz works.

>be immobile top lane player
>stomp 90% of games in silver and low gold
>suddenly lose 90% of games because good players start kiting me
>contemplate suicide as I walk eternally toward their carries
Fuck this gay earth

Don't fall for the melee ranged meme

What's your excuse for not playing Karthus?

Uhh... Jackie Chan

xayah does pretty good early game. has nice harass tools and I can see her living against Lucian.

If Lucian is just killing them over and over sounds more like the player's fault.

I aim to get 0 deaths in all of my games.

>nose ring
I can handle the hamfisted edginess, the wonky vo, and even the terrible feeding bot lanes these champions have caused. But holy fuck do I wish I could find the person who thought this was a good idea and have "shit taste" tattooed on their forehead.

Idk how to play him in lane

buy Righteous Glory. I feel as if people forgot that item fucking exists.

Learn to beat the kite bruh

Roam and rush movement speed items.

>I will punch your soul in the face
I don't even care if this is supposed to ironic. Get this shit out of here

I can see Kled saying this.

just push the wave

>be caitlyn their team has darius top
>think to myself oh cool I can kite him
>his build is mobis deadmans blackcleaver and randuins
>he has 450~MS out of combat and it gets even higher when in combat because phage
>runs me down even with net slow and easily dodges traps
>contemplate suicide

and that was a darius with tp, some even go ghost

Give me a rundown on Aatrox jungle


you're useless

How the hell do you deal with Akali after her rework? Anytime I trade with her she just throws her shroud down and you can't do anything about it now since pinks no longer reveal her. Her sustain is pretty nuts and I feel like she gets really tanky and has a great amount of burst. I never had problems before with her is her rework busted as fuck but nobody really plays her so its not talked about much?

>people who are trying to argue that Maokais new ult will be good
>dude its OP because it's the size of the whole lane
Its incredibly slow and the root will only be effective if it manages to travel a decent range

The fact that each root can only hit 1 target ensures that the enemy front line is just going to tank it
Also the slow travel speed of his new W and the fact it doesn't root until it reaches the target basically makes it a worthless ability because you're just going to get pulled under towers

I played him on the PBE and he's utterly atrocious to play now and even slower

well it's not ironic

this is how riot is

play garen darius or anyone with AoE that does alot of damage

You are Aatrox but in the Jungle

I imagine you are going to make sure you have 4 stacks before you gank.

Test it a bot game first, if you your stacks decay by the time you are in the lane to gank then Aatrox isn't meant to jungle.

Consider trying Ghost, if you haven't already.

see>don't miss farm
>don't die
>E burns a lot of mana early
>don't underestimate Q damage on an isolated target
>learn to use the edge of the Q to last hit
>learn to last hit with autos
>look for opportunities to ult other lanes
>take Exhaust (usually)

Signs you're going to get your asshole tore open
>enemy with flash/cleanse

Fizz W and Akali's Q proc damage are ridiculous right now

Jax hard counters her though.


Is something like Jax or Trynd considered high mobility because they have a dash? They're more like medium mobility and can still get kited in teamfights right?

this motherfucker could cleave your chest in two with his fingers alone



what does he even do now that he's perma banned from league?

but he's alright, entertaining in short bursts but I wouldn't watch him for hours

>for every rakan xayah pair there are good and bad ones
>the good ones understand each other and probably in a stable understanding relationship
>the bad ones are in a rough failing relationship
>the idea that successful ones make their relationship better is great and all
>but the ones who are shit and lose may break up over this
im loving every laugh

Not high mobility due to the crazy mobility out there.

Yes they can be easily kited in teamfights.

Yeah I was playing Darius and did kill her twice sadly my Jungler came top and literally int'd in front of her and gave her gold she really shouldn't have gotten but after she got Gunblade I just couldn't kill her anymore I even bought an executioners and her sustain was still pretty insane. I eventually couldn't kill her solo anymore because she would just shroud and run away from me when she would start to lose the trade then sustain it back it super fast and her entire team just ran top and dove me. I dunno before she felt super easy to shut down but now her sustain alone seems fucking busted it could just be Gunblade but still.

The enemy team banned Xayah so this was the guy's response. The match was 8 minutes long.

>Mobis to get back to lane to int EVEN HARDER
Pretty smart senpai

Mhm. Had a similar thing earlier, except on the other team.

>haha I'll show you guys
Doesn't seem like the brightest thing to do, but then again I don't know how long it takes them to get banned.

Hope you reported him.

i don't like how his q works. it has a low cooldown but it has a delay on it coming out and the explosion itself

The amount of newfags in this thread asking stupid questions is off the fucking charts tonight

Did the new champions really bring in that many players?

has anyone spotted a solo xayah or rakan yet

if so how did it go

I had the same thing with a tahm today, except he instead starting taking ADCs cs and eating friendlies to spit them into the enemy team and such

riot LOVES indirectly nerfing him

that new magic defensive item FUCKS him

never forget wall of pain nerfs