Who's footing the bill?

who's footing the bill?

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Hopefully the banks.

They should vet the student, and the student's major of choice before loaning. We'd have a lot less meme degrees if they did.

I don't my pay student loans.

What happens besides daily phonecalls?

Ive got my loan payments subsidized down to $0 / month.

>tfw full-ride

How's student debt? How much do you pay every month?

ur credit probably goes to shit


the college's endowments

schools needs to stop spending money on stupid shit

Honestly the universities should be financially responsible for student loan shortfalls. They are the ones peddling meme degrees and doing brainwashing rather than giving people useful information.

Whoever gave out the loans in the first place. All roads paved in debt lead to the Federal Reserve. The sooner the world collectively comes together and tells the fed to piss off the better we'll all be.

That's not a bad idea actually, make endowments liable in the event of student defaults.

That should straighten out those fuckers right up.

me too. everyone default!

>Whoever gave out the loans in the first place
Ha ha, you wish.
It'll be you that pays, one way or the other, dumbshit. Too bad you can't declare bankruptcy and get out of them that way.

I thought defaulting in student loans was impossible...

Maybe these loans have been sold as synthetic debt obligations with triple A ratings.

The Fed is the main creditor according to
> The main culprit is student loans, which the federal government effectively monopolized in 2010 when the Affordable Care Act was signed into law.

So it's up to the taxpayer again (of course).

I don't pay my student loans. What's the worst thing that can happen besides bad credit score?

the poor schmucks that get student loans

shit... you could have got a job at McDonalds, and not needed a student loan...

but you wanted to move out of parents house, and pay rent...

A job at MCD will not pay for college. And not everyone has the privilege of staying home under mommy and daddy's roof for 4 years.

When the government decided not to give loans out to for profit schools, ITT Tech just closed the next day. Didn't even let the students finish their courses. Just said NOPE, shut down, closed doors, and kicked the students out.

It really shows ITT Tech and other colleges like them know exactly "who's footing the bills." The government/tax payers.

Universities and banks are colluding, the precious snowflake students share no blame for not being able to do some basic math. They just figure student debt is somehow better than credit card debt, and maybe it is but still, debt is debt.

Universities, parents, and high school counselors are out there literally lying to students. When I graduated highschool in 2014 everyone told me to go to college, other wise I'd never do anything with my life. I was told I'd be making $70k out of the gate, no problem. Well 4 years later I graduated with $80k in debt ($20k/yr) and was making $44k, spending basically all of my pay on debt repayment and the cost of living near a big city.

Now I'm not asking anyone to pay back this debt for me, it's my own dumb fault for being 17 years old and assuming that my parents weren't completely financially illiterate. But we really need to change the way we present college to our youth. I'm currently working in a field I didn't even go to school for and curse my 17 year old self every day for being such an idiot. You don't need to go to college to live a happy life. And if you want to go to college, maybe you should work a few years first and save the money. Pushing 5-and 6-figure debt on minors should be illegal, but instead it's encouraged.

>Students shouldn't be liable because they can't be bothered to research into a multiple year commitment costing thousands of dollars which will play a huge part of their life

Get 6 fig job
Default on loan
Pay everything in cash

Is this illegal? No

>garnish your wages

Wage garnishment I would imagine

This. Have 2 uncles that went to college and used loans. One got a job after SO fucking long of searching and is in debt still but not as much as the other who still hadn't found a job in his field Hus wages were garnished

but muh QE

Oh I me, my father and boss all report shitloads of airflights, but their for SFO airport

fuck the FFA

computer programs, make it take about .5 seconds to report an airplane, instead of the old pen and paper, mail in people used to file

what if i told you they run extra trash courses for the sole purpose of boosting numbers to get more free money

the uni i went to ran 1 programming class and 4 "video game design" the tutors openly told people the latter was a joke and worth nothing but extra funding to the uni

I wouldn't buy any property right outside lower tier universities right now, like UC Merced.

They might have some major funding/student shortages, unless they continue trying to get every chinese student to take classes here.

This reminds me of something..

Oh.yeah the 2007 mortgage crisis
Lol silly goyims

I did that. Shit was tight.