What was his true vision?
What was his true vision?
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That parallel universe episode of Enterprise of course.
Destroying Europe and turning it into a more horrible EU but an EU actually favorable for the despicable country that is Germany.
Making the Ottoman empire great again.
>implying you wouldn't backstab them if you had the opportunity
Hypocritical Turk
Good thing the perfect scapegoat existed back then to take off any suspection, Abu-Britani
Happy to know you admitted.
A united Europe where everyone has their own 3D real life blond waifu's who would do anything they want you to whether it be Scat BDSM or Missionary sex.
In the long term (think centuries) world domination.
I know it's a meme but Hannah Arendt in Origins of Totalitarianism shows how Nazism was just as much a global ideology as communism.
Pure races everywhere.
Africa to blacks, Europe to whites, Japan to the Japanese, Israel to Jews, etc.
If not pure races then pure culture.
Germany stays German, France stays French, -stans stay Arabic, etc.
Or maybe I'm bullshitting you and know nothing about hitler except he's a Nazi. I'm not a historian, I don't know.
So... He can rest easy I guess?
A little bit of this, a little bit of that.
saving people from racist slavery empire.
You're bullshitting, I can tell because you know nothing of Mittelafrika and Nazi plans of conquest there.
I don't see anything related to Hitler or the Nazi's about it.
Read Mein Kampf, he pretty much spells it out for you, and didn't deviate from it, from his rise to power to his most pathetic moments during his defeat.
probably 20/20
(see /this)
Hitler wanted Germany developed into a larger territory for living space, agricultural space, and more resources. This isnt just what Hitler wanted but what the entire German empire wanted. Hitler and the Nazi Party promising these things after WW1 is what put them into power.
To somehow ease the pain of Stefanie never returning his love.
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>Destroying Europe
that was the soviets though
>Taking Lebensraum and colonising it with Germans while genociding the Slavs living there
>Taking revenge on France
>Strip the jews of their power and killing them off
>Give the Germanics
their ''rightfull'' place in the world
Crashing Europe
No what got them into power was promising the pre-versaille borders
"Pure race" is an oxymoron. Same with "pure culture". Especially during Hitler's time which saw the advent of mass communication and globalism.
I am just glad the Nazis lost
France is now a great country free of hate
Would this be happening if Hitler won?
A better world.
Only now we can see that though.
To die and have his entire country crumble because all of his lieutenants hated each other and Hitler actively played them against each other.
The Nazi party literally had zero longevity outside of Hitler.
to start a really stupid war and lose like a bitch.
Seen it.
Great speech, great dance scene with that globe, but far from Charlie's greatest in other respects.
Reminder he was fond of Islam so ''muh if Hitler was still alive the rapefuges wouldn't happen!'' is horse shit. Krauts were always kebab enablers.
German supremacy
And a muslim-free country, right? : ^ )))))))