/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Grand Order Edition

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Tools for deckbuilding and card checking

Useful Links: pastebin.com/SZNKYEMi

Cards Art (updated with TOG) (1.95GB):

Only the Art updated with TOG:


Hey let's give a class 12 (twelve) ramp spells with good secondary effects, and the best heals and board clears in the game. What could go wrong?

Concede please
rowen is best dragon leader

You know what the best part is? It could only get worse from here on. Any ramp card they print will only make dragon better. Every neutral high cost lego that is unusable in any other deck is going to make dragon better. Any half decent dragon card will make dragon better.
You cannot stop this once it's began because cheating pp is an inherently OP mechanic.

>play aegis haven
>don't draw any aegis until the game is over

>play pepe swords
>draw neither any pepes nor conscription, can't play

Today is just great

Play blood.

Post lesbians.

>two dshifts in a row
>stomp both as expected even with a bad curve
this is getting sad runebros, can't you guys just stop already?

i already do

Just spend like 5000$ and make an all animated Dragon deck. No need to vial anything.

The purest form of love.

>What's with tumblr and that meme shaved sized desu?
Probably don't have the money to be able to afford going to an actual hairdresser that can give a decent haircut

thanks luna

I mulched a bunch of haven and rune cards to make kys blood.
If Rune's ever good again, it's going to be on account of cards from the next expansion. Everything is way too fast to dick around with spell boosts.

Yeah ypu said the same shit for daria.
Vrymore bb

Don't even remind me. I want to forget the fact that I vialed 2 animated Soul Dealers since DE.

i actually want them to rotate sets soon
this game has gotten yugioh-tier fast in only 3 expansions, i hope they tone down the power creep in future sets

Disco strong

Hey dude.

But Dorothy got absolute shit all this expansion.
Did rune get any cheap spells? No.
Did rune get any reasonable spellboost followers? No.
Did rune get any more cheap burn? No.

All it got are two brick spells and some dirt support.

>Did rune get any reasonable spellboost followers? No.

Nah, they need to make sure to bring down every other controlish class that isn't dragon with their 30% winrate. Rune shitters exist only to fuck over anyone trying to enjoy the game.

>eachtar is broken
>ouroboros+zell isn't

lol k

I said reasonable.

Thabks for proving my point.

Don't reply to ESL shitposters

I'm just here enjoying my 90% win rate over mid shadow with forest. Kids don't know how to build counters these days, all they do is whine

>tfw Discordfags are actially paying real money to a Malaysian hacked to add hacked crystals to their account
>tfw the fag running the Discord actually allows this to happen

These people are scum

what's the biggest meme card in this game?

>beaten by triple Dshift, triple enchanted sword buffed Freshman Lou
This is how I want to die IRL

Yeah, literally nobody said that, shadownigger.

Nerf yurius 2pp for 1 3 is overstatted

What kind of support do you think dorothy is going to get in the future?

And how do you know this without being on their channel?
You are a discord fag too I bet, kill yourself discordfag

So your point is that they are not going to print any ramp or neutral legos next expansion? You might be right on the ramp and good dragon card part but they are absolutely going to have another poster neutral lego for the next expansion.

Pretty sure that's illegal and easy to find out by kikegames since they love money so much

>when you destroy midrange shadow's early game

They were talking about it in the last thread you fucking idiot. KYS niggerblood

Concede please

>play csword against ramp dragon in RoB
>very close match for both sides, hella intese
>play csword against ramp dragon in ToG
>sword get shat on so hard it's not even duel

Is there any control deck that can survive dragon?

I can't think of any.

>t6 and midshadow plays deaths breath
>you lose


Aggro rune does surprisingly well against shadow. Too bad you get completely annihilated by dragon.

If they just throw out DE it won't change much and I doubt they'll rotate RoB so soon. I'm curious as to what their approach will be.

>control decks
>beating dragon
Maybe Haven if Dragon is slow and they get out Aegis

Of course it's fucking illegal. I have half a mind to report these guys and the seller/hacker to Cygames

The point of daria was that any spell would buff the deck.
The point of dragon is that any ramp card would buff it.

So just create another archetype? Or buff discard? Or even megalorcar decks

>'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''control''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' sword

t. butthurt whale

Homecoming, oh look at that I win

What did she mean by this?

I thought this was a 3d rendering when I clicked it.

>when dragon doesn't play oracle turn 2


Control sword isn't like "midrange", they are actually control, except have 3 Alberts as win condition.
You can't blame a control deck for wanting to win games.

phoenix roost (rip)

Thanks Luna

Why the fuck would anyone pay money for this game anyway?

>Deleting Sword

Today a neppy deck learned the hard way that levin duke's effect triggers before the neppy last words.

Yes there's no control sword all control decks should be like haven decks. Diversity in classes playstyle is cancer.

Nice t7 do nothing that nobody runs anymore.
Midshadow will just play it again or use grimnir

>no clear
>no draw
>poor removal
playing wards on curve isn't control, it's just top heavy midrange


>implying I'll ever spend money on a F2P game, especially one as generous and grind-free as this
>implying I'll ever hand my money over to some kind of Malaysian monkey
You're probably one of the idiots who bought the hacked crystals.

>lightning blasts

Tbh ramp dragon would be even worse once they let phoenix loose again.

wtf is Kiwi an elf?

>no clear
Cyclone blade
>no draw
Mentor's teaching

>quest to win 4 sword matches
>play rob albert deck with grimnir and luminous added
>winstreak off pathetic control deck cunts that normally shit on my meme decks i play for fun
>every match is "curve out and hit face"
>this is literally the only good sword deck that ever existed

winning has never been so boring

I guess the frog deck is control too

Also no heal.

Dragon is the only real control deck in the game.

Doesn't works as well as you'd expect dragon cuck :^)

You can try playing mememanders deck with kekwain and lose to everything.

My thinking is that these people are the ones that are susceptible to addictive activities, such as gambling. So in this case, they're addicted to opening packs and are paying money to get a higher amount of crystals to be able to open more of them.
Basically they have more fun opening packs and being amused at seeing their "luck" than playing the game.

Lol I have 7 heal cards and 100% roach tutor. I also run that shitty amulet for early game. If I reach 8-9 mana shadow is fucked unless they ward which I can easily remove. looks like I'm the only one with the brains to build a counter deck huh. Homecoming is the obvious solution

good kys deck?

I started playing in late January and just dumped a bunch of spare dosh on this game to catch up with my collection.

>every match is "curve out and hit face"
That summarizes Blood and Shadow too
It's just ends up being Sword's identity because it doesn't have any class mechanics like Vengeance or Ramp. Just play dudes and trade/face.

>if I reach 8-9 mana
>against Shadow
Nice projection you got there.

That's what Sword is right now. They printed Gawain and Roland, but Sword's best deck is still all about Storming your opponent down anyway. Maybe next set. Maybe.

When will aggro combo be viable again?
I want to bounce 3 goblins on turn 3 without screwing over my roach pulls.




Imagine being so riled up over a chat

>implying I'm not a poorfag too
good talk user I'm glad we had this chat

need help with the private match achievements, bring your aggro deck

I was referring to the people paying money for an extremely higher ratio of hacked crystals

Do not reply to him, newfriend.

>makes one post
>riled up

>crying about what other people do
u seem upset bru

Where are the random meme decks that come out of nowhere and pull off crazy combos even if it's 1 out of every 20 games in this flowchart?

Oh my bad.



u both seem mad as fuck my dudes


>higher ratio
So, it's not a guaranteed thing.How can they be so retarded to give a Malaysian mudslime money?

thanks otohime and saha, keep them coming

The power disparity between cards is huge. Most cards are garbage except a chosen few which are ridiculously op like they come from a different game. Shadow is the exception before ToG. I don't want to see artists work wasted on cards like Sukuna and Gemstone Princess.

He buys google play cards in his own currency you fucking retard

That's what happens when an entire class's gimmick is a failure. Notice how the only commander-officer interaction in most sword decks is maid pulling Albert. Same with blood before the new vengeance decks got discovered.
