Is not having the ability to make moral exceptions the problem with objectivism?
Is not having the ability to make moral exceptions the problem with objectivism?
That damn pic
>be forced to pay into a system you don't believe in
>people get upset when you try and get your money back
>taxpayers are hypocrites if they accept benefits paid for by taxes
Not only that; but isn't the point of objectivism to get ahead any way possible? So being a hypocrite is allowed
No, the problem with "objectivism" is it's too damn spooky, and not objective.
Stirner would literally support objectivism you retard
Proofs? Im too lazy to argue with such a retarded claim when you dont even post anything to back it up.
anyone who actually believes the "Ayn Rand was a hypocrite for taking welfare" meme hasn't even read a synopsis of Atlas Shrugged and therefore shouldn't be criticizing her work or philosophy
rand solved ethics and epistemology.
Have you read any of Stirner? Have you ever read anything that wasn't posted on Veeky Forums?
Objectivism requires spooky laws to protect spooky property.
Ayn Rand was probably one of the most spooked people to have ever lived.
Exactly, why would you get upset that she never once lived her principal ideas?
It seems to me you're the one that hasn't read Stirner.
Not really
>Stirner would literally support objectivism
Very unlikely. Objectivism is a spook, and Stirner would recognize it as such.
The concept of rational self-interest did not originate with Ayn Rand.
>Have you ever read Stirner?
lol, go back to /v/ or whatever cesspool you come from.
>the only social system consistent with this morality is one that displays full respect for individual rights embodied in laissez-faire capitalism
No, this is literally spooky as fuck.
>muh society
>muh morals
>muh rights
>muh property
>Not really
It's an objective fact that she believed in property rights and law enforcement of property rights.
there are no objective facts.
Stirner uses the word moral over 100 times, because he attacks morals as spooky as fuck. Its listed among other things he considers spooks. Stirner is amoral.
>this what spooked ancaps actually believe
Rand isn't ancap
There are people that are unironically Randian objectivists?
>linking to Reddit
>Caring about rules in an objectivist thread.
>plebbit linking
>not a violation of NAP
pick one
noooooooo please don't nuke me
I didn't make the thread to highlight the supposed hypocrisy of Rand. I just wanted image that lightheartedly reflected the topic at hand. I picked the first image I saw when I Googled "Ayn Rand meme".
The problem with objectivism is it tries to moralize what should be an amoral, because it wants to have people elevate spooks above their own self interests.
Saying that it's ok for her to take Government aid since she paid for it is literally a breach of her entire ideology, not to mention all of the other times she flagrantly ignored her own ideals because she was too weak to stick to them. Her writing isn't even good enough to constitute recommendation, as it's the same simplistic idea hammered down constantly like a propaganda piece.
I don't like her philosophy, but she has the full right to reap the benefits of her taxes without worry of hypocrisy.
except Ragnar Danneskjold is shown as a hero for stealing European aid to redistribute it to the strikers. What is her taking welfare if not her reclaiming money that's been "stolen" from her?
Remember, if you put an image macro as your image upload, people will answer it, not your post text.
Ayn Rand was a bestselling romantic novelist who pretended to be a philosopher. As always, traditionalism and hierarchy suggests the right conclusion, saving you a lot of time - if someone has none of the credentials of a philosopher other than a BA, then no, they're not a philosopher. But people waste years on her, on the entirely false principle that every thinker deserves a hearing.
So what if she's a hypocrite? What's the argumentative significance of hypocrisy? You may as well "she only showered once a week" or "she never brushed her teeth".
>spend life paying taxes
>use road
Next you'll complain she called the police before, or the fire department.
Showering or brushing her teeth infrequently would have nothing to do with the philosophy she espoused unlike benefiting from a form of social welfare.
>muh appeal to hypocrisy
>Saying that it's ok for her to take Government aid since she paid for it is literally a breach of her entire ideology
But it's not.
Last section quoted is relevant here.
>What's the argumentative significance of hypocrisy?
Evidence, albeit not proof, that an idea isn't realistic
I don't know if this is really hypocrisy, considering she paid taxes and all that. But it's unfortunate that she didn't take the opportunity to showcase her own belief system by putting it into practice. Even if it would've been under sub-optimal circumstances, living under a state.
medicare isn't socialism you tard
Lmao no