What would he do if transported into modern day Germany?
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He would search for the grave of his one-time love interest.
Heart attack then death.
The grave would probably be in Poland.
Why tho?
I don't think he'd know the difference.
Id have a heart attack too if I was that old and suddenly showed up in 2316 AD.
Nevermind, He is buried in Saxony-anhalt
He defies the laws of nature. He is Immortal. What does he do?
He'd probably pick right back up where he left off, finding a parade of male lovers. Would be pretty easy to find these days.
Do you think he would gain support in the Bundestag? Perhaps with Die Linke
Heart attack then death from learning that German nationalism doesn't exist and the arabs won.
Maybe he could go to Austria.
And then have a heart attack from the irrelevant hollow shell of a country its become.
Is there anywhere he could go without having a heart attack?
Stroke in Japan after seeing the pure degeneracy.
He would be glad to see the people standing up against the government lies while the spirit of Osman still lives on in modern krauts.
he would still be butthurt
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Because of his BF?
He had no reason to be butthurt, he won. You might be projecting my friend.
no, because Poland exists and Prussia doesn't lol
he would literally shit himself from rage
Of course he would. All the dicks he'd take up his ass would cause soreness. Especially now that there are niggers in Germany.
Also, Elsas and Lotharingien are part of France.
Frederick hated Germany though. He'd hate it even MORE however. He'd probably just go full hikki when he saw the state of modern France however.
He's already in modern day Germany.
>Also, Elsas and Lotharingien are part of France.
They only became German long after him, so he probably wouldn't even notice.
You should've linked this
>German nationalism
Frederick was not a nationalist. Nationalism came up in the 19th century. He would be appalled by the idea of giving up his Prussian sovereignty.
What does Prussia have to do with Elsass-Lothringen? It's at the very opposite side of Germany, which wasn't even unified back then.
Seriously, why is Veeky Forums so uneducated?
You were saying that he was butthurt at the time he lived, which he most likely wasn't.
Honestly seeing that he left Prussia in a pretty good state and is still remembered as relatively competent to me means that he might be content enough to just follow the more carnal pursuits he once enjoyed.
look at the guy's pic again, seems like he was butthurt
Get raped by a refugee and love it (he was homosex after all)
dislike =/= butthurt
there is nothing wrong with hating poland
He would swoon at all the tall men walking around.
there is nothing wrong with genociding germans either
This is so fucking stupid it hurts.
nope, he's definitely butthurt
As a homo, he loved the feeling dicks spawned within his ass
So nope
He was buttpleased rather than butthurt
Probably go to a gay nightclub and get his ass blasted