I'm gonna give you $100 every day for the rest of your life

i'm gonna give you $100 every day for the rest of your life.

the catch is i am gonna take that $100 back at the end of every day.

so what you gonna spend your money on, user?

How can i spend it when you want it back at the end of the day?

If you can't think of any way to turn a profit in 24 hours, you're retarded.

There is no guaranteed way of doing that.

Spending it is not the same as investing


Buy bitcoins with that 100 usd.
Can't get it back from me.

This is actually a really good question and thought exercise. But, what is the answer guys? I can't think of how to flip 100$ every day for a profit.

Please enlighten us my leige. How can I consistently take 100$ and turn it into more at the end of a day?

>teach me how to day trade pls

I already have $100. Even more than that. It would just be business as usual except my line of credit is increase by $100 and I lose and regain $100 for a fraction of a second at midnight. Or maybe from sunset to sunrise I just have $100 less, whatever you had in mind by "day". I would just have $100 more of liquidity room for my business and investing. I usually only pay expenses during the day, and since I know I'm going to get that $100 back tomorrow the decreased spending power at night would not affect me. Like I said, it would pretty much be business as usual.

use the money to apply for jobs

beg for money outside of walmart to get back to $100

>so what you gonna spend your money on, user?

A gun, motherfucker

Easiest thing would be to buy chips/soda and sell them illicitly on a corner or something

What in the hell is the point of this thread, OP?

selling weed

If it was a million or something, you could buy sp500 on the opening, and sell it on the closing, and you could make some money over the course of your life

So basically you're giving me 100 dollar once. Wow, golly gee, thanks grandpa, I will invest it wisely in groceries this week.

This. More of a pain in the ass to have to meet you twice a day. Keep your 100$ and leave me alone

it's easy, you give me 100 us dollars
i give you 100 zimbabwean dollars

>1 post by this ID

In my opinion everyone answers here suck so here goes a decent one: You give me $100 and I spend that on raw material to make a handmade chair, table, clock or nightstand, etc. Sell the merchandise for a profit then hand back the $100. This can be done with several other trade arts too such as glass blowing and welding.

Bonus: Cater Chipotle or something to a picnic area or park with a lot of people there and then sell it for profit.

What happens if you don't sell it you retard ?

You're like the guys who buy a flat on plans because the agent told you it would pay the rent itself with the rent revenues but no one wants to rent your shitty flat so you lose everything.

Your answer sucks

So basically we are giving $100 back and forth to each other every day?

I'd probably just pretend I lost it and say I'll pay you back but then a few months later pretend I thought I had paid you back.

I will buy some shitcoin and then shill on Veeky Forums and get 10,000% return.

CD ladder

You cannot guarantee the sale within the day, every single day, so this is not a "decent one".

>everyone answers here suck

This is the only thing you got correct in your comment.

Daytrade memestocks

>Buy drugs in bulk discount
>Sell drugs during day
>Forward the $100 at the end of the day to the loaner and pocket the profits
>Rinse and repeat
You can replace drugs with anything you think you can sell during a day

Hitting up the casino is a better idea than anything posted ITT.

buy 100-commission worth of stocks everyday
next question

>implying I'm going to wast time with some indian giving weirdo.

I'd edit the money in a way that would benefit me that you would be unable to figure out.

Or I'd setup an outside vending machine and would bank on you buying a water from it on your way to pick up your money.