at what point does a religion become more than just LARPing?
At what point does a religion become more than just LARPing?
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When it proves it's claims.
When it's not about crafting an identity for yourself.
When the spiritual leaders of other religions finally see the light that is Ottoman sunnism.
But that's 99% of what people point to when they try to justify religion.
Non-religious content is just as worse as religious spammers.
Well, put it this way.
There are 2.2 billion Christians in the world. There are Christian organisations such as the Catholic Church that are immensely influential on a global scale. Christian Philosophy and Theology are incredibly active fields and have produced some of the finest minds the world has ever known. Christianity has obligations, rules to follow in order to make your life the best possible life for your loved ones and everyone else on the planet. Christian traditions are well-documented and have their roots almost two thousand years in the past. You could say the same about Islam or Hinduism or what have you.
On the other hand, there are a paltry one million Neo-Pagans in the world. There are no Neo-Pagans in any positions of power anywhere in the world. There are no Neo-Pagan philosophers or Theologians. Neo-Pagans do not govern their lives according to any rules or tenents of their religions and probably only got into Neo-Paganism in the first place because they wanted to be religious without having to actually do anything. Neo-Pagan "traditions" are cobbled together from half-remembered oral history and the scattered scribblings of Christian monks.
That's why it's LARP. It's not alive. There are no actual Neo-Pagans. None of them actually believe in it as a religion.
Also it produces people like pic related.
Fuck off back to Veeky Forums
When people start getting killed
when violence gets involved
>proof didn't exist outside of scientific method
Did they just dress up for the pic, or do they actually run around the woods like that?
Proof as truth is a symptom of empiricist autism.
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Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
Math is autism? Math is empirical? Proof doesn't exist in science, empiricists deal with facts and models, not proofs.
Its like black Americans who participate in Santeria, Candomble, Vudu, etc... Aren't larping because their practices survived but also evolved with its people.
Neopagans desperately cling to an imagined past that no longer can exist even though they believe their revisions were historically true
Actual belief in what is claimed
When enough people believe in it.
These folks look like they are about to have a lot of fun. I kind of want to get into LARP, but I don't even know where to begin, or how to meet people who do it.
>But that's 99% of what people point to when they try to justify religion
Oh I'm well aware.
Is there any particular reason why all non-semitic religions devolve into LARP faggorty or is it just a coincidence?
When someone gets killed.
All religions have this rite of passage. People need to die for a cult to be taken seriously.
>He's never been in a deus vult thread
Once you've read the role-play threads you can't look away
There you go, typical autist.
Mathematics is autism and logic is empirical.
What are you talking about, Math is abstract thinking that follows the same kind of logic that any other problem would, logic isn't empirical cause you can't proof logic in the slightest. To a madman it's logical to burn his house down and kill his family cause his wife burned the chicken dinner, to the same man it's logical that if he has 3 kids and 2 bullets he doesn't have enough bullets. Math is empirical because it is something that can be proven, I have 2 dogs I bought 10 more dogs, therefore I must have 12 dogs. How do you proof it ? Count the dogs!
When you get a lot of money and possibly state/imperial patronage. Then people stop making fun of it, because they either want in on some of the money or are afraid to get their heads cut off or burned at the stake.
Sadly, when you start murder people.
Religions change, if people want to revive ancient traditions and give it a modern spin what's bad in that? It takes a lot of work for sure, but there is no harm in trying to do so. Reconstructionism requires lots of reading and academic studies, which is why I think it could work if it involves anthropologists, historians, linguists, archeologists, and it wouldn't hurt to include artists doing reconstructions too. I mean would you opposed to seeing women dressed as minoan qt's again?
It always have been. Nice shit thread, pal.
It a not real. It's second and third hand accounts and speculation that in no way can recreate or reconstruct the past.
Get over it. Be okay with LARPing and stop asking for validity because its LARPing.
If any Pagan religion's gods were real then why would they let their religion die out
never, or when it go's criminal.
When even people who do not subscribe to the religion but are within it's sphere of influence start internalizing at least part of it's philosophical or moral worldview.
Prove to whom?
This is a better answer.
Maybe, they just hated their followers. Pagan Gods are dicks.
If the Christian god is real, why did he let Islam conquer 90% of the then-christian world and covert it to satanism?
To be fair, this is a fallacious argument (appeal to authority).
In reality, no religion is "LARPing" really, but often you have people who believe in pagan gods with a superficial understanding and only "believe" because they think it's cool, and not actually a sincere belief.
Islamic God is the same as Christian One.
You want to know God's plan for Islam?
Read Ezekiel 38.
Coming soon to a Middle East near you.
How believing because it is cool is less sincere than whatever is even Christian cause?
It's superficial, not a genuine belief. Few self-proclaimed Norse pagans genuinely believe Thor awaits them in Valhalla, they just study it and think it's cool, often because it gives them a tie with their ancestry.
This applies to the recent "Deus Vult" Christians on Veeky Forums, they're only using the religion as a vehicle for nationalism.
When it's true.
Why do you utilize the OT when it suits you but ignore it when it doesn't?
It's probably just number of people
Well not in all cases
Zoroastrianism for example is really small, yet it's still a legit religion because it used to be huge and people still remember the theology sincerely. Pagans though nowadays aren't actually Pagans.
Having more people in a religion means more of a chance for insightful smart people which can sort of see the religion for what it "is", what it's saying about the world and then act in accordance, and maybe write about it, etc. Basically it just becomes legitimate because a bunch of people model their minds around it, including greats.
This, there's no sincere theology.
You got some legit ones surviving in indochinese, african and siberian villages tho.
Their numbers are tiny, they posses no greater theology but their line of worship is unbroken and clearly defined as a way of life which makes them legit as well.
I meant like in the OP though, european ones
There's a difference between Old Testament law and Old Testament prophesies. Old Testament law has been fulfilled, and furthermore, they are laws for Jews and Jews alone.
>Not believing in the Greek, Roman, Norse, or American Pantheons.
gg bb kys senpai
No thanks I rather keep my heart.
I always use the entire bible in context as intended (and you don't know who I am).
In 200 years it will be official.