What can you tell me about this famous concept, Veeky Forums? Is it really what it the name implies, an orgiastic reward for service? Are such overtly lewd themes common in the Quran, or is this an exception? Why such a high number?
72 virgins
The 72 virgins thing originated with the Assassins.
Supposedly they would get recruits high as fuck and throw them into a room with beautiful women. Then when the kid wakes up, they tell him he's just experienced Heaven and if he does his job he gets to go back. After that, the recruit is fanatically loyal, and allegedly members of the cult would slit their own throats on command if ordered to do so.
I dont know much about them, but didnt they almost kill the leader of the ottoman empire? (Could be a different empire idk shit).
Fuck 72 virgins. Give me 72 bitches that'll blow my mind
Ritsu > Yui >>>>> Mugi > Mio >>>>>>>>> Azushit
Mugi >>>powergap>>> Ritsu = Yui > Azusa >Mio
Here are several statements from Hadith concerning Shaheed in Islamic theology.
“A martyr has six bounties: He will be forgiven with the first drop of his blood that is spilt; He will see his place in Paradise (at the time of death); He will be saved from the ‘Great Horror’ (on the Day of Judgment): A Crown of Dignity will be placed on his head, which contains many corundums, each one being more precious than this life and all that it contains; He will have seventy two Women of Paradise; And, he will be allowed to intercede for seventy of his family members (who would have otherwise gone to hell).” (Tirmidhi & Ibn Maajah).
“We asked the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam about this verse and he replied: “Their (i.e., the martyrs souls) will live inside green birds that dwell in designated lamps which hang on the throne of Allaah, they will roam freely in Paradise as they please, then return to these lamps”” (Muslim).
“A martyr only feels from the effect of being killed that which one would when being stung by a mosquito.” (Tirmidhi, Nasaa’i and others).
the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said: “Nobody who enters Paradise would ever wish to return to this life again, even if he was to be given the whole world and everything in it – except for a martyr; for he would wish to return and get killed ten times due to the honour that he received (in Paradise).” and in another narration: “For what he finds as virtues of martyrdom.” (Bukhaari & Muslim).
It is interesting that in Islam the only guaranteed way for an individual to enter Heaven is to die in conflist for the sake of Allah. Other guaranteed paths of entering are out of the control of the individual, such as dyeing as the result of a plague.
>It is interesting that in Islam the only guaranteed way for an individual to enter Heaven is to die in conflist for the sake of Allah
This doesn't mean you have to be the perpetrator of violent conflict. It applies also to those who resist peacefully and are killed such as Sumayyah bint Khayyat
I suppose so, I'm not a Muslim so I'm not completely sure. What I don't understand about Islam is how they can expect anyway to be capable of entering heaven. In Christianity faith alone is what saves someone from Hell, because it is known that men have an essential sin nature, as such all will fall short of the glory of God. But in Islam the only comparable path to ultimate salvation is found through martyrdom. So if an individual is not martyred his salvation is rather ambiguous. I don think any human is capable of following every command and instruction of Islam to the letter.
It's nowhere in the Koran
Can't find it anywhere in the two canonical Sunni Hadith collections (Bukhari and Muslim).
I have a feeling it's just an urban legend that somehow became widespread meme that everyone agreed upon.
You can ofcourse get into heaven by being a good person ,you don't need to die in a conflict for it to happen.
It's 99 faggot
That's a lie. The Assassins came centuries after the Koran was written, and the 72 virgins originates from the Koran.
Or 72 white grapes, if you believe white grapes will entice the soul in heaven with their sensual bodies.
waifuism. corressponds in direct correlation to more smartphone use. you watch
>It is interesting that in Islam the only guaranteed way for an individual to enter Heaven is to die in conflist
That's the definition of 'matyr' though isn't it - to die in the cause of something. All those hadith talk about 'MATYRS' not your average joe.
How can someone be so shit at theological understanding?
No original sin in Islam. A man is judged by his good deeds weighed against his sin.
Also faith alone saving you is a Protestant American idea. Only God knows what will happen on judgement day
How long would 72 virgins last?
You have eternity remember
honestly, as a muslim, i never heard about that 72 virgins thing until i saw family guy making parody of it. I have no idea where it comes from. As far as i know, and i should know, if you commit suicide, you get expelled from faith, with a ticket straight to hell.
>intercede for seventy of his family members (who would have otherwise gone to hell)
wait, isn't Islam really triggered by the idea of intercessors?
>white grapes will entice the soul in heaven with their sensual bodies.
Stop it.
I can only get so hard.
There is alot of misconception about the 72 virgins, mostly from westerners whose spiritual level is very low
When we (muslims) speak about 72 virgins we don't mean 72 sex slaves, we mean 72 grapes, this is a profound and elaborate concept.
gtfo back to Veeky Forums with your grapes.
perhaps, but how trustworthy is that hadith? there is complex system of grading hadith's based on how trustworthy they are, if they can not be directly linked to the prophet, than they are not worth much. However, all that applies to martyr, someone who kills himself purposefully can't be considered a martyr. If you kill yourself, you get expelled from the faith, basically meaning you are no longer muslim, and go straight to hell, never to enter paradise. People who kill them selves are not even supposed to be buried at the same graveyard as muslims. And the martyr isn't just someone who grabs a gun and goes fighting, there are more ways one can become martyr, far as i know fighter martyr is considered the least worthy of martyrs. Scholars can be martyrs also
> there is complex system of grading hadith's based on how trustworthy they are
>Ḥasan (حَسَن meaning "good") is used to describe hadith whose authenticity is not as well-established as that of ṣaḥīḥ hadith, but sufficient for use as (religious) evidence.
So... B+?
Not that people haven't been killing each other using grade D- religious rhetoric since the beginning of fucking time. It's all a matter of what you want to prioritize, in the end.
The Houri are in the Quran, and are described in the plural. It's only the exact number that is in contention and are specified by the hadith.
The assassin's made 2 attempts on Saladin's life, he was Sultan of the Ayyubids
It's from a faked hadith that's been discredited by pretty much everyone, even Wahhabi's
It's about as trustworthy as that hadith claiming Muhammad tried to kill himself.
pic related are the virgins they are going to have
>faith alone is what saves someone from Hell
Its not in the Quran
>faith alone is what saves someone from Hell
Sunnis reserve judgement to Allah. In sunnis inerpretation that means those with faith who sinned might be damned to hell but eventually will enter jannah. Ibadis (and Kharjites) believes damnation is eternal.
You can't be just "Yeah I have faith" then keep on sinning to have the grace of God.
I live in a Catholic country and was a Catholic myself in the past.
This guy is right about Christianity
Not virgin females but grape raisins.
>I don think any human is capable of following every command and instruction of Islam to the letter
This is true. Salvation is based on faith and action in Islam. Also Islam has varying views on the eternity of hell, according to various hadith hell is not eternal and sinners will only be punished for a time according to their crime before eventually being granted entry into paradise.
>blowing yourself up for some raisins
Sorry, I was talking about Christianity, not Islam.