(D) Edition
/ssg/ - Starsector General
More like derelict edition
Key where?
Buy it faggot, it's only $15
If people are having problems with the fatal: null error, just install Java 7. It'll fix it.
damaged qts for damaged ships
Where's the anime portraits mod at
Thank you, user.
Just bought this game yesterday, looks very promising so far.
Wait for the mods to update, it'll only get better
Is the strip command in the ship designer supposed to remove negative hull mods?
No. They strip all equippable hull mods and all weapons and all cap/vents. Basically anything you can do manually. The button is there for convenience.
Use the Restore button to strip negative hull mods (very expensive)
So is there any way to skip the tutorial at the beginning ?
it's a bug
/ssg/ - Soccer Spirits General #460
g-go away
pls don't die
It's not gonna last long, barely anyone knows about it and it only updated for the first time after an eternity and a half.
Is everyone in the discord now?
This needs to be updated for the current patch.
fuck off. Rather have threads die than go on discord like a shitter.
Discord is just a superior platform.
t. attention-whoring tripfag.
Why doesn't this general have a pastebin or some guides?
Which skills are useful to invest in?
Skill system just had an overhaul
My last two saves games were corrupted, cannot load. 5 hours down the drain.
Good thing I pirated this shit. Into the trash it goes.
fixed in RC18
Been keeping eyes on this game for a long time, should probably just get it but I got a ps 4 last month and I've been plowing thru those games. Bump for you guys
I only have 130 fuel and the nearest planet where I can buy some takes 350 fuel to get their what do I do?
try to die with dignity
The yellow circle in the bottom left if my fuel range
Maby if I spam the distress call button someone will save me?
scuttle a ship or two
you get a little fuel that way
I can confirm that the distress button does work and the fuckers price gouged me.
Do you have the option to fight them?
I want more qts
Is it normal that I always have an accident and lose some machines if I salvage from the same derelicts more than once?
Yeah, you get diminishing returns and increasingly bigger chance of failure
Should I be using a sustained burn in hyper space?
JUST CRACK: mega.nz
>Being too cheap to buy a game for $15
>all pirates spam emergency burn and are impossible to catch
>if I use it, it costs more money in supplies than what I get for killing them, not even counting deployment costs
What's your fleet looking /ssg/? Not pictured are a couple Buffalos, a Nebula and Phaeton. Hoping to get a Sunder or something to use this HIL.
Use sustained burn to catch pirates using emergency burn
Can't turn for shit with sustained. They go left/right and takes 10 seconds before my fleet turns after them.
Store some of your slower ships and kill pirates in systems that offer a bounty.
>skill system in a good game:
Can't wait for the next levelup so I can pick up this great skill!
>skill system in shitsector:
I have 4-5 unspent points again. Let spend a minute to figure out which is the least shitty skill.
I tried to like this game, but it just pisses me off. Too many ships have forward-only shields which means they can get nuked in 3 seconds if something goes wrong. The tactical map is unusable and the AI is dumb, I keep losing ships in battles that are supposed to be an easy win.
>jump into a black hole system
>immediately caught by the event horizon
>die horribly
hoist the jolly roger and go kill some trade fleets instead. an atlas ain't outrunning shit
the skill overhaul would have been fine but all the skills have their values at half of what they ought to be and the aptitudes do literally nothing
ded game
very ded
Is their any point in dodging the clouds in hyperspace?
the storms will chew through your CR (=supplies) really fast
otherwise they just slow you down a little
If I"m going to the other end of the system I don't see much of a point in dodging most of them do to the amount of fuel I"m bleeding every second.
I get a Fatal:Null error message when I try to start the game. Any idea how to fix it?
fuel is way cheaper than supplies
also remember that fuel use is proportional to distance traveled, not time spent traveling
fucking drones and their hard ass ships
also are this rogue drones? comms tells of them looking for the creator
I took down a 7 drone fleet then got gang banged while running away from 3 of them.
a quick one here
are marines useless now?
i read on surveyed planets ruins from time to time, so i wanna know if i need marines to plunder them or are just decor
Marines are useless for now I do see them being useful in the future when further systems are online maby.
are the apogees military ships only? i cant find one on the markets
also a hammerhead with dual motars is incredibly solid
amazing early destroyer
Hammer Heads are good with almost anything. I have yet to see an Apogee. I'm trying to get buddy buddy with Tri Tech but the only missions they give out are scan/salvage missions half way across the map and it's driving me insane.
>Using /ssg/
NEW HOTFIX is out RC19
hotfixes out the ass today
any idea for the missle disposition for the droz?
i keep thinking that 2 MRM and rockets ok but im sure that it can be better
I don't see the droz in the codex.
Where do I buy volatiles I need them for scanning.
i meant the drover
and i think the pirate station on jangala sells a lot of them
Seems like the crack no longer works with the Hotfix. Thankfully, I haven't got save file corruption so I can revert.
mayve in a few days or weeks the crack gets updated
or some guy drops working keys
is the neutrino thing usefull? while the normal active sensor skill does not have good range i think that the no false positives are a pretty good thing
I cracked RC19 but it crashes on CombatMain
1. Run the game without the crack, and enter an invalid serial key
2. Then paste the crack into starsector-core
3. It should run without a hitch now
What does RC19 fix?
bigest thing is that you can make a running buyout on planets, it makes you stop
that plus some bugfixin' and thinks i dont remember, check the forums hes got it all there