Birb Edition
Birb Edition
First for i want to carry bloodlord children
>play against an ADC/jungle smurf
>he gets filled top
>he feeds his ass off
only the strong survive here kid...
I think Xayah's design is pretty cool and she's really fun. My favorite champion in years.
do i need to own the champion to get a key drop?
I don't understand how to carry in gold / plat
Literally every game I outfarm or straight up kill my opponent, yet still lose because the games are decided by what team can actually group for objectives and what team just afk farms randomly and gets picked off
no matter how many times easynoob gets exposed, he will still have fanboys
I'm ready for this update baby
Post 'em
Ping like a fucking spastic and get your team to do shit. Threaten to throw if they don't [but don't regardless] and you'll be right.
Please remove yourself
Does anyone else have this tendency?
> do a champ's standard/recommended memebuild
> suck completely or only be average
> do some weird self-made snowflaky shit
> pwn completely, rack in all the S-es
Keep playing and you'll get there eventually. If you want to go faster you'll need to expend effort both shotcalling and ego soothing your team, so you can have anyone actually listen to your shotcalling. Leadership essentially.
>when riot finally gives you something to spend all that ip on
"Your first priority should be to save the 6,318 IP for the two basic pages of Tier 3 runes that are 50% off. That's an AD Quint / AD red / Arm Yellow / MR Blue page and AP Quint / MPenred / Arm yellow / MR blue page. Once you can afford those you should feel free to spend IP on whatever you like whether champions or more specialized runes."
Does this still proceed?
Any ideas for unconventional support pick? I need to get a chest. Preferably melee.
Never forget stroke user. He died for our laughs.
if you're asking about the rune prices, then i guess they're correct. riot lowered the price of the "essential" runes by 50% and have been advertisign them as 50% off ever since
Yes. You still want to get the half off runes to start replacing your tier 2s. That's less than one new champion's worth of IP.
Which champion(s) kicks your ass almost all of the time regardless of who uses it and what's their status in the current patch?
Seconding Sion
Post ending in 3 decided if my role will be top/jg or jg/supp.
Does playing in a group give you more IP? If so would anyone want to play with a lvl 20 shitter? Pls don't flame
Unironically le wind man
The moment he is not banned AND not picked by a shitter in my team there is enemy gook playing him. And even if he goes 0/10 on a lane he still is able to fuck everyone up in teamfights.
How do i win in solo queue?
>pick mid
>stomp lane
>top feeds - fed as fuck bruiser that i cant burst down rapes my face
>bot feeds - enemy carry has 3 core items at 15 minutes
Post server user
>How do i win in solo queue?
Destroy the enemy Nexus.
I don't think it's that essential to stopm your lane as the midlaner, get an advantage in lane and press it elsewhere on the map.
My sidelanes getting stopmed or not being able to snowball is exactly why I started playing a heavy roam champion, never felt more impactful on the outcome of the game.
>literaly me unga team bunga posting
kys bronzie
So do you guys share accts? Me and my friends have been sharing the same acct since season 1.
>play veigar
>one shot the enemy carry regardless of how many damage items he has
>Remove 90% of your lane opponent's hp
>Enemy junglers flashes in
>You flash out and call it a day
>Return to lane and straight away remove 90% of the lane opponent's hp (again)
>He flashes out and you walk away since the enemy jungler just shown up on a ward
>Enemy jungler starts pushing your lane to the turret
league of legends is my favourite video game
i want to look EXACTLY like Irelia!
>following the recommended builds ever
you cant be higher than bronze 3
i want to look exactly like *league related name and not off topic*!
hecarim just pisses me the fuck off
oh yeah, just run down the backline through exhaust and 10 slows, I don't mind
No. I don't see much upside and the downside is the account getting perma-banned.
Why her? She doesn't even have the biggest ass in league.
accounts do not get banned for sharing unless you try and play at the same time too many times
You're probably playing a champ with a lower than 50 percent winrate.
shiny butts
butt thats wrong
i just got roastied by a stacey ( guess r9k was always right ) so feeling to give back to you friends
replies ending in even numbers will get the new champs, just post which one you want and you're igns
euw only
>Vladfag said she's sucking my dick this summer when she's back to Balkan region
>now she has a bf
wow what a cheating bitch, she's literally going to suck my dick while dating someone else
>roastied by stacey
what will happen if i play jinx mid
how about varus
Stacey is the female version of a chad
jinx:free kills for enemy jungler and mid
got the whole 'im gonna whore myself to chad before i settle down with you' speech
oh yeah?
>not going to the gym
>not being Chad tier built
You guys have no one but yourselves to blame.
damn well Im glad for you
dubs are disabled though so only on 00s
ign: LululewdestLoli
Varus works fine, although the arrow spam build is a lot worse now. Jinx might be able to mid if she plays like a bitch and relies on zap and rocket for safety. But you might have to buy some mana shit for early game to avoid going oom. If you try to play/build her like bot lane you're probably going to get ganked and die.
Okay, so I got autofilled and tried it out again, and I genuinely don't get the point of support/utility bard over ap bard. In both cases you're a squishy piece of shit, but ap bard at least deals lots of damage. Utility is useless if the carries you're supporting aren't good.
I'm about to masturbate now lads since I've won a bunch of games. Wish me luck.
to what you going to fap good sir?
Good luck user and remember to stay away from traps.
Does anybody want my lvl 30 Silver 5 throwaway account for free? These are the champs I own on it.
It's on a 20 minute lower priority queue because I trolled and I don't want to deal with that shit, if anybody wants I'll post the details here or on an email
ew you
gimme pls
Forgot the image like the buffoon I am
Okay, do you want me to post info here or in private? Idc either way
Guess Ill be generous too.
First one to post cute Lulu rare/oc/less common image gets a random skin gift and post ending in 0, 4 or 7 or dubs
just add LululewedestLoli\
euw only
post your ign in the reply so i know its you
I`d rather private.
Email [email protected]
Can we roll more than once? I barely see anybody from EUW doing anything like this, it's usually NAfags only.
Also if I hit the number, I'll add you. My summoner literally has the word lewd in it, so you'll know it's me.
well noone replied so you win
sent ;)
It's a pretty shitty account but I hope you can find some use for it.
was thinking vamp scepter rush for early game and defensive items on the side
heck i'll just try it later
wanted to build varus crit desu arrow spam build is sooooo boring
>game doesn't even have a Try hard Meganerd Mode(tm)
I rolled a 0 here , does it count?
thanks my dude
what would such a mode be?
Magma chamber?
>implying this isn't aram
i want to make love with kled!
>[NEW] Blighted Quiver: corruption stack limit removed
Yeah she really is.
She's my favorite champ in the game and I've played her since her s3 release.
The changes around patch 5.8 were the nail in the coffin for her.
She's not the absolute worst of the bunch at least.
I know that feel mate
>go from b1 to s1 playing vlad in 3 days
>carry games left and right
>riot gods sees my wr was ~75%
>"this is unacceptable"
>literally match me with tards who cant spell there name correctly against high golds and plats
>still manage to get fed or go even most games but cant carry with shit like 2/22 bot lane or jg 3 levels behind
>go on 14 game lose streak, tanking mmr and getting demoted back to silver 3
>winning now nets me 18 and losing 22
>flux between s3 and s4 for a few days because keep getting demoted
>say fuck it one game and try a meme build to see if it helps
>rush ludens on vlad into dc with 20%cdr in runes
>kill my lane when I hit 6, back for needlessly, rush bot, get double and ftb
>do this almost every game
>buy mejais for good measure
> can dive in 1v5, kill carrys in one rotation then leave with insane movement speed from ludens+mejais
Is this the power of memes?
>[REMOVED] cannot cast Reqiuem during Death Defied
there is literally no point since I'm a manlet anyway
They're not birds, they're fox-griffon.
Post your top 3 waifus/husbandos.
just pee yourself
Holy fucking shit wtf did they do to LeBlanc?
Where's my fucking slow?
Where's my fucking lvl 2 burst?
Where's my fucking damage in general?
>Dude lets make an assassin that does no damage xD
This is literally Blizzard level of retardation
imagine being this stupid
Being a ripped manlet is better than being a non-fit manlet.
>tfw too intallegint to pee myself
All of your damage is in your E now so you're going to have to learn to aim shit buddy.
W's damage was intentionally gutted down to a 0.2AP ratio, they want you to use it primarily as a positioning tool.