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/xivg/ is laughing at us again, bros...

rate my f*cking mog noobs

>Look mom I posted it again

Stop forcing you fucking mong

Should I get a relinquished trinked to replace a shitty 780ilvl green or I go for the waist/wrists for a chance to get the best leggo for dk frost?

sniping a leggo isn't more important than replacing a shitty ass leveling trinket my dude

hmm, a guaranteed +20 ilvl jump or a 0.00000000% chance at a +25 ilvl jump

>a lot of people out in broken shore asking for help with solo WQ
>blizzard spent development time on mage tower challenges for people that need help killing 20 non elite mobs

what the fuck man

>queue for random cata dungeon
>get zoned into trash right before the last boss of vortex pinnacle
>full credit for 1 minute of an instance
the chance to get legendaries from relinquished tokens is so low it's not worth it, especially if you're gearing up

Do people like Thisalee Crow actually exist in IRL? How bad are they?

I want to have sex with a cute night elf girl

cute and good hearted ladies? Yeah they exist

If you wouldnt fuck Thisalee Crow you should find yourself a nice bloodelf(male)


>create warrior trial
>undergo class trial that teaches me bad things should be hit with sharp edge of sword
>training interrupted by demons, lmao who cares you're ready to get sent down to the broken shore
>humiliating defeat and retreat
>shortly afterwards, go to new dalaran
>decide to go on a 2-man suicide mission to kill demons
>get shot down like a bitch, saurfang nowhere to be seen
>faceplant next to some vrykul warriors
>you and vrykul all get slaughtered
>for some reason the val'kyr decide they should resurrect you and take you up to warrior heaven

There wasn't much competition, user.

Odyn is fucking retarded, everyone already knows this

>Want to find a good partner for straight ERP in this game
>Absolutely no luck whatsoever

I just want someone to ERP as Tyrande for me, is that really too much to ask?

>Get to warrior heaven
>A fuck ton of other "greatest warriors to ever have lived"
Odin just needs people he can throw at Helya.

What do you type into Google/where do you find body and armor mods for WoW??

Asking for a friend.

>straight ERP
a lot of straight ERP on moon guard

>"B-blood elf females are actually 10/10 QT's right guys?.....g-guys?"

Welcome to virtual worlds, where the males are male and the females are male.

I don't really understand why people enjoy these class halls. Guess NPCs stroking your ego for nothing feels nice. It's all so hollow and fake praise.

>Death Knights are set up to be the next Lich King
>Warlocks get a crazy demon army
>Shamans control the four elemental lords
>Warriors get killed by some literal who demon and become the errand boy of Odyn

>control the elemental lords
nah, they just really don't wanna get dicked on when azeroth goes tits up.

>implying hes not molding warriors to become true gods to take his place when he eventually goes off with helya on a booze cruise where they fuck until she kills him

yeah, that's why Goldshire is nothing but disgusting futas and "femboys" right?

I don't care who's on the other side of the monitor, I just want someone to ERP as Tyrande for me, why is that so hard to understand?


I realized that all of my horde characters are male and the couple of alliance characters are both female.

Which alliance race has the best males? I want to make one.

Human Male Warrior

Which part of I AM THE MAN WHO GRABS TO SUN RIDING TO VALHALLA you didn't understand?

"recommended suicide methods" is your best bet.

>send me to
>disconnected from server
>now in bumfuck nowhere in Azsuna
>send me to
>die from fall damage
Stop playing a warrior. Stop before it's too late.


a few people have also got it for free by calling blizzard to cancel their account. when the reps ask why you plan to cancel, just tell them you cannot afford the new expansion, and may decide to come back later. if they see you don't own legion yet, they'll upgrade your account for free, provide you have been an active sub for a long time.


Every time I leave the halls of valor I end up in the same exact place in Azsuna.

Human males. I want to like night elf males but they just look so goofy. You could give them clown shoes.

Hunter or warlock for being able to afk when questing without worrying about mobs killing me? I assume hunter might be better because it has a spec based around its actual pet

I know a subby bitch playing a femnelf priest, but they've never ERPed so you're probably out of luck. My own nelf is a warrior, too.

I like the ones like shaman and hunter where you just feel like part of an organization
but the ones where your char is the super-special-awesome dindu of prophecy like illidan, annoy me (especially dh and monk)

how is the warlock one?

May the Silver Hand of Tyr protect you on your travels.

bear would be the best or a stealth class
but hunters have feign too which is like 6min stealth and camo, but you have weak self-heals
but uhhh lock pets wither go full retard and pull whole zones or are useless
but locks are also unkillable when you're actually tabbed in

both classes are great for chain-pulling whole questing areas, mm, fire, and afflic (phantom singularity) are probably the best aoe soloing specs in game (so best soloing specs)

bm is mediocre cause you have to wait for your pet to run around
sv and destro have to wait for mobs to stack up to aoe, but can do it fast
demo has terrible pickup aoe

Anyone got like a full gameplay clip of the challenge Guardian skin in action? I cant seem to find any despite the people completing it. I wanna see it in use.

Shinfel is cute. Cute!

how do you get the PVP tokens for gear? is it only ranked?

you're recruited into a circle of 6 warlocks to do evil shit while rescuing the members that got captured in your intro chain
some members get captured or killed in capturing the demon world that is your class hall
near the end you get to choose a new 6th member from 2 waifus
best mass effect game in years

I really liked it

sounds very entertaining, cant wait to play it


how hard is m en for a 900+ group

i need titanforged appendages

This did not assist in furthering my search.

Dwarf and draenei.

It starts nice but loses steam and the ending felt 'okay?'. You enslave the Eredar Twins and everything just ends.

not that hard although specifically just ilgy and xavius can be trouble (xavius is actually really scary when people dont catch their dreams and 5 adds spawn in p1)
the bigger issue is almost every group just does nyth and ursoc (for bloodthirsty instincts, which is a top 2 trink for all hunter specs and highly competitive for all agi specs) then disbands

I wish I could give 20 levels of my monk to my warlock so that I wouldn't have to level in WoD, jesus.

>All my Horde characters are male

just spam bgs (slow, but fun) or do the accelerated learning potion+bonus zone strat


my guild's tank got a 905 appendages from a h en we did for funzies and i hate him for it

i told him it's basically bis for me(only better trink is kj trink) and he didn't care

if you had to give each class a 4th spec to add variety to them what would it be? post your shitty ideas if you have any

warrior: melee sword and shield buff/support class that uses shouts and banners (low dps on its own but buffs the raid) maybe name the spec commander or something

warlock: healer that uses blood magic to siphon health from enemys or self/allys to redistribute to others the communist healer

shaman: earth/rock themed tank

mage: time magic healer that does low healing but spells lower the cooldown of a random spell by 1 second on who ever it was cast on with a 10 min cooldown skill that resets the cool down of 1 major skill per class (tranq or resto druid spirit wolves for enh shaman ect)

rogue: ranged class using bows and spells that buffs/supports the group similer to the warrior (a bard)

hunter: some kind of pet tank

demon hunter: a ranger spec focusing on the use of metamorphosis (like warcraft 3)

preist: int melee/spell caster hybrid dps

thats all ive got

>not tank
0/10 apply yourself

>tfw 50 million gold

>tfw would give it all up if blizzard released legacy servers because I hate the game now and just spend all my time making gold

I want to go back to mop or wrath. Fuck wow

Everything you just said makes me want to stop playing WoW forever, jesus christ.

>max ive ever had is 200k because i sold a wow token
how the fuck do you make that much

There needs to be more bone themed weapons.

Also a Necromancer class.

dual wielding two one handed weapons

tank through shield generated from minion, absorbing magic damage and draining life, would be able to summon spell stones

two handed melee+instant spell dps

wand spec

ranged spec based on DoT

utility DPS giving sustained life and mana regen to the group

burst caster that regens mana with melee attacks

dual wielding one handers spec based on buffs and auto-attacks, gets different bonuses depending on the type of weapon used

AoE focused spec based around spreading diseases


They need to make unholy DKs into necromancer - ranged plate caster.

>We Didn't Start the Fire

Easy, you could just collect all the spines from male Trolls, Orcs, and Undead, and use them as clubs.

>doing Hyjal quests, come across Thisalee Crow
>instantly like her character
>come in WoD and Legion and she gets voice acting
>she sounds like a female gnome on caffeine

That voice doesn't belong to a night elf

All I want is the Demonology warlock from MoP beta made into a spec. No DH just isnt the same for me. There was just something about melee metamorphosis that felt way better than DH does. DH just feels like a rogue outside of its very short metamorphosis window. I'd love Demonology to turn into a tank spec at level 10 where they sacrificed their pet to gain aspects of it and each talent could be choosing benefits from other pets in their arsenal to augment their abilities.

Unholy DK's would be decent necromancers if the Death Knight rotation for every spec wasn't literally head-fuck-level retarded.

anyone else really liking the alliance lore so far? Feels like the justice league, slaying all these hordies and demons. I'm relaly liking this new faction pride blizzard is writting for the Alliance.

But Thisalee is stabby. Stabby!

I don't hate her as vehemently as some people in wowg do, but I do agree. I'm mostly just sad they ruined a character by jumping at the chance to pander to their audience with a manic pixie dream girl.



>I'm mostly just sad they ruined a character by jumping at the chance to pander to their audience with a manic pixie dream girl.
is this supposed to be a bad thing?

>Mass Dispell

upvoted my fellow gentlesir, i will take this time to remind everyone what the horde NEEDS to look like


Hunter is pretty fucking cringey at times. It would be fine if we were a group like Nessingwary's hunters looking to take down big (demon) game. But instead suddenly all hunters are a part of a secret society for protecting the world? Complete with an oath of servitude. Half of the people in the hall are literal whos and the entire questline is preparing to take down ONE demon in the Violet Hold of all places. Also the MM artifact makes 0 sense
Hell you go fucking camping for a night to recruit Rexxar the not Beastmaster.

-why? 1h DW should be exclusive to agile classes
-could work
-needs to return
-explain wand spec
-they had this already and it was scrapped
-i'd rather have a pure holy dps spec
-that sounds awfully similar to another spec. druids don't need anymore specs
-that sounds lazy as shit. rogues should get an evasive tank spec
-that also sounds lazy

Not for the majority of people who play the game, I imagine. Most of them will be like you.

replace with blood elf male body and it's perfect

>Half of the people in the hall are literal whos
>tfw it doesn't apply to me because I've played my hunter since wrath and am well known as that guy that helped kill all those insane villains

Just give rogues Riftstalker from Rift.


is it hard to get the pvp 13 season set? I am mostly interested in the waist part

>that undead

China, please fuck off, you kill enough people as it is, might as well become a death cult while you're at it.


lmao just play pvp




best hunter spec for pvp?


Flying around with my 61 lvl alt and made rude gests to ganker. Am i doing right /wowg/?

OR, make Control Undead a more permanent version, with the ability to collect different types of undead beings to fight by your side in battle, like hunters tame beasts, Unholy DK's can "tame" undead creatures, with their "stable" being in Acherus: The Ebon Hold.

Want a ghoul? Find one. Want an abomination? Find one. Want a banshee to scream and disorient? Find one. Liches and other DK's can't be controlled of course.

Or just a literal Necromancer class.