/owg/ - Overwatch General

>Official Uprising website

>When does the event end?
May 1st.

>Loot item checklist:

>Latest Comic:

>Event video

>Story video

>Developer update video

>Live Patch Notes

>Overwatch Dev Tracker


>Convert source mouse sensitivity

>Stats and Leaderboards

>Competitive Info



Daily reminder if you can't aim up and be able to kill Pharah as a hitscan character you truly belong in silver.

Sombra online.

reminder that if you get stuck on a rank it is entirely your own fault and not your bad luck or your team since the rating shifts happen based on your own performance and not that of your team

best grill

If you make an overwatch tulpa, you will finally be together with your overwatch waifu.


How do I turn into a girl so that I can get Veeky Forums to gift me Overwatch?

If Orisa was intended to be some sort of long range suppressor, wouldn't it make more sense for her projectiles to be near-instant but have incredibly low damage? Sort of like a longer range Sombra SMG. That way she's constantly applying low ticks of damage that forces people to seek cover when Omnitaur lady has them in her sights.

You can't scare people with the concept of taking damage, they have to actually be TAKING damage. Imagine how many bitch Genjis would hide because Orisa fired a near-instant hail of plasma at them from across the map and he took like twenty damage a second at most.

Friendly reminder that if you think a hero is OP, try playing them and learn why they aren't

Orisa is supposed to be a tank buster to kill triple tank. It's just that triple tank is already dead.

The enemy has a teleporteur.

I play Soldier and think he does too much damage.

best boy, best girl, best friends

>Orisa is supposed to be a tank buster to kill triple tank

If triple tank was still a thing I'm pretty sure Orisa would be fucking annihilated.

I remember trying to make a tulpa years ago but I stopped out of fear once I started hearing voices. I thought the whole thing was just a meme.

I've been wanting to start again and figure out what the science actually behind it is.

Reminder that Orisa has an optimized vagina with multiple pressure rings to massage the penis in a rhythmic progression.

>Mercy mains
>"I'm a girl btw don't hit on me silly boys xd"

name a more iconic duo
I'll wait

>recall is now 13 months old
>tracer still the only person we actually know responded

When can we get back to them instead of the boring shit with Jack, Gabe and Ana?

Why are all the achievements for Uprising just a load of bullshit?

Scatter arrow is stupid as fuck and Hanzos normal arrows are too silent and invisible compared to the other snipers shots

>game features a deranked smurf boosting his friend
>next game features a deranked top 500 boosting his friend (whose S3 high was 3040, and final rank was 1033)


Is it bad if I just mute all communication?

had a breakdown and lost the only person i had left to play game with, no more friends to do anything with that i enjoy.

do i just sudoku anons?

>Play uprising on expert.
>If you are teamed up with a gold or below it's a loss.
Players that are worse than literal bots. So this.. is the power.. of 25 million community.. Whoa..

Strategy Tips for Uprising

>If there are other targets available (players or sentry) most Omnics won't attack the payload directly. Only Slicers and Detonators go straight for it, and are able to a tremendous amount of damage if left unchecked. So if you're going for the 80% achievement or your payload is losing health fast, aim for them first.

>Detonators have a few seconds before they explode, so if they manage to get near the payload, Rein can still charge them away and they'll still self-destruct, though this usually inflicts damage on Rein. He may also shield against the explosion in most circumstances, but this doesn't ALWAYS work.

>While fighting Eradicators, aim for their non-weaponized arm where their shield generator is located. After a few hits, it'll loose it's shield despite it's near-full health, making it easier to attack. If playing as Tracer, it may be easier to shoot it's front first to have it target you, then blink behind it; it takes a few moments for it to turn around and fixe it's aim.

>Fighting in different areas affects the spawning location of non-scripted Omnics. As well,you can reach a certain threshold where non-scripted Omnics will stop spawning depending how many are on the field, varying with each difficulty of course.

>The more people on a hacking point, the faster the hack and the better your score and exp gain will be.

Could be a problem if you're like masters+ but I've gotten by just fine in diamond with everything muted.

the game should just detect derankers and boosters and group them with each other, dont care if they have to wait 30+ minutes

he just said that was the intent not that blizzard was good at game design

The brain can dissociate based on trauma (DID) so it makes sense that you can induce the creation of new personalities based on conscious effort too. After all, consciousness is an illusion as the brain activity happens before it comes to your conscious attention, so there is no difference between the brain automatically creating DID as a response to trauma, and you creating a tulpa automatically but thinking that you are acting consciously.

>dva mains
>"I'm a serious girl gamer by the way. I take competitive seriously!"

Wait so do people expect you to be on fucking voice chat during soloq?
I really dont feel like listening to salty mercy/rainhardt/widowmakers

I lost it on normal with a Master premade. CS kiddies can't into PvE and commit suicide all the time.

The game needs at least three more Omnic characters to have a full team.

>Soundquake as Defense
>Spider Omnic as Suppert
>repourposed Nulltrooper, Sentry Bot, or one of the four-legged tanks as Offense

you shouldn't get ult charge over time desu only for doing stuff

I can't stand this shit
Bitch if I'm gaming alone I don't want to hear some random neckbeard's heavy breathing and shitty strategies
That's why I keep voice volume at 0%, don't even have to mute that way

There's already defense, support and tank omnics. Only thing missing is offense.

Why even climb the ladder, just to play with those people?

I love this meme.

Guise does completing vanilla uprising on legendary require skill

>genji blows up hanzo
>he is rebuilt as an omnic
>"we wah neva human to begin with, my bratha"

Doomfist incoming.

if youre bad at the game you dont deserve it, accept it

The name of the Honzo on your team that just won't switch heros.



>Zarya will never get a good skin


> kot blini blyat vodka

I wish her arctic skins didn't have the goggles


The good days are gone. What can they ACTUALLY do to improve the game? I'm not just talking about balance changes either.


I was asking because I completed it you shitter

gay opinion

>Blizzard makes a ton of great skins for Zarya
>they put them all in HoTS
>Overwatch gets industrial and cyber goth


Don't do this to me

Like I can understand they wanna focus on backstory early on, but really something to move the plot a bit more forward would be nice


Had two people on my team quit after we lost the first point in 2 of my last 5 games. I'm a platinum shitter at 2600 sr now, was 2700. Starting to hate this game.

We need like 4-6 more maps than we have right now

Your image literally says the opposite.
If you know how to win but don't please the matchmaking with your performance metrics, you are dropping in rank.
I wish someone would reverse engineer their matchmaking, so that comp players play to fool the matchmaking instead of playing to win.

life was great in beta

>guy sucks at playing Mercy
>shit talk him a bit
>he gets on vc
>It's a girl

Like pottery

>Finished placements for the first time at the beginning of current season
>Sudden fucking lose streak
>Just got back to the bare minimum for my rank

I wanna win one more time to secure I'm at a good spot for the next season but I'm terrified of going on a losing streak

Plat has been really shitty this season, throwers and people not trying to win almost every game. It's been particularly painful as a support player.

I like Pharah's old icon better

this was also a very fun game!

And we;ll have to have two in two categoeries, seeing as there's only four categories.

Also the pick list to choose characters from can include Athena and the two other Omnics in the "Recall" roll call.

Name a hero you do not play who you think has the best overall playerbase in terms of skill and likeability.

Yeah it's so easy to kill a Pharah across the map being pocketed by Mercy. I hate this "Soldier, kill the Pharah!" meme. It's like a 50/50 battle at best

I just pick whatever the fuck I want in comp and mute everyone. Sometimes I win and sometimes I dont. It doesnt matter because its all the matchmaking coin flip. If you think otherwise youre delusional.

Then why bother playing comp at all and not just quick play where there are no stakes?

Any of you had the girl gamers who refuse to listen to anything a guy says? "Shut the fuck I know how to play the game" when someone asks them to change tactics. It's like they see everything as a guy speaking down to them.


Quick play doesnt offer golden weapon skins.

>Being this fucking terrible at soldier

Holy hell m8 uninstall is the best option for you.

Blizzard made a mistake doing this.

I don't see the point of getting on voice chat in soloqueue any more. I was playing Ana and this whiny bitch voice fuccboi Pharah was screaming at me for getting no heals but he was on the other side of the map out of my LOS flanking. Or my favorite someone picks a non-Reddit approved hero and the team shits itself making communication pointntless. It seems if my team is not winning, one thing can set them off. Also no one's ever responsible for their own actions it's always another teammate's fault.

Azucar or Los Muertos?

>lock in DPS
>"We need a healer"

>More characters
It might discourage salty metafags. Or it could do the opposite and force even more specific team compositions. Unfortunately, the story is looking like Blizz's number 1 priority, which stops them from making probably more than 3 new characters a year.

>more maps
With more variety between them. Again, to try and stop metafags moaning and to encourage a wider range of character picks.

>another mode
Anything like a horde type, single/multiplayer campaign that doesn't get boring after a week. A PVE mode where it is different every time, like randomly generated dungeons and mobs.

>a map maker
Let people go fucking crazy. Tons of replayability can come from this and custom server can be fun like the old days of CS.

>more gun cosmetics
"Here's a golden gun for 3000 competitive points. We'll now not release anything else for over 10 months". Doesn't even have to be anything crazy either. Solid or gradient colored textures would be fine.

I hope you don't know my pain


I'm matched with this type of faggot every fucking day

*starts playing a flanking lucio*
now what

Then go healer

Always liked Azucar

>Pick Genji.
>Keep diving enemy team.
If you don't heal me we lose the game :)

If I see that a dude has 87 hours on Genji and 2 hours collectively on all healers on quickplay and comp, I'm not going healer for that fag.

you don't need them.

2CP maps are pure garbo.

Genjis are the fucking worst

Enjoy losing.

Who doesn't enjoy seeing genji's lose?

losing out of spite is great though.
