How can I profit off of this?
How can I profit off of this?
Bump for interest.
Get a job and quit role-playing wolf of wall street.
Make America Great Again?
kek. trumpcoin???
Real Answer?
Invest in anything that will move up with Inflation.
Hyperinflation is the only fucking way you 'Mericans are getting out of Obama's debt spending spree.
Judging by that graph, obama did better than the bush administration before it and didn't put the country in the biggest economic down turn since the great depression.
Really makes you think :think:
> Dumbass 'Merican cuck happy he got cucked by His Party instead of THEIR party
Fucking 'Mericans are a walking joke
Barron Trump, Donald Trump's son, was just added to the TrumpCoin Development Team.
It will be in the announcements (ANN) thread on bitcointalk tomorrow.
now post dat deficit
Invest in Raytheon.
Do some research into the policies he will push and their effects on different companies.
You have to assess risk carefully when speculating on scenarios where you can lose a lot of money. For example rather than waiting for a goverment announcement anticipated to benefit a company you could sell just before, after all the other speculators have pumped up the stock, thereby mitigating the risk.
It's easy to stave off an economic downturn when you have a trillion bucks a year to use as stimulus.
>Get a job and quit role-playing wolf of bit street.
Sell shit feminists and liberal dumbasses would buy. Sell things overpriced but say it's for a "good" cause. They'll buy into it and you'll profit dude. $$$ Also focus on selling to hipsters, they love buying old beat up vintage shit from the 90's at high prices. Look at urban outfitters for example.
Buy Tesla.
Yeah, Raytheon's nice - guess L-3 Technology will will work out fine aswell
Millenials will be FUCKED for the rest of our lives.
For every dollar in taxes a BOOMER paid, 85% went to social security, medicare, services, education, transportation, industry, national research, etc.
For every dollar of taxes a Millenial will pay, 55% will go to paying off our debt only.
Millenials are fucked for the rest of our lives.
>Hyperinflation is the only fucking way you 'Mericans are getting out of Obama's debt spending spree.
Fucking great... we need milk & bread to cost $30 to make our national debt worthless... sounds like a great fucking plan.
every dollar the millennial pays is worth far less than the dollars boomers paid.
quit your bitching, you don't even understand what they put in.
money illusion.
if bread costs $30 the minimum wage will be $300 and we won't have a problem.
taxes are not the only source of revenue. millenials also have about $700B in student loans from the government, and there's no real way to default on those loans. the principal on my loans is moderate and i've been paying my loans off fairly aggressively but i still managed to pay about $1k in interest last year, so i'm sure there are lots of millenials out there who are paying way more interest than i am.
i have lived in hyperinflation. it's not that big of a deal for the poor and the rich. it only fucks the middle class to shits. those people spend everything because they can't do good investments with no savings and living paycheck to paycheck they essentially become poorfags.
and democracy is build on the middle class when it erodes so does the system.
Bet against the U.S. Dollar.
>democracy is build on the middle class when it erodes so does the system
do you actually believe the silly shit you say?
the middle class is undefined.
democracy is when people too stupid to rule themselves rule the country.
the system corrects its own erosion.
you're just quacking and hoping someone agrees with you. Stop being stupid.
i don't think you have the slightest idea what the fuck you are talking about. i have seen this shit happen around me.
the notion that democracy is built on the middle class is something a couple of hundred years old observation with tons of literature about it. it's about as much common knowledge as the earth traveling around the sun.
but sure you must be right it's all bullshit because you say so.
>implying trump isn't going to borrow even more in order to fund his nonsensical protectionist policies and the giant fucking wall
Join border patrol
The dollar is in an uptrend.
Manufacturing or not, but the President of the United states screaming bloody murder about manufacturing jobs in perticular Makes Pretty much all metals go up 1/3rd chance of becoming profitable on the US stock exchange (long story short dont invest into China for god sakes!)
His ties with Russia, I dont give a shit but ending embargo's and the like opens up MASSIVE potential in fucking all of Russia before hoards catch on.
Russian market seems to have extremly high demand and growing for Edible oil products and if You know anything about farming, Eggs milk and meat prices are very volotile when it comes to edible oils and protien rich feed.
Yhe, Trump Opened this box of Russian Black Caviar and American Red fucking wide open, no pun intended.
If You are in America, have 20-30 grand in cash, Buy a house in a State with low liability (insurance).
Oh and speaking of house prices.... Trump is GOOD for our economy =)
>i have seen this shit happen around me.
to a man with a hammer everything looks like a nail.
>the notion that democracy is built on the middle class is something a couple of hundred years old observation with tons of literature about it.
odd since the middle class doesn't constitute a majority in most countries depending how you choose to define it.
and that's really what it comes down to. You define "middle class" so that it constitutes a democratic majority and then declare democracy to rest on the backs of the middle class. "Middle class" is a meaningless term, you can define it any way you want and lots of people do.
you're not intelligent enough to understand this though. The idea that words may not have the same meaning to you that they do to others is beyond you, and it shakes your solid view of how things work. I don't care if you pretend that's not true, just don't expect other people to agree with you. You're a moron, and you're a coward. Not everyone else is.
On this train of thought, I saw some guy on youtube spamming inauguration yt channels peddling trump merchandise on his website and using upvote bots to try and get people to buy his merchandise. Not sure how successful he was/is
I bought Gold (NUGT)right before the inauguration, and sold after it jumped 7%, then bought the reverse leveraged ETF (DUST) and sold that after everyone settled back down and got another 7% out of it....
>not selling all your meme yellencoins for bitcoins before the fake trump meme hype ends
Reddit and digg are succesful with upvote bots.
some thing with stock index blah blah blah standard and poor hates trump blah blah blah invest in jew index
>another trump pump 'n dump con
god I hope his retards invest in this.
Eurofag here that just moved to the States, I'm pretty curious about the whole student loan deal.
What happens when you stop paying your government loan? Are they coming after you like a bank would?
Never felt so good holding a EU passport though.
democracy is overrated
I'm terrified of hyperinflation. I have 75K saved up in the bank and if it became worthless in a month, I'd probably Sudoku. I imagine i'd try to buy something like a crappy house, buy won't be able to convince anyone to sell because they'd know cash will soon become worthless. Did that happen in your experience?
They can go to court and deduct from your paycheck
What visa you there under?
I'm gunna move there as a tourist in a few months and just not leave because fuck Europe, such a fucking shithole.
I hope Trump is success, a bad China bring down the cost of buying sweet and sour pork
>I have 75K saved up in the bank and if it became worthless in a month, I'd probably Sudoku.
there are many hedges against inflation and the richer you are the better your options are.
for a mere $75k you can just buy vanguard inflation would go straight into stock prices unless the economy also take a crap. in which case there is always metals or bitcoin or real estate.
>democracy is overrated
spoken like a true russian or an imbecile that never lived in anything else.
i fucking love everything since we have democracy. there is not a single part of life that didn't improve vastly since the socialist era. too bad some fuckers are trying to revere course with all their might.
>trump is going to lower taxes and increase spending with this debt
don't bet against the US dollar.
invest in EPA restricted stocks.
BUY OTC STOCK! Not even joking...2017 is going to be bananas for the OTC...I have been saying for WEEKS here for yall to get into ICNB DBMM NTCXF and GIGL...they are all going the way of OWCP... 50 cents or higher...get in or regret it when all you can gain from the big boards is a divi...
Buy options on pharmaceuticals if they're doing away with Obamacare.
I just don't know if that will send stock price up or down so flip a coin lmao
Fuck u chink
I'm here on a J1 student visa. You can get those within 12 months of graduating college/uni. Officially I'm interning but they're just paying me a regular industry wage.
If you're flying in on an ESTA they require a return ticket on entry, so that'll be a nice waste of money. If you're really dedicated to staying you wont be able to get a Social Security Number on an ESTA either, so you wont be able to get any work besides under the table Mexican tier jobs.
If you have money just get a business visa (500k+ bank statements req.)
I don't really like it here anyway, Europe's better in many ways, I look forward to the end of my term so I can move back.
i'm an asian. why do you hate albanians?
>Europe's better in many ways
Maybe I should clarify: Europe is better in almost every aspect except the business climate, but that's just my two cents.
Then again, I'm contracting for a large biotech company in California and it has a bunch of dirty office politics going on all the time, and has a very traditional corporate structure. The grass is always greener on the other side.
They're a bunch of thieving cunts.
have u ever seen the earth rotate around the sun tho
Find small companies struggling because of the EPA stone walling them
Dude am i chinese?????
>off of
invest in private prisons. stop and frisk+ less tax revenue for the first couple years (assuming tax breaks grow the economy eventually)= no money to lock up the liberals, Mexicans, blacks, and Arabs. he will turn to his Republican friends to help out of course. the rich just get richer. we are doomed family.
Where's money in media that also helps Trump?
He might settle for enforcing the boarder, though I can't really see it as he sold it like Billy fucking Mays on crack
>You will be able to see the wall from the moon.
One popular myth about space exploration is that the Great Wall of China is the only human-built structure that can be seen from space. But this is not true.
>being this asleep at the wheel
Trumpcoin will make you very wealthy boys. Convert your savings.
>advisor doesn't want me to have any metals
>he says there's no point
>I want metals because debt, Trump, inflation etc
what do?
I'll sell you stuff for your $75k user
What do you want? Baseball cards? Bitcoins? Pogs? I used to have some some beanie babies around here. My BOOMER mom probably stole them that cunt. I'd kill her if I didn't support women's causes so much..
Buy your own metals? No more than 5% of your portfolio
>paying an (((advisor)))
ah, I too remember when I was 13
It's looking fairly likely that the EPA, USDA, medicare, medicaid, and basically every other government agency and program will be scaled back or quickly defunded. A slaughterhouse that takes 20 guys to run to meet USDA standard will take 5 to run. Hospitals will scale back massively on medicare clients, meaning layoffs for nurses and doctors. Because Trump is moving so fast on this, there could be a fairly rapid and large wave of job losses, followed by a cycle of depressed consumer spending. If you can insulate yourself during the initial downturn, you could make a killing on real estate as people lose their homes.
Why? i've been seeing this across the board. Is this just a meme or will OTC be huge
I've been trying to tell people about OTC stocks on here for like the past year everyone here is all muh bitcoin muh robinhood.
Check out UNGS. there was some really really good news on it.
Serious question on housing market speculation, buy now or hold? Mortgage rates are around 4-4.5% in the US and I suspect will only increase.
Will we see an echo crash? Are we due for a credit crunch?
Why tf would you buy now
Once rates go up the housing market will crash, it's only a matter of time
I filed the maximum number of extensions or whatever and then started missing payments due to unemployment. Just called them up and they said fine but the juice is still on. I ended up doing 3 years in the Army to pay it off. Would have rather just gotten a job but graduating in 08 was rough. In hindsight I probably just should have done a Master's program but instead I got to shoot two haqqani jihadists and leave them in a ditch. Still kind of wrestle with which outcome was better.
Retard here, how does hyperinflation get us out of deficit spending?
Isn't the answer obvious
There is alot of money to be made in the debt shuffling & refinancing if you can leverage a ton of equity.
Its probably too big for most of us small players to participate.
>Retard here, how does hyperinflation get us out of deficit spending?
It doesn't get you out of deficit spending... only thing that can fix that is Discipline.
But it can fix the MASSIVE 20 Trillion dollar debt you have to keep making payments on.
Hyperinflation devalues currency and your debt. It fucks your Debt Holders as well as your US Dollar holders. But it's great for debt repayment.
The only people who won't be fucked are people with enough capital who can invest assets that grow with inflation.
there isn't a point to owning metals.
If you absolutely need something inflation resistant there are plenty of stocks and some bonds that are inflation resistant to buy into.
no you don't you are only 12 evidently