/ndg/ - NieR/Drakengard General #66



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Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

nierautomata.wiki.fextralife.com/Jackass's Research


Continuing from last thread, I'm trying to gather up all the stupidest theories/obvious headcanon for Automata. I'm not trying to stir up shit or push my own interpretation of the game, I'm adding every suggestion. Let me know if you've heard any other stupid shit. The story so far:

>machines and/or aliens created YoRHa
>machines have human gestalts/souls inside their cores
>9S is A4
>A2 is Kaine
>9S knew literally everything from the very beginning of the game
>The commander is a human
>N2 (the machine network girls) planned out/maniuplated every event in the game, including all of 9S's actions
>N2 is literally Manah
>The watchers created the machine network
>2B's heels are part of her feet and are built in
>White Chlorination Syndrome mutated into a computer virus and became the Logic Virus
>The entire game is a simulation designed to use the player as a metric of human emotion based on their actions



what does the save editor do?

I don't know if you're gathering stuff from elsewhere, but I haven't seen more than two or three of those in here.

>A2 is Kaine
like actually Kaine? Because She couldnt live long enough for that to be true, but A2 is definitely using Kaine's Gestalt data

I've seen every one in these threads, except for the thing about white chlorination syndrome and the commander being a human

The stage play states that A2's personality data/memory data is from a girl with happy memories of growing up with her grandmother. That's the only evidence for that claim. Does that mean it's not Kaine? No, it totally could be Kaine. But it's dumb to say that it "definitely" is.

You nerver fail user....

>A2 is Kaine
She got her memories.

>9S knew literally everything from the very beginning of the game
He knew that 2B was an E model designed to kill him.

>White Chlorination Syndrome mutated into a computer virus and became the Logic Virus
The RED/WCS has a connection to the Logic Virus.

There is more than one user posting that each thread.

>A2 is Kaine
>She got her memories
Possibly, likely even, but not definitely.

>9S knew that 2B was an E model designed to kill him from the beginning of the game
That's your interpretation and you're welcome to it. But I respectfully disagree. Not only does it make the story less interesting, but it makes much of his behavior and actions throughout Route A/B make no fucking sense.

>The RED/WCS has a connection to the Logic Virus.

Oh I thought it was always the same idiot, I mean, nice user. Anyways, take this.

>He knew that 2B was an E model designed to kill him.
>from the start

oh no not this meme again

and yet there's only one ireneposter

>But I respectfully disagree.
Ending D

pic related

dude how does ending D imply that 9S secretly knew the entire time? I allow that there may be residual memories or emotions or whatever but nothing in ending D implies that he knew everything all the way from the fucking prologue. It makes no sense. So he was just acting for all of route a and b? even when alone? nonsense dude

Don't be mean to the 2B9S poster, user.

>and yet there's only one ireneposter

have you considered the fact that it may be an act/her character? idol groups, not unlike american boy bands, often have "personalities" for each idol. The shy one! The sexy one! The smart one! etc. Being socially awkward and autisty is considered cute as hell over there.

Have a wonderful day

The only thing ending D suggests is that he did find out at some point, which is no surprise since we know that wouldn't be the first time.

It does it in any way imply that he has known the entire time, that world it make any sense at all, are events in the game that directly contradict it.

Yeah, but I don't care. She can have whatever personality she wants and she'll still be cute.

yeah exactly. He obviously found out at some point; I mean for one A2 tells him to his face before their fight, so at the very latest he knew then, so before ending D. It's likely he realized it at some point during Route C, but when is hard to say and would be up to the individual's interpretation. Personally I think it was at the top of the Soul Box. But yeah, had he known the whole time, not only would many of his behaviors, words, and actions in route A/B make no sense and be directly contradictory, but it would also be a less interesting and worse story for it.

agreed my man

I view it as a semi 4th wall break, the "You already knew" is aimed at the player. Some people that also did the side quests figured it out.

>that hip movement at the beginning
2B are you fucking trying to give him a boner????

Lets be realistic...
That ship has already sailed, user.

Grinding money with desert payday has to be the most tedious thing I ever did in video games, even with the spear.

Set it to easy, equip auto attack chips + auto collect and do something productive.

Eh, could be. I definitely think the you want to ???? 2B was a 4th wall break. But it's also possible he realized it at some point and it added to his anger and irrationality.

What do you mean? I dunno but now I have a boner, fucking 2B :/

it's also entirely possible that 9S already knew by that point in the game. He may have been suspicious after the Amnesia quest, though there's no way that alone was enough for him to realize what was going on.

Like I said earlier I think it's possible he realized during the Soul Box portion of Route C, but i'm not sure. It's possible he figured it out before the last fight with A2, but to claim that he always knew, from the very beginning of the game, it's fucking moronic, and something I've seen plenty in these threads

I think he's talking about Drakengard 3.

It was a 4th wall break but also applies to 9S. I don't think there's any way he knew about the whole 2B/2E thing by that point in the game, but it's possible that due to residual scraps of memory or emotion he had really complicated feelings about 2B that he didn't fully understand, hence the ????

Eh, I thougt he's grinding G in the Adam pit, nevermind then.

I finished the game like 3-4 days after it was released on Steam. got nearly 85% and then stopped.

Now weeks (a month?) after that I started another game on hard and shit, but I can't really find a good excuse to play it again, I love the game but still there is something that keeps me aways from Automata.

Maybe I need more time?


golden robots were talking about revenge there. Then suddenly reason 9S makes this comment talking to himself:
>''And yet I....''

and Mourning music plays.
strange isn't it?

Just wait for the DLC.

Take more time. Wait till all the DLC is out, then play it again. That's what I'm gonna do. If you play it again now, you'll be burnt out when all the DLC is out. IT seems there'll be 3 packs, as the DLC they've announced only uses the flooded forest apologetic machine.

But there are SO many things he could've been thinking about when he said that.

So 9S saying "and yet I" means that he secretly knew about 2E the entire game, from the prologue? 9S saying "and yet I" is enough evidence for it that we aren't worrying about all the other shit he said and did during Routes A/B that makes 0 sense if he knew about 2E?

Yeah, I didn't think so either.

What's with that door in the desert with the suicidal machine? i couldn't access it with any character

So does everybody else.

gating off future DLC areas, currently it's not possible to access. There's one in the desert, one in the forest, and one in the flooded city.

thats not the only one, and theyre placeholder elevators for DLC

>Yeah, I didn't think so either

Agree, this is a bs justification. Strange nonetheless. I don't really remember any anything revenge-related happening during A/B desu.

thank you~
have a kiss

yeah, it's strange, but there's a million things he could've meant, and likely did mean. 9S already knowing the truth about 2B in Route B causes so many issues and inconsistencies that a single line with a single interpretation that could point to that really means fucking nothing m8

Revenge of any kind isn't really on 9S' radar until his beef with A2 in Route C.

>playing ending E mini-game
>be me, critical and too suspicious
>'other players' appeared
>think it's developers fucking with my mind
>they just uploaded base of nicknames or something, they can't be real players
>besides how the first player went through this with no support? that's impossible
>I don't believe you, sick bastard Taro
>didn't delete my data

Anyway, is there a proof, like maybe someone saw his nickname and a phrase in other's walkthoughs?

not denying It.
Another thing that I can pull from my ass is that 2B was able to kill/strangle 9S without any confirmation from command but was totally unable to attack other YoRHa units when they got corrupted.

If she is an Executioner Unit with the sole purpose of killing 9S, why would she have to ask for permission? She can target him like any other enemy, and 9S was fucking dying he was not wondering about something like that


Is Nier: Automata the only game where the actual in-game characters are hotter than their fanart? I bought the game last weekend and beat ending A. I haven't masturbated to anything except 2B's in-game model the whole week. Help me.

Im not into feets, can I lick their pussies?If not, i am fine with their breast...

>implying they have

Dont know but is the only game in years I masturbated to a male character, last one was to Shepard in Mass Effect 2 with a underwear only mod (not gay, grill)

you see, they needed confirmations before with betrayers and A2.
And 9S just casually asked her to kill him, sure.
Again it is quite far fetched. 9S himself couldn't attack anyone with 2B during infection and he knew how to disable that system, he possibly did it in memory cage too. So yeah, there is that.



9S is cute /ss/ bait and I have often fantasized about him and 2B having loving,
gentle, and vanilla sex together. He's probably the only male character that's ever been involved in my fap fantasies, but it can't be helped.

>He doesn't know

What kind of newfag you are? It's been said that popola and devola models can have sex faggot, and that's known since ancient times.

Devola has probably been molesting several generations of Nier

But these two models?

>it's been said
No, it hasn't. If I'm wrong, source me bitch

kek, you made me spit my coffee
As you said, "loving, gentle and vanilla sex together" its all I can think of them doing, they are so cute together, but dunno, grills tend to fantasize that, if a guys do the same, its mean that they are really cute...specially 9S

I imagine they had a bunch of dummy ones when the game was launched, prob members of the dev team.

Well, they're based on the original models so I guess they keep the same specs?

Yes it was you filthy PCuck, go and play Nier faggot instead of asking for spoon feeding.

My game crashed as I was trying to beat it, I didn't even realize the things could hurt me until I got to like localization.

I made it up to Square Enix not sure how close to the end that is. One of the messages said something like "you can do it alone" so of course I plan to do just that and leave a TTGL inspired message.

Same for me, user.

>grills tend to fantasize that
Us girls really to do that. That's why some of us write them having tender sex. 9S is super qt!

The dramatic music is really no surprise considering it's a dramatic moment.

As far as the 'and yet' I would think it probably has something to do with his feelings about humans or machines, rather than anything with 2B. He was deriding the machines' bloodlust and then the pod pointed out that it was human-like behavior.

Are there really so many things he could be talking about ? There's only really 2 things he might be talking about in that context. Either the machine he just killed, or 2E. And seeing as he showed literally 0 remorse for any of the golden machines, including the one he just killed, and yet there's a massive tone shift in his voice.

> enough evidence for it that we aren't worrying about all the other shit he said and did during Routes A/B that makes 0 sense if he knew about 2E?

Such as what ?

You're thinking about how much you want to **** 2B, aren't you?

they are not based off of them they are part of the same series.

They where around when the events of the first game happened. The only thing that happened to them is that they had a sense of guilt implanted about what the Dev and Pop had done in the first game.


i loved that part, i actually blushed a little

>blushed a little
user, are you serious?

>only game in years I masturbated to a male character,

So then you normally masturbate to female characters but no homo?

Adam was talking to both us and Nines at the same time, truly a master wordsmith.


Who has the best body /ndg/? our old intersex Kaine or the "muh feelings not allowed" 2B?

A2 broken body.

Yes because I always find videogames girls really cute and dream about be like one, I mean, its not like I am a mess, I really take care of my physical appearance and aesthetics, but for real, 2D > 3D, at least with girls, I fap to 3D males and see a lot of porn, but not females.

Anyways, take more 2B9S fanart.

For one, it would be remarkably retarded for him to want to tell 2B the truth he figured out if he knew what would happen. Also A2's warning to him wouldn't really make sense. Plus we know for a fact from the novella that he has figure it out before, but doesn't know right away. Ard really there's just nothing interesting added to the plot or the character dynamics by assuming he knew from the beginning.

Old wasted androids that can't take care of their body even when she can find pieces literally EVERYWHERE are not allowed.

i feel like they wouldnt be so disingenuous as to completely lie, but its definitely not 1:1

i feel like the vast majority of people take more than 1 hit, so that would be a net loss to begin with. i would assume it just arbitrarily puts your name in a pool to randomly pick from for a set period of time



When are we getting texture mods so I can give her a nice clean aspect? I hate all that dirt,

How good is drakengard 3?
I saw how edgy it was and that's the kind of thing that entertains me

>Drakengard 3
Is fucking trash, that's all what you have to know.

I don't know, I don't fap to male 2D or 3D, not sure I see why one would work and not the other. But whatever gets you off I guess.

Is the combat = sex for androids theory a meme or not? Nobody seems to take me seriously when I bring this up.

It's clear from Jackass's Research that androids feel excitement, love and pleasure during combat. What else makes you feel those three things but sex?

Gameplay is mediocre, story is good after you get through all of the layers, music is solid but not great except for one standout song that you'll unfortunately grow to hate, and the graphics are bad. It's worth playing, and easily the best of the Drakengard games, but you have to overlook some pretty significant issues. Specifically the framerate is constantly dropping. I personally never had it drop below the 20s but some people claim it hit near single digits for them.


>For one, it would be remarkably retarded for him to want to tell 2B the truth he figured out if he knew what would happen.

The difference between that time and times when he found out the truth in the past is that this time the commander outright gave him the info. He didn't figure out the info on his own that time.

But even still he was hesitant to tell 2B, and actually decided on not going through with it.

Also him telling 2B wouldn't make her kill him. 2B isn't told that she has to kill 9S if he learns the truth about humanity, she just gets orders from the commander when the time comes and then gets it done. She doesn't know what she has to stop him from knowing.

>Also A2's warning to him wouldn't really make sense

I'm not sure what warning you're talking about. The one she says at the castle ? That is was command who betrayed them ? If that's the one you're talking about, I'm not sure how that warning doesn't make sense.

> Ard really there's just nothing interesting added to the plot or the character dynamics by assuming he knew from the beginning.

How is him knowing about 2E and having a major conflict about his feelings towards her because of it not an interesting dynamic ?

For the record, I'm not trying to say he remembers everything from minute one. But rather throughout the course of the game because of certain events and specific sidequests such as Amnesia and Wandering Couple he regains his erased memories similarly to how the E type android who wiped her own memories eventually remembered what happened because she was given enough hints.

If I had to pin the exact moment he remembers 2E, I'd say it's during the section where Adam is messing with him after the Grun fight.

have you ever seen 2B moaning during combat? Or anyone else(maybe Adam lol)?.

If anything Jackass discovered that their brain got adrenaline system which humans also have, btw. They got pumped up during combat because they are combat models and have this system more combat-orientated then usual androids.

This is literally all she says. Nothing about pleasure or excitement.

Is there a download link for the original Nier OST? I have a copy coming but it's >SAL so it'll be a while. I'd like to listen to it tonight at work if possible, but fuck paying for a digital copy.

Certainly plausible, but I still get the impression he didn't find out until after she died. His behavior doesn't really match someone who had such a massive revelation dropped on them until later in the game when he's gone nuclear.

I remember when I played through One's DLC for the first time and the frame rate just completely shit itself near the beginning. I think it was the last room in the first chapter.

If anything him having internal conflict makes it more interesting, yeah.
He is super secretive about everything, even got hidden items in his room.

I feel like he didn't really remember anything from his other lives tho. He was killed and restored from a backup - not just wiped like Amnesia chick.

And it is interesting that his waifu folder in soulbox contains pictures which were shown during route A. They were from 2B's perspective, same for the flashback of her crying btw, he was dead at this moment. So I feel like regular maintenance which he was in charge of was quite "useful". (there was a picture of the first 2B face reveal in A after such maintanence too)

It makes ending A/B and start of C even shittier imo.

You're thinking about how much you want to **** a rollercoaster, aren't you?

I don't feel love on rollercoasters.

Adrenaline doesn't make you feel love, does it?

It's not in her dialogue. Read the email. I'm going off this wiki so please tell me if the transcript is wrong:

nierautomata.wiki.fextralife.com/Jackass's Research

>"The required data has been obtained. Apparently, the feeling of excitement experienced during combat is close to what humans call "love"
>"The required data has been obtained, and reveals that androids actually generate a pleasure-granting chemical while in combat.

It's actually interesting if you consider . Roughly, there are 3 phases, each with a different neurotransmitter. Lust is estrogen/testosterone, attraction is dopamine, and love is oxytocin. Might be something where we'd need to see what exactly Jackass said that they translated to love to know exactly how androids are wired to enjoy combat.

If it was more like lust, that's sort of the traditional violence=sex bit which is pretty common to run across. But if it's a literal translation, that would imply what I personally find much creepier. Imagine if you had the same feeling for cutting apart and smashing your enemies as we get from a cuddling with a loved one under a warm blanket.

Look in the OP