Jhin Edition
Old VGL 8 Strawpoll: strawpoll.me
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can someone on NA be nice and gift me xayah?
IGN AtlaSTheIdiot
did i miss the karthus lightbane sale?
Have you ever been losing a game and wondered why and then check the damage chart and see something like this before?
>I will never nut inside LeBlanc
life is suffering
so what would be a good champ pool for a role your maining? 2? 4?
>Ivern out damages Trigger Nigger
Holy fuck I'm sorry you had to deal with that user
A ton of times. Though usually it's an Ezreal. That Lucian must be exceptionally bad to deal that little damage on fucking Lucian.
Wish I could marry Sona so I could legally rape her ;_;
I must've seen this post 10 times by now.
I wanna CUDDLE and PROTECT Lulu!
you should have a couple good options depending on what your team needs. So if you take mid it would be like:
>2-3 assassins (kat/zed/talon)
>2-3 mages (ori/lux/anivia)
>a good mix of AD and AP
and then like situational picks. if you know you're bad against orianna maybe you pick up syndra or something to play against her.
I keep reading that caption in Jhin's voice and it gets funnier each time.
lucian clearly got cucked and your team didn't have an actual support
>People begging for others to buy them the new champs
Is there anything more pathetic?
I like this gifting champs with ip thing
yeah, most of the time im trying so fucking hard whole game so i dont even notice that my teammate dont know how to use their champ since they play for their kda and i always wonder how we lose fight
then i see the damage chart and notice that both of my carries have as luch damage as the supp
it doesnt happen that often
I want to cum inside get tight Yordle snatch.
I know he's a tad weak right now but is Gnar a safe blind pick top? I feel like Jayce might be a better blind pick but that lane is full of so much cheesy stuff I figured I might as well learn somebody I can blind pick and not worry about getting dicked on with. Also is new BORTK good on Gnar or is it still better to just go BC/FM?
I love Lissandra!
Also will you buy some of her ice cream? She has all of your favorite flavours and its made all natural vitamin enriched milk!
>Not an actual support
If you tell me thats bronzie or silver shit I'll literally laugh at your idiocy.
No he's not a safe blindpick like he was before. Gnar's items are shit and it seriously hit him.
is rapid firecannon still good? used to build it every time on jinx and trist because it was in the recommended shop and the range it gave was insane, but i hardly see other people go for it
what makes it outclassed/not worth?
Wanting them in the first place? They're fucking lame. WW is tge only good release in the last several months. Galio is okay I guess.
Runaans applying on hit and bork being broken so there are better crit/aspeed items.
Lulu is the cuddliest! THE CUDDLIEST!
>people report gurofag for wanting smut which breaks the rules for begging
>people literally begging to be gifted the new champions
>no one reports them
I honestly don't know why I expected you guys to be consistent.
ew you're back
Why is Sona allowed to do so much damage?
You're a glorified Soraka, stop taking all my health, bitch
Absolutely not. Gnar gets shit on by anything with a gapcloser.
Because she's supposed to
Who's retarded idea was it to show how much gold the player earned instead of how long the game lasted in the match history?
>tfw no interest in the new champions
>glorified Soraka
>guy picks gnar
>pick fiora
>it's over before the game even started
Even a trash fiora can beat you blindfolded
looks like I got outplayed
should have done better
Because Sona is fucking garbage
>Want to look up players
>Have to go back instead of it being available in the same screen
Who needs usability?
Still good and often built as a second zeal item. It's just mostly been outclassed by Runaan's recently due to that item's waveclear and on-hit damage. That may change next patch though as RFC, Shiv, and Runaan's are all changing.
>illaoi ever losing to Teemo
Literally in what universe? She doesn't need to enter his fucking zip code to win lane.
Lulu is the sweetest! THE SWEETEST!
3 days for seriousposting when /lolg/ went all /polg/
>5th game in a row the new adc gets fed and carries
I'm tired of this episode
I put the strawpoll for the /lolg/ roster in the OP because VGL 8 is coming up. I already sent it in the previous thread but here is another disclaimer for people that havent seen the post or aren't familiar with VGL. Feel free to vote for anything you want to see on your meme team. The more votes the better.
The Veeky Forums League is a tournament played on PES 17 where various Veeky Forums generals compete against each other in virtual divegrass. /lolg/ had a team since VGL 1 so we have been doing this for almost 4 years and never missed a tournament.
Each team consists of 23 players that represent the board, four of them gain stat boosts. That's why I put up the strawpoll so you can vote who should be on the team and who should be sacked.
Current /lolg/ roster can be found here: implyingrigged.info
i usually grabbed both runaans and firecannon actually
bork just gives everything now though
bloodthirster is similarly outclassed by bork i guess too?
Lulu and double ADC is filthy
>Decide to come back to LoL for a game or two in Blind pick
>Botlane is that new duo
>Their mirror is that duo
>They feed
And I'm gone
what other champions are like teemo who can literally build anything?
Lulu is a winner! A WINNER!
And she won the best husbando: ME!
two lulu's and one adc is even better
>oh hey look! a chest finally!
>oh great! i have a key too, nice!
>can't wait haha!
>champ shard
aaaah haven't seen a skin in weeks
>tfw no cute fuccboi to play with Xayah while I support with Rakan
My heart is not only an empty shell but the infinity of the void
Ekko and Veigar
What's a champion I can carry myself out of bronze with?
who goes ad veigar though
lee didn't even help the teemo.
kill me
felt bad for the zed, he did well in spite of all this
Tahm Kench
yeah changes look pretty promising so far
>tfw hate the new champions
>tfw people want me to play with them
>just because two new champions
If you have to base your fun around the game based on a "duo" champion idea, this game isnt for you.
he gets free ap so he can afford to build ad
Does anyone else here play champions that aren't in the meta?
The benefits are the following
1: Nobody picks/bans them, meaning you can almost always go them
2: In low ranks nobody knows how you work
3: Riot ignores them, meaning you don't have to worry about them being nerfed hard
Lulu is the cutest! THE CUTEST!
>that Teemo
so how many ad veigars have you seen?
a punishment worse than death
>bro just carry it lmao
>bro just play to improve
>bro just buy GA
>bro just focus on the game and turn off chat
>bro its so easy challengers climb from bronze XD
Renekton is the only other champion. His AP build is super strict but his tank/bruiser/assassin/onhit/crit builds can be whatever the fuck you want.
feed out the ass on your team, become unkilable gods on theirs
My number 1 condition for maining a champ is that they're not fotm too often. I'm not going to main, for example, Lucian, when he spends one month being irrelevant shit, the next pick or ban, then the next shit and repeat.
Lulu skin when
>playing jinx
>my support leo has 500 ping and pings it every 10 seconds
>I'm against an aggressive Sivir and Janna
>Leo is just hanging back
>I'm not good
>feed a few kills, so does leo
>sivir is attempting to rush an Essence Reaver
>I've finished my Bork while she's still faffing about
>meme all over them
>leo dc's
>I get a hurricane and standard shit
>go on to win
>Sivir: jinx op
tfw bork wins you the game.
You can build fucking Infinity Edge on Veigar and still hard carry
also, Vladmir
should i ever build bloodthirster btw
I just want to be a heal slut for someone special
Lulu is cuddly and adorable and i love her!
>Stroke user only 5 Votes
Shit poll
delete this
Yeah if you're thirsty for blood
On jinx? Yes it's her default life steal item. I'd argue blade is the main go to so I recommend that till it falls out of favor. Scimitar is also a good choice for defense. In short blood ain't bad.
>this entire poll
Literall who?
I try to narrow it down to three. Early, mid and late scaling. Have one champ that doesn't do the same damage type the other two do. If you only have three champs, you have less options but you'll be a lot better on your matchups and general play.
I wanna hold Lulu in my arms and keep her safe and warm!
thanks senpai
BT always felt so good
>He doesn't watch autistic memeball
bork feel terrible on jinx
poro king is back
I wanna give Lulu headpats forever and ever!
>riot literally murdered Maokai before our very eyes
For me it works well the slow active is super helpful for escapes or kiting or whatever. The fact that it's life steal covers that requirement plus her kit is tied to as which it gives. It has proper synergy with her kit and works really well. I'd say it's good early but blood is better or even when it comes to late.
When's Viktor getting buffed.
This image makes me uncomfortable.
Be tanky Orianna.
Always in meta, never a risky pick but only sometimes overpowered.
Thats the shit that hurts LCS.
>7/2/16 with 100 cs as a tank jungler
How in fucks name are you supposed to fucking get an S as a tank jungler? You have to gank to be useful and I'm not playing Sejuani. Does your cs the fucking only thing that can give you an S? It doesn't matter how well you actually play?
Lulu is my STAR!
xth for rakan is busted piece of shit
Just play Warwick lol
This image makes me CUMfortable
He's been broken for years he had it coming. At least jungle Maokai might possibly be a thing again now which is cool I guess.
rushing it early really slow down your 3 crit item spike