Shit poor people do

>constantly complain
>blame others or the government for their lack of ambition
>thinks banks are evil
>goes on multiple vacations per year
>older than 30 and still lives in their parents home
>no form of higher education or trade
>thinks using excel is complicated
>believes this is thread is a personal attack

>believes in free college

>"Money can't buy happiness"
>"I'm rich in soul"
>"Money isn't everything"

>doesnt own property

>Tries to find above $10 / hour job that isnt a permanent temp position
>Cant because nobody fucking retires anymore


>believes investing in the stock market is gambling
>believes bitcoin will one day become mainstream
>believed Trump would never be president

fractional reserve banking
>be a bank
>lend money you don't even have
>charge interest on this non existent money
>charge huge penalties if your debtor doesn't pay back this money or if he misuses it

>fuck the entire system up because of greed
>recieve almost 1 trillion $ in bailout from taxpayer money
>bonus for banking execs have been steadily growing since 2008 and they break records every year

Banks/the Jews are not evil but they're damn close

>be this user
>complain about shit on Facebook
>get lots of Likes from stay-at-home mom's because virtue signalling as fuck

Extermination when?

>being on the Jewbook

hahaha nocoiners will never stop being bitter

Votes Trump.

>has outstanding credit debt
>finances 1 or more cars
>believes that bernie was the best candidate

Why did I kek at the pic?

>older than 30 and still lives in their parents home
this is pretty /frugal/ tbqh

Beat me to it

>thinks banks are evil
This is true
I bet you're the type of faggot who condemns people with jobs
>constantly complain
Well what the fuck are you doing? Faggot
>no form of higher education or trade
Yet you look down on "wagecucks"?
>believes this thread is a personal attack
Well, when you criticise someones trait(s), you cant not expect a reaction

You know how I can tell you're a poor person OP? Becaseu you do the biggest fucking thing that poor people do, they focus on others, they try to put other down, and you're doing it on a fucking anonymous image board so it shows how much of a spine you have. This entire thread is cancer.

>inb4 t. poorfag
>inb4 poorfag detected


>found a poorfag

>Shit poor people do
no idea

wtf i hate op now

gets displaced by moslems in white genocide

>Post on Veeky Forums

>make threads looking down on poor people instead of focusing on themselves

the only thing worse than a poor person is a poor person who doesn't think he's poor. isn't that right op.

>Uses the terms "normie" or "wagecuck"

>live in apartment complex filled with single moms
> wake up at 10am
> fuck different girl everyday
> watch wagecucks come home exhausted every day only to lose everything when their wife decides to get back on the cock carousel

>believes social security will exist when they're retirement age

>buy into consumerism to escape from their pointless lives

Although OP is a fag, wagecuck is appropriate for Veeky Forums since we want to escape wagecuckery