League of Legends General - /lolg/

Tea party Lulu edition!


Other urls found in this thread:


xth for Rumble

>win 6 games in a row
>op.gg tells me I'll skip a division
>lose 6 games in a row right as I hit promos
>channel the spirit of rocky balboa and win 6 more in a row
>I don't skip
come on this is bullshit how does this system even work



Void spawns


It's a Lucian/Rakan episode

Tencet wouldn't care though

>the pulsefire Caitlin leak was actually real

Someone post the full list

op.gg is not a reliable estimator of your mmr. your mmr is hidden. no one can tell you what it is exactly other than riot.

delete this

How do we know YOU are not Tomoka?

>no poll

Fucking mages get out of my Demacia


Go back to the last thread and scroll up you shitter.

I wanna carry Lulu on my shoulders and show her the world!

>no eyosongive.us

Luluposters, everyone.


might actually open up the wallet for Angelblade Riven

could care less about YASSUOOGH

rumblefag what's your ign

Riot is giving your favorite old champ a Voiceover Update so they can have a VO that is the new standard 30 minutes long instead of 1 minute.

Write some lines for your favorite old champ to say in their new voiceover.

i aint linkin' to no shitty third party sites

Yordle boys are not for sexual, anonymous. An autistic rat is NOT attractive.




your opinion is not attractive

comfy bfs~


>Even though Jinx has killed a lot of people
Finally confirmation.

comfy mech rat

that is a sacrifice I am willing to make


they can tell by your choice of champion

thread died so let's continue here
you do realize morde had 100% ban+pick rate after the rework, for more than one patch, right
Morde has a fuckton of memes around him, you could argue the brazilian mordekaiser is one of the longest-lived memes

No new lines, instead i'd delete this one
>"So many noobs... will matchmaking ever find true balance?"
It's so fucking cringy

>still no yi skin
what the fuck

Nobody draws really nice artwork of skin concepts for him, which was my original point, and which is true. The few that do exist look like shit. See pic related.

I don't think this needed to be confirmed

>That Shyvana in the background


Im drunk..... you dont have an excuse!

*intermintten drunken grunts when attacking*

Thats all i can think of for old tubsy wubsy

Hey guys my main is Riven she's really unpopular and I can tell because I hate all her skins haha

This didn't need confirmation.

Morde's objectively best skin is 750 rp.

A dev post a million years ago stated this.
She doesn't kills just to kill.
A rich man walking the street wouldn't rouse her interest, but that same man, saying on a pile of fireworks, she wouldn't hesitate to pull out fishbones and shoot him.

We can also gleen from this, she probably is A-sexual.

you have a serious victim complex
the fact that it took us 20 tries to guess your champion and how upset people were when we found out, shows that people disagree
mordekaiser has recieved a fuckton more attention than, let's say, volibear, who has qualified for recieving nerfs twice in 5 years, and EVEN WHEN he was OP, nobody fucking played him.

where's jinxfag with my invite


pick one faggots

why are tank amumu and gragas players so fucking retarded? there's just something about these champs and the way they get caught out and miss their skillshots

>TomatoCannon isn't on splyce anymore

Voli is legit boring and unrewarding to play for the most part. He probably has the lamest ultimate in the game

Yes please!! I want nothing more than for this lune to be erased.

Faggot weeb.

invite to what?

dos naut havef god abylitis+S??`???

It honestly did, I am afraid they'll paint her as "she's a good comedic relief, she's a good girl" the second Piltover's story truly begins.

>Drop the Hammer: Jinx could activate a global cannon floating above the map, causing an oversized bomb to detonate at a target location…after ten seconds. Why it didn’t make it: “People would just walk out of it.”
>Not good enough for jinx but have that "shitty" ult ziggs

>pulsefire caitlyn
so cait is going to get buffed and make bot lane literally unplayable between her and lucian being picked every single game

good shit

Discord and IGN: _________No_________

Actually this champion is

Volibear has consistently seen play in low elos.

Morde has a lower playrate than he does.

I wholeheartedly agree, which is why it was such a fucking joke that, of all the things to buff about him, Riot chose to buff his ult.

I love Lissandra!
Well I cant decide on Singed, Morgana or Kayle
so I dunno

What are good jungler carries? I'm a bit tired of playing tanks.

>Amumu's that miss their skillshots
and not
>Amumu's that go for fadeaway Q's because they think they're playing ARAM
>actually land the grab and dive into five people
>all team mates are at base

your waifu is a roastie whore

>t honestly did, I am afraid they'll paint her as "she's a good comedic relief, she's a good girl" the second Piltover's story truly begins.
Then you have literally 0 understanding of Jinx as a character at all.
That's different than RIGHT NOW how?


>Amumus that try to Q as soon as they're in range, even though if they waited half a second, they would've hit it 100% since you got a hard CC about to land

yea my bad when they do hit their Qs i look away so i don't have to watch what happens

He's fine, it's just another case of items being op. Like Lethality was and Gunblade + Lich is.

"my hands are shaking my hands are shaking! But I'm STILL SHOOTING!"

caitlyn isn't always picked, sometimes kog maw is picked!

Is this even a question? Graves.

Gragas is unironically the jungler with the biggest carry potential if you can play him right

If Lucian isn't OP but botrk is, explain why isn't kog more picked (unless lulu is open, which never happens), or vayne (aside from hjow vayne is always popular), or literally any ADC that interacts with botrk better than lucian

>He's fine
No, his front load damage is busted and has been busted for a long time.

>he's fine
>lucian gets one kill which amounts to an extra long sword or some shit in lane
>lane becomes literally impossible to win because he can 3 shot you

>Gets botrk
>Literally unkillable without hard cc chaining him

scripting has become so much more widespread than a few months ago, how come?

>go to lolskinconcepts.tumblr.com/
>look for artwork of Morde
>no images of him anywhere

Yes I'm fucking mad. I want Cosmic Reaver Morde but it will never be.

>landing hard cc on the Dashmaster PoC of Resetting Dash Cooldowns

hope lulu wasn't banned!

fuck morde and fuck you



>a POTENT Idea
>perhaps a different concoction?
>*takes a deep inhale and begins laughing manically*
>absolutely ingenious...
>no one ever said Scientific progress was pretty *laughs*
>great minds think alike!

>please...pick your poison eheh
>Have you ever experienced a 3rd degree chemical burn? would you like too?

>(singed sings)With a taste of poison paradise~ dont you know that I'm toxic!


>gas beneath me. gas up above. dont you love my toxic love?


Bee Sin, Jax, Xin
pick your poison

Xayah/Rakan level 6 all in is pretty dank.
Also what are you maxing first Q or E on Xayah. I've personally liked maxing E.

can someone post a picture of a champion or pro player with the glowing red eyes? i really need it

fucking rock throwing machine gun of big damages

League players are scumbags with no limit to how low they are willing to go.
That would be my guess.


it's the poorest pic I've ever done since I didn't manage to find something that would create such a thing in my image editor

newbie question

stuff like greenfather's gift and luden's, who does it proc on if you hit multiple people with Karthus R or Xerath Q

>Taliyah's rank 5 Q cooldown is 3 seconds
>before cdr

Ziggs' ult is decent as a splitpushing tool at least.

>no Ao Shin Aurelion Sol
Also I'm convinced it's ONLY possible to one trick Sol, his unique gameplay breeds weird habits that only inhibit playing anything else.

quick lolg whats a toplaner thats impossible to feed on

I'm literally just handing out free kills to my opponents every game but i want that sweet bonus ip




get a better image editor then???

>tfw you kite a darius across the map

thankyou very much

for karthus R, luden procs on whoever is on the top of the scoreboard by default
most likely the same for greenfathers

However I think that for most aoes, like xerath Q, it'd apply it to whoever is closer to you

>who does Luden proc on with Requiem
The enemy team captain. Meaning the one on the enemy team who picked first.

what weird habits you fucking retard
he's no different than any other mage

It's her only reliable source of damage