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would you raid with a chinese player that spoke no english but was a good player?
xrd for Absolute perfection
Sure, I would probably call him the commie all the time though. That's just how my guild is.
>Can't even make threads properly
/xivg/ would laugh if they saw this
/xivg/ is laughing at us again bros
If he could call shit out when he absolutely needed to, sure.
I got direhorns on both user
>Orcs never genocided anyone
I like Panda girls
>Make thread on official forums
>Handful of posts later and it's barely on-topic anymore
They'd be more likely to print off pictures of people's characters and take a shit on them.
1. the Mogu music that plays in Kun-Lai and MSP
2. Stormwind theme
3. Anduin's theme
fuck this is the end isn't it
I-I'm ready for Madam Final Fantasy XIV: Stormsblood
>890 chrono shard from a relinquished trinket
>tfw you realize you'll never be able to compete with xivbulls
Taverns of Azeroth (every single song)
Argent Tournament night and day music
Could I get into a krosus killing guild?
Also does anyone know if you can still cheese the afflic challenge with the infernal taunting the first guy? I don't really want the appearance, just want to make people with harder challenges mad
>cause resto is the current best healer
F Uck I always get pulled back into healing, why is this
this is my favorite meme in this general
>Neo-NFA has twice has many people online compared to ripip and they're pushing 10/10m tonight
Fuck, the trannies are laughing at us, Alliance bros.
Suggest a translator due to always getting stuck with BR. All them say its fine the way it is then divulges to a chatroom meet up.
pvp gets rebalanced like on a monthly basis this xpac, it's fine, they'll be trash again soon
still good in pve though
that doesn't look like a dinosaur
This general is shit but I wouldn't change it for a bigger shit general from a pretty fucking slow and boring game, even if it has cute characters
this is actually one of the best generals on Veeky Forums
theres not a lot of avatarfags and erp degenerates
>[Name]-Ragnaros has joined the group
Does anyone like delicately toasted fem humans?
>tfw need to grind honor on 75% lost bg's in order to be viable in arenas
that's very nice
I wanna ride it
>Wanted to play Fury but figured since it's the 2nd most played class and a melee I'd never find raiding
>7 of the top 20 guilds on my server are heavily recruiting a Fury, with 5 more low/mid recruits
Uhhh what gives?
Nobody actually plays fury since it's boring as shit.
Worst one I've been was the danganronpa general, full of discord namefags and rpers
Hey, at least this isn't sc2g
I hate white people
When properly leashed sure
ikr fuck drumpf too
fury is top end melee dps (which is why it's fotm) and easy to play cause it doesnt matter what you do outside of cooldowns, and commanding shout is one of 2 raid cd's a dps can have still (other one is darkness which doesnt do much without being stacked with spirit link)
also they're on prot and those guilds probably already have hunters and shamans and they already have enough clothies and mails
I really want to fuck a female troll
sweet mother of baby jesus
they're all busy playing spriest, right?
Fury has this legendary trinket that isn't actually legendary but purple and it makes the whole spec which is retarded
Me too. Maybe you can become one and then fulfill both of our fantasies in a weird way
post original mogs, no tier or cm also no hate
>Fall for the fury meme
>Realize that I have to spend weeks farming nethershards for a chance at that trinket
What a mistake that was.
You can't last as long as they want. It's physically impossible.
what do you play?
you could just kill guldan and bonus roll like everyone else?
>Artifact Power
>doing dungon grind to level
>dire maul
>some retard suggests doing a tribute run
A question for those who've done the mage tower artifact appearance.
The secondary color that requires dungeon clears. Does it matter on any difficulty? Does it apply for all artifacts?
Tyrande is busy, call for her sometime later
haha epic my dude i love this gold and artifact power i've gotten since week one of gul'danny
no one plays ashran?
I liked the commander from heavy object more than her
idk then I guess either get lucky or get a guild/friends where it's either not personal loot or members have enough empathy to pass it to you
lol jk
i stole this man's felfire
Holy shit, a porn artist that knows how tit physics work
I've been in an Ashran queue for the past 5 hours
Anyone? This video is 2 weeks old but I'm hoping it's still true.
videos/133751229 on twitch, spam filter is being gay
>orc forgets his own kind's lore, dooms his people
>yet again
wtf am i even supposed to do with this egg
did all of them on heroic and still got the color, so i don't think difficulty matters. don't know about if it applies for the other artifacts though
>it's grey
>worth shitloads of money
>what do i do guis
it's a suppository
>grey item that's soulbound and vendors for 900 gold
probably just destroy it my dude, it's worthless
tell me 1 reason why i dont get AP for every spec
keep farming AP
i'm a trial, i can only hold 10g max
upgrade poorfag
>18 hov
>group wants to do the 20 afterwards
>500-600k on most fights
I mean on a warlock there's a lot of room to be bad because the class itself is so good (seriously like 600-700k is a grey parse for locks on even pure ST mythic fights), but that's too much imo
like you'd be the one getting carried when the ones supposed to be getting carried on krosus are much worse classes like boomy or ele or s-priest
>hydeposter in WoWg
yikes and kikes
holy shit i remember you
fuck off 2bh you faggot
>Have 110 Priest/Paladin/Druid/Hunter
>Spriest is alright but I really dont enjoy it much anymore
>I thought Ret would be OK at 110 but its ass
>Balance is annoying to play, Feral is feral
>MM is fun enough, but I still hate having a non heal/tank OS, BM is literally the worst spec in the game to day, and Survival is fun but a meme
do it faygart
eat shit manlet
Ever since they added the head movement I've noticed a lot of people looking at my Pandaren lady whenever I play her. Doesn't happen to my other characters nearly as much.
>first random bg i play in years
>horde team has 23 discipline priests and 14 holy paladins
what fun
heres your (you) now get lost loser
He's good at what he does
>See a female panda from moon guard
>Can't help but wonder what kind of degeneracy he gets up to
Gosh yes, im out taking my slave for a walk and people are always staring at me.
the head turning shit is so good
im glad theyre stealing ideas from xiv honestly. WoW has the gameplay down, it just needs the quality of life features FFXIV has.
tell me one reason why AK isn't just a universal thing that increases every week serverwide
I wish xiv would steal the gameplay ideas/raid designs from WoW.
Blizzard is always good at taking popular ideas from other mmos.
What is the most degenerate class/race combination?
they both need to just quit and make an mmo together honestly.
everything that one fails at, the other succeeds.
i like girl panda fangs
panda anything
belf paladin/hunter
tauren paladin
orc mage
tauren priest
everything else is acceptable
panda hunter
anything panda