/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

Athena's Armor Set Search for MHXX: mediafire.com/?4o1idj7mmtn85#9hl2c2zbp7h1l
Update 1.1 w/ Eng Patch v2.1: my.mixtape.moe/bkbjso.png
English Patch Project: gbatemp.net/threads/465296/
Monster Hunter Stories is coming West this fall.

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243
In XX, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集 (page 1, middle right)
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/

Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:




>he doesn't hunt how he wants

I want to give Milsy all my horn coins!

When's Charlotte getting XX? There's monsters I need to farm!



Because most of the endgame monsters are weak to thunder.

Jho, Raths, Steve, Narga, Tigrex, Kush, Akantor, Ukanlos.

Thunder is also good for like half of the deviant lineup.

Which Dauntless weapon is best and why is it chain blades?

>teostra horn 63%
>webbing 63%
>tail 65%
>killed it over 10 times
>each time breaking at least one of each part
>haven't gotten any of these parts yet

the fuck it's not like i'm asking for a gem or some shit

Getting real sick of Brave LS

For me, it's the chained whip

fuck mantis

where are my fristpeak bros?

How's he doing the gp to counter?

>tfw didn't get in
Is it decent?

I prefer the Charge Spear toobiehatch

>shitpost OP

it's the one post you're not supposed to fuck with

god fucking brachydios

desu I dont trust the percentages from kiranico. they feel so off

You guys should totally like make a general.

Posted about the R-button getting stuck the other night.
20-30 minutes and a bunch of loud yelling later, I fixed the right shoulder button on my n3DS XL.


Good work!!

Anyone have a referral user name I could use for Duantless?
Figure it might help my chances.

I've been using Guild Bow with Evasive Maneuver
and Haste Rain, but is there actually a point to Guild? I still like the backhop charge, and it has been useful, but would Brave and Adept just be a straight upgrade?


Hang tight, first wave went to west coasters and if stability holds up (Its looking good) it will open the door to more testers .
>General for an alpha
I'll pass
It's pretty to look at. Behemoths aren't predictable in the sense that MH's are. It's still pretty fresh so there's a lot to completely figure out. I could sit here and say it's as if a Western Dev made a MH game but it won't do it justice. -90% weeb +35% fun.

MH clones are so shitty a general for them would die before 20 posts.

That said, they should fuck off regardless.


Adept bow is braindead easy.
Brave is fun too I guess. But I'd rather keep my stylish double back hop at all times.

It was an incredibly infuriating process.
>Tiny parts
>Making sure the spring doesn't fly off
>Normal sized hands that look fucking gigantic in comparison
>Constant fumbling

So will MH follow the trend and go open world now? The market demands it.

God I fucking hope not.
Horizon was also a steaming pile of shit.

>All those pointless crystals and spikes running a perfectly good design

When did the market demand non steaming pile of shit games?

Is it bad that Shaggy's my favorite monster? I started with 4U.

Shaggy is fabulous.
That abomination in frontier is not.

Horizon has amazing presentation, artstyle, and visuals along with a unique albeit somewhat lacking story.

Too bad about the gameplay, though.
>Roll spams into the distance.


>He isn't a solo hunter

What's the go to Long type gunlance in MHXX?

>Potential to be Sony's solution to Monster Hunter now that they don't want it
>Make a bland open world game with cardboard cutout gameplay that obviously put all of its effort into making it look nice
>Immediately forgotten about by the time Zelda came out

I dunno, the reflection that surrounds him when he's standing still is pretty damn fabulous.
And it's a far better fight all around so that helps too.

>tfw I was so caught up with I didnt realized the last thread was dying

>And it's a far better fight all around so that helps too.

>Take fight with a lot of AoE
>Turn said AoE up to 11.

>want penis crown
>don't want to grind deviants up to lvl 15
what do

Give up on the dream.

As much as Sony hates Monster Hunter, Capcom loves them more


He doesn't even have many AoEs that can be done at the drop of a hat.
The worst is just a roar that if you get caught in leads to a targeted mine up your ass.
Unless you're counting the chaos dunk as an AoE when it's just him spinning around and hitting you with a clear tell, then a lot of other monster moves become AoEs at that point.

Really it's the higher aggression and speed that help the fight mostly. Less back hopping away or swooping around and more actual fighting.

Doesn't stop the MH team from hating Sony because of that shit with servers or whatever it was.
The Switch is also the perfect medium for a franchise like Monster Hunter.

What shit with the servers?

Use the cheat plugin for invincibility and 1000x attack then go show those bloated HP shits what for.

>people still believe this meme
Please stop with this nonsense. The MH team doesn't hate Sony; they'd started development on the 3DS even before P3rd came out.

The Japanese developers of MH do not care if Sony made it hard to localize the game.

Hey where's the fun in that? I want him to answer my question here

>All rooms up are Discord
Fucking kill me

is every single person on the discord really that bad?

>Not solo hunting

What do you expect when the OP is like that? It's sign that the end times is here.

>ywn have a rathian mother to have comfy cuddles with

did you do this

The joke here is that about 80% of the people in this thread are in the Discord.

So make one yourself.

>he actually believes this

It's bad enough with area 2 of the MH2 desert.

Start of the spirit combo

You should make a room.

Doubt that to be quite fucking honest


>procedurally generated environments
>hunts don't have a pattern
>unique and interesting items and ways of going about traversing the land as well as destroying parts of monsters
>broken parts directly affect the fight making some easier or harder
>tfw you see the flare

I did, it's 4u

You should make a MHXX room. No discord allowed.


No, but feel free to believe shit posters instead of making your own mind up.

You sound like a fag so I'm gonna agree with user.

And nothing of value was lost.



I get you're trying to be funny with le epic mantis meme but I asked for long shot type, not wide.

Oh, sorry. Have you tried frostpeak then?

People actually say this general is better than that discord channel

Way to prove it.

No problem, user. I know I would like help if I asked for it.

Its time for hugs!

>tfw you will never be autistic enough at monster hunter to have fan art drawn of you

>Not drawing the fan art yourself

This is arguably worse.

>not having a fan art of you drawn

That's like giving yourself a compliment.

Forgot pic

Guis help...
I am addicted to signing up for G6 Ouma and getting my ass destoryed.

I feel like that wouldn't happen to me since I tend to switch suits.

Don't know why but I completely forgot about the fan part of fan art.

come over here and I'll be a bit more gentle with your ass

What's a good gunner set ? i already have a CB set, bow set and an IG set but i never made a bowgun set before nor used one

Is the Nargacuga LBG any good in MHXX?

Very, but silverwind narg's is literally the same gun with 10 more raw so yeah.

overall good or monster specific good?

XX unlocked turns


Hey whats the formula you guys use to calculate damage?

>Did I Hit The Monster? = X (1 = hit, 0 = miss)
>If X = 1, I did damage
>If X = 0, I did not

It's tricky.