Is it time to get out? Thanks Obama for this amazing run

Is it time to get out? Thanks Obama for this amazing run.

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Expect an incoming spike, to the moon


Thank you based Obama

It's ok. According to you, the President controls the stock market. So, Trump can just make it keep going up.

mainly due to the credit crunch rebound tho

shhhh let them be in their safe space


>tfw all the credit that was issued will be due next year
>the end is near boyz

>Thanks Obama for this amazing run.

As a Millenial, I never had money to participate in the stock market. I don't have any friends my age invested in stocks.

As a Millenial, I am stuck paying $5,000 a year in health care for Obamacare that I can't even use because of the deductible.

As a Millenial, I am stuck in Obama's Ponzi Scheme where I have to pay for the healthcare of the old and sick. But will Obamacare be there in 30 years when I get old and sick? No.

As a Millenial, I am stuck having to pay the debt of our 20 TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT.

When Obama took office, the debt was 11 Trillion. It is now at 20 Trillion.

Every single dollar that you Boomers pay into taxes: 80% goes to services. 20% goes to paying off our debt.

Every single dollar that I will pay into taxes: 50% will pay for actual services. 50% will be used just to pay for our debt.

Obama has basically taken us Millenials, bent us over, and Raped us over and over again.

Unless Trump prints money into hyperinflation and completely devalues the US dollar... (devaluing the debt)

MILLENNIALS ARE FUCKED for the rest of our lives.

Our national debt is currently at over $17 trillion. However, when explicit liabilities and unfunded promises like Social Security and Medicare are taken into account, that number soars to $65 trillion, or over $200,000 for every American. Plus, due to the effects of the Recession, two unfunded wars, the stimulus bill and the varied federal assistance and bailout efforts, the past few years have also seen deficits reach over $1 trillion dollars. Fortunately, however, all of these things just mentioned are temporary and will only affect us in the short-term. Unfortunately, our nation’s long-term financial outlook is bleak at best as the fiscal path we are currently on is completely unsustainable.

Our national debt is nearly 70 percent of our nation’s Gross Domestic Product, or GDP. (GDP is the market value of all final goods and services produced in a country within one year, equal to total consumer, investment and government spending, plus the value of exports, minus the value of imports. It is also referred to as Gross Domestic Income or GDI. In layman’s terms, GDP is basically the overall size of the nation’s economy.) Of the total national debt, 57 percent of it is currently held by the public (i.e., by individuals, corporations, state or local governments, and foreign entities). But if current fiscal policies are left unchanged, debt held by the public is expected to reach 258 percent of GDP by 2050.

Federal debt as these levels will produce disastrous effects. Rising deficit and debt levels will impact our everyday lives by threatening our nation’s economic strength with lower investment and growth; our international status with a weaker standing in the world and international capital markets; our standard of living with higher interest rates for loans and mortgages, higher unemployment rates and lower wages; and possibly even our national security due to a higher dependency on foreign governments that purchase U.S. debt. In addition, higher debt levels would mean more resources devoted to compounding interest payments on the debt, which increasingly go abroad rather than stay in this country because we would have to borrow in order to pay for the interest on the debt. And if this happens we would have fewer resources available for domestic investment in research and development, education, infrastructure and other crucial investments that allow us to maintain our economic competitiveness.

The top four contributors to our national debt are healthcare costs (Medicare and Medicaid), Social Security, defense, and interest. As of 2010, Medicare and Medicaid represented 21 percent of all federal spending, defense came in second at 20 percent, Social Security was third at 19 percent, and interest came in fourth at 6 percent. All other spending combined accounted for the remaining 34 percent. But by 2040, based on our current fiscal path, these numbers will be 34 percent, 18 percent, 11 percent and 30 percent, respectively. All other spending will have to share the remaining 7 percent.

>All other spending will have to share the remaining 7 percent.

" And if this happens we would have fewer resources available for domestic investment in research and development, education, infrastructure and other crucial investments that allow us to maintain our economic competitiveness."

> ALL your critical services
> 7% of every dollar you pay into taxes

> Debt payment, interest, medicare, social security, pensions: 93% of every dollar in taxes that you pay.

Think about this.

Let this sink in for a bit...

>thanks obama

more like thanks ben and janet

Have you been paying attention senpai?

Without Hyper Inflation, we would be FUCKED up the ass by debt payments and social security obligations.

The truth is, after Obama doubling the debt, the only way out of this debt mess is Hyperinflation.

just saying it was fed policy not fiscal policy, pic was only because i dont have many biz related ones.

Yeah, about they debt. Who is actually going to collect?


>Yeah, about they debt. Who is actually going to collect?

Good question Senpai. And that's the biggest problem.

More than 1/2 of US debt is held by foreign countries.

Defaulting on US debt would collapse not just the US Economy, but the entire world Economy.

The US has no choice but to pay their Trillion dollar debt payments.

As a millennial, my net worth just hit $250,000 and it's continuing to grow despite my ultra-conservative investment strategy.

Get a job, faggot.

As a Millenial, I lived well below my means and put as much money as I possibly could in the stock market after the crash. The Ford stock I bought went up by 5x. Many of the REITs I bought doubled or tripled in value. I used a lot of the proceeds to make a down payment on a house that has almost doubled in value since I bought it.

>The truth is, after Obama doubling the debt, the only way out of this debt mess is Hyperinflation.

Actually... the more people talk about inflation, the better I feel.

But on the other hand, inflation destroys any of the current millenials value.

We're fucked if we do, fucked if we don't.

lol... sure. I'm sure you're both Porsche driving millennials.

Funny thing about hyperinflation. It destroys the value of debt just as fast as it destroys the value of assets.

Don't be butthurt because you're a failure, user.


Failure? I'm a millenial with a $200,000 a year job and a Tesla Model S.

You wish you were on my level.

Now go back to worrying about your fucked future and wagecuck taxes you'll be paying for the rest of your sad life.

Oh, and keep sucking that obama & US Govt. cock.


>I'm a millenial with a $200,000 a year job and a Tesla Model S.

Who has no money to participate in the stock market.

you are retarded

>tesla model s
Order a model 3, trade in the s

i started working right before the crash (grad 2005) and lost a good chunk of money in 2008/9.

so it squeezed me out and i never got a chance to get back in. i've had money on the sidelines since 2012.

if you go with my track record and the opposite of what i do, it's going to shoot to the moon.

>Porsche driving
No, like I said, I make smart investments. I drive a Toyota.

> sold at the bottom
> had money to buy back in
> never bought back in

I don't think you were forced into any of those decisions mate.

>what is a margin account

margin account are for retards gambling with their money instead of investing

Well, you just suck. I own a house now and I graduated high school in 2011, and college in 2015.

What kept you from making it? I was raised by a single mother and still made it. What's your fucking excuse, user?

>When economy inevitably surges under neoliberal/neocapitalist (current "left") government.
"These hacks are free riding on natural upturns outside their control"

>When economy inevitably tanks under a incompetent nationalist corporatism (current "right")
"W...well it would be worse under your guy"

When will you faggots learn that economically the left is the real right, the perceived right is utterly insane and the public is completely fucking retarded?

The top 5 companies in the us are like websites surviving off surveillance contracts. When the rug is pulled it's going to be pretty bad.

A lot of revenue comes from advertising & the cloud.

Don't get out but I would start shorting/reverse etf the markets the second either yellen or trump talks about 'no more QEs' or interest rate hikes.

>Obama/feds has been printing money like no tomorrow
>Lends it out at near zero interest
>Artificially inflate the markets to it's current highs

Contrary to popular belief presidents can effect the market greatly. But anyone under 30 right now is going to be fucked for a long ass time.

>As a Millenial, I am stuck paying $5,000 a year in health care for Obamacare that I can't even use because of the deductible.
As a Millennial, you fell for #fakenews. If the ACA is repealed, your costs will rise by 20-25%.

>As a Millenial, I am stuck having to pay the debt of our 20 TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT.
As a Millennial, you fell for #fakenews. No citizen is required to pay national debt, ever. The country has always issued debt and always will. As long as the dollar is strong (which it is), debt is good for the country and its citizens.

>As a Millenial, I never had money to participate in the stock market. I don't have any friends my age invested in stocks.
As a Millennial, you fell for #fakenews. No one stopped you from saving and investing, other than your own lack of ambition, skill, and intelligence.

>>As a Millenial,
you never even learned to spell. You are truly the worst example of a Millennial possible. A disgrace to the generation.

Oh jesus, an alt-right uneducated redneck roleplayer. Truly the jackpot of filth.

I'd give a left nut for Trump to order an audit of the Fed. They're hold all the toxic debt from the financial crisis of 2008 AND all the treasuries they have been buying with all the money they have been printing since 2009. Their balance sheets have to be a massive shot storm.

They're supposed to raise interest rates at least 3 times this year. Trump's go a hard-on for expansionary fiscal policy so I'm interested to see how Yellen reacts.

Lol @ the ignorant kids happy they got raped by Obama.

Little faggots will be paying for it the rest of their lives.

You're a shining example of why millenial kids are so fucking easy to exploit.

Way to be a fucking stereotype.

He never will. Auditing the Fed would reveal decades of financial mismanagement which would blow the entire US economy into a veritable shitstorm that will kill any chance of his reelection in 2020.

And we're not going to get cucked by Trump?

As long as Social Security and Medicare exists, we're getting cucked. Trump isn't going to eliminate them either.

>Way to be a fucking stereotype.
That's not an argument. You haven't made a single logical or coherent point.

>When confronted by overwhelming facts and logic, the Trumptard will always attempt to end or belittle the discussion.
t. You.

Honestly, not sure if there is a way out... you need tons of inflation to devalue all that debt, but that inflation would also end up fucking you over since your wages wouldn't keep up.

Debt is perfectly fine when you can pay it back, but I don't know how you think we're going to pay back the debt we currently have in any reasonable amount of time. The worst part is that the majority of it is owed to US institutions and government programs. And you're a fool if you think Trump is going to keep the dollar strong. He wants to make the US an exporter, there's no reason to think he won't weaken the dollar.

Eh, certainly Trump is a step closer to trimming some government overreach programs like SS and medicare. I think you're going to see a growing trend among right wing Millenials to tend towards libertarianism, so it's not unreasonable to think that we may get those things repealed in the future.

I want Medicare and Social Security fucking gone. It fucks up pricing in the market so much, and no one does anything about it, because the elderly are a sacred cow. If I dumped what I paid for Medicare and Social Security into an HSA and an IRA I'd be a lot better off.

>Debt is perfectly fine when you can pay it back, but I don't know how you think we're going to pay back the debt we currently have in any reasonable amount of time.
National debt isn't like your credit card. Stop applying the same standards and rules. It just makes you look young and ignorant.

National debt does NOT need to be paid back. Period. As long as the economy continues to grow and the currency remains strong, national debt simply leverages the strength of the national GDP.

No shit I agree with you. But the reality is that older people are a solid voting bloc for the Republicans so the party establishment is going to be hesitant to throw them under the bus. Until a real libertarian ideologue along the lines of Ron Paul gets into POTUS, I don't think you'll see it happen.

>What is interest
You're a short-sighted asshole if you're willing to just grow the debt indefinitely.

How do you know how much anons healthcare costs are going to increase by, or if they're going to increase at all? The publication, specifically the stat about increasing costs of premiums by 20 - 25% only applies if annon buys their insurance directly off of the market, and not through a govt. program or through workplace insurance. Even if they buy the insurance off of the market directly, the estimates of 20 - 25% increase were the middle distribution. Assuming user is in the distribution that has premium increases, if the ACA penalty for those without insurance is repealed (which I believe it is), then user could potentially not pay any money at all, and not be covered, thus he would save money. The publication even says the estimates are uncertain.

You tried to come off as an intellectual elitist but you, me and the rest of the U.S. ultimately don't know what the effects on health care will be, and it will likely come down to individual state jurisdiction. There's no need to sperg out about fake news.

>National debt does NOT need to be paid back. Period

Speaking of young & Ignorant, you are one stupid fuck.

> The Legacy of Debt: Interest Costs Poised to Surpass Defense and Nondefense Discretionary Spending

>a blog said it it must be true

>You're a short-sighted asshole if you're willing to just grow the debt indefinitely.
And you're an alarmist asshole is you're willing to sacrifice the programs and support net that make this country great in order to reduce an arbitrary fiscal line-item.

Protip: There's a middle ground.

>How do you know how much anons healthcare costs are going to increase by,
I don't. The CBO does. I'm not an expert on governmental economics. They are.

>You are not either.

>National debt does NOT need to be paid back. Period


lol good try

>support net for people who literally don't want to work.

Do I have to feel bad for them because they're old?

>Calls others fake news
>Blatantly spouting liberal propaganda fake news

>Do I have to feel bad for them because they're old?
No, but I don't have to give a shit about your student debt burden because you're young. Good luck with that, snowflake.

Everyone should support each other.

I don't have student debt. I got a full-ride and worked throughout college.

Nice projection though.

>I disagree with facts, therefore facts are fake.
Trumptard logic

>I got a full-ride
Um, that's called welfare.

The fucking IRONY.

>National debt does NOT need to be paid back. Period

>NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Interest rates on U.S. bonds may be ridiculously low, but that doesn't mean the country's future interest payments on the national debt will be.
Uncle Sam will shell out more than $5 trillion in interest payments over the next decade, according to the latest projections from the Congressional Budget Office.
That's more than half of the projected $11 trillion increase in debt held by the public during that period.

Indeed, between 2013 and 2022, estimated interest costs will be:
- higher than Medicaid spending;
- equal to half of Social Security spending;
- close to what is spent on all of defense.

And here's the thing -- the estimated interest costs assume a fairly steady and moderate increase in rates over the decade.

The CBO assumes that the yield on the 10-year Treasury will rise from an estimated 2.3% this year to 5% by the end of the decade; and the yield on the 3-month T-bill will increase from 0.1% to 3.8% during the same time.


I support those who are trying to support themselves. Medicaid is far more honorable than Medicare.

Alarmist nonsense. As long as the economy grows and the dollar remains strong, interest costs are the tail wagging the dog.

Like most 99%'ers, you're distracted by big numbers. Things sounds overwhelming and impossible because there's so many zeroes. But the economy doesn't have emotions, as economists know, Stop projecting your fears into the market.

Full-ride at a private school. :^)

Besides, I'm not against welfare. I'm against the system that subsidizes a class of people that use the health care system the most, warping prices in health care up, and those who don't get play are stuck paying extra.

If we eliminated Medicare, health care costs would come crashing down.

>Alarmist nonsense.

The CBO's projections are extremely conservative you fucking retarded kid.

You have no clue what you're talking about.

If the CBO's rates are off just by 2 percent, we're looking at another trillion compounded.

honestly, enjoy getting fucked for the rest of your life. you absolutely deserve it.

>Implying this country wasn't great before FDR
Absolute nonsense, the ultra-statist legacy of presidents like Wilson and FDR is exactly why we're on the decline in the first place. The government has no business taking citizens' money and making decisions with regards to medical insurance or retirement.

>Implying moderate positions are somehow superior to extreme positions
That's a logical fallacy bud. It's kind of ironic that this country was founded by militant political extremists and you're trying to appeal to moderation.

You're economically illiterate and now you're trying to cover for it by changing the subject.

>Any facts that liberals don't like are fake news
>They make their own facts too

>your entire generation absolutely deserve it.


> I didn't read the post I responded to
It's okay user, you don't have to always respond when you post something stupid, and get called out on it.

>Say the CBO is experts
>Ignore CBO as alarmist nonsense
Folks, you can't make this up

Why is the rest of the chart before Obama not shown uh?


>>Ignore CBO as alarmist nonsense
Fake news. Just because you don't like facts, you can't ignore them.

Well, YOU can. Because you're retarded.

found the swede

I never called the CBO alarmists, you did. You're the one who called them experts in the report about the potential for premiums to increase in the U.S., and is now ignoring them when they give you information about how the interest on national debt payments could negatively effect the U.S.

Jesus, is this how retards see the world? You just make up facts and pretend things don't exist?

The CBO has never predicted that the national debt will cause problems. At most, the CBO has predicted that unchecked expansion of national debt coupled with GDP contraction and/or a weak dollar will cause problems. Which is what I've been saying for three hours.

Fuck you for making me type this out. Its exhausting dealing with your brand of idiocy.

>I made you type this out
user, I put a gun to your head, and forced you to do this? You should stop sperging out over Veeky Forums bantz, it's bad for your health

Yeah, I suppose. The problem is the sheer breadth of stupidity here. I find it hard to believe that I'm actually considered the same species as someone like you.

I honestly think people like you should be forcibly sterilized, if not outright euthanized. Being dumb is not a human right. Just imagine the world we'd have if people like you did not exist. It's so frustrating that we'll never know because you and 46% of Americans hold us back.

>wastes his life ""correcting the record"" on /b/iz
>implies anybody else would be at the front of the line for involuntary sterilization

Dunning-kruger effect in action

There is no definitive way to measure intelligence, and if you're thinking about euthanasia over a few posts on the internet, you have issues.

>I think people like you should be forcibly sterilized
What did user mean, when they said "people like you"?

What's to say that you wouldn't be sterilized, that you know you wouldn't be included in the arbitrary amount of 46% Americans that you claim "hold us back".

>Just imagine the world we'd have if people like you did not exist.

I honestly don't know what defining characteristic you're referring to. I also don't know how you know so much about me, and what you mean by people like you. How does one officially define an idiot, using the scientific method? I'm not sure that a method has been developed.

>he thinks 20 minutes of time constitutes "wasting my life"
Son, it may take you a lot of work to form complete sentences, but it comes quite easily to me,

>twenty minutes
>first post was four hours ago here:


Feel free to be ignorant right up until you get erased. If people like me have to force a utopian meritocracy in order to avoid an idiocracy, then so be it. Ends justify the means in my book.

See you soon, dummy.

>I'll sterilize you in like, thirty years, nerd!

How are you any different to the garden variety internet tough guy except with an IOU?

I don't actually think it'll happen. It'd be great if it did, but its really just a wish.

Instead, I and people like me will keep you in a state of perpetual poverty and ignorance so that you never acquire wealth, security, health, or prospects. And neither will your kids, or their kids. You're our permanent underclass.

That's not quite sterilization, but it still sucks to be you.

>And the fact that it has already happened, and will continue to happen, is why I'm not internet tough guy.

Dark stuff, I know, but true, Let that sink in.

>LARPing as a jew

that's nice NEET

I think user is off their medication, let them play pretend dictator in their safe space, lest they go on a shooting spree at a trump speech.

I mean, just read what they typed "People like me have to force a utopian meritocracy". I want to keep baiting, but I actually kind of feel bad, sort of like picking on someone with mental disabilities.

>being this triggered

Struck a nerve, huh?


i don't think you understand what this word means

And yet you keep searching that reaction folder and keep posting, your fat hands shaking with rage.

t. trig-er-ed.

wew i'm so angry as i click twice to upload another image

>I'm n-n-n-n-not triggered! Let me type up a quick post to tell you how not trigg-g-g-g-ered I am!!!

>wow he's made it twice as expensive to buy stock in big companies

This is a good thing how?


Hurry!! Tell me more how not triggered you are!


I'm not Also, didn't you post , ,,You come off as disgruntled to me, just curious I noticed you mentioned health, are you healthy user?