/srg/ - Speedrunning General
is distortion2 ourguy
invert that for grindxm0nkey lmao
not going to lie, these zelda alttp randomizer races are pretty fun to watch.
What's up my dudes, how about them marathons eh?
What's up my dudes, how about them snowfats dr. brain streams eh?
flying overhead to drop a stinky word on this. who knew alttp would make a such a good randomizer?
You couldn't have picked a better closer for NASA than Top Ride 100 Checkboxes?
whatever man nobody's gonna watch that shit anyway
Who are we laughing at right now?
We are laughing at (you). But the better question is who is "we"?
(you) the people in these threads
*uses NEET chav lifestyle advantage to mindlessly grind ion's records despite not being even remotely as skilled as he is*
*bird laughs*
who made this? and who is this about?
cosmo sympathizers invading samandtolki
s m d h
>hurtin allowed to run fire emblem at NASA
yeah delete this shit general its embarrassing