How comes this board denies the countless contributions of Germanic people?
How comes this board denies the countless contributions of Germanic people?
Nobody denies their role of ruining Europe in two unnecessary wars.
>Germanic """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""people""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Literally nigger tier WEWUZISM, Germans are pathetic.
Like what? Breaking the church and starting off shot off retarded protestant branches? Starting World Wars? Promoting rampart faggotry SJW'ism? Inviting hordes of migrants to Europe?
Germans aren't human so their contributions can't be counted on the list of human failures.
germanics are not human
Only countries with no history or real identity and that haven't contributed anything of value to mankind have to resort to this kind of desperate shit.
Thanks for destroying the Roman Empire.
Thanks for all the vikings pillaging everything along coasts and rivers and undoing the work of Charlemagne.
Thanks for whipping up religious strife and causing decades of war in Europe when it should have been having its renaissance.
Thanks for spawning inbred Hapsburgs and porphyria afflicted Hanoverians to tyrannize Europe and beyond.
Thanks for betraying Poland after their glorious Hussars saved Vienna from the Ottomans.
Thanks for surrendering most of your territory to Napoleon and arriving late at Waterloo.
Thanks for using your newfound wealth after the industrial revolution to become a belligerent authoritarian state instead of aiming for peace and prosperity with your democratic neighbors.
Thanks for escalating the conflict in the Balkans into a global war.
Thanks for stamping in history the fact that dictators will take a mile if you give them an inch.
Thanks for getting countless millions of your fellow "aryans" killed in pointless wars.
Thanks for committing the single most despicable act in human history.
Thanks for literally handing half of Europe over to the commies.
How about a thanks for inventing computers, internet, trains, cars, airplanes, etc?
Thank you, United States.
Thanks Britons!
You gotta remember that for the years leading up to the creation of Veeky Forums there has been a strong /pol/ pro-german anti-french sentiment.
This is just the reaction to it. It sucks since you can't talk about anything to do with German history without someone just going "hurr it's because they're autistic as a race" but it's understandable since the site spent so many years choking on germanic dick.
Also your pic is shit.
Basically the problem is both the culture of Veeky Forums and the fact that people still believe in shitty racial-collective gene history crap since schools don't properly teach about fascism and racism to actually refute the points that they rise.
Germanic Scum
>Germanic scums destroy the Roman Empire and create THE dark age
>Catholicism preserve latin and greco-roman knowledge and slowly repair what Germanic scums destroyed
>Germanic scums create protestantism and eternally divide Europe because they're angry at Catholicism because it repaired what their psychopathic minds destroyed i.e. Europe
>Europe slowly recover after countless religious war
>Germanic scums aren't happy because their blood thirsty minds can't handle to live without slaughter, thus they create nationalism and provoke Two World Wars who utterly destroyed Europe and make it irrevelant
>Europe slowly recover again
>Germanic scums once again aren't happy and provoke the BIGGEST INVASION of Europe since the Ottomans aka Rapefugees Crisis
How do we fix the German Question
What does pic even say? What's the meaning of circles?
A large number of asspained poles that are being deported to their shithole now that they are being kicked out of britain.
Being a people with extreme butthurt, they blame the leaders of the EU without which they would be another post soviet failed state.
The biggest circle is the Germanic/Nordic culture
it's good because it weeds out the wehraboos who can't deal with being insulted constantly, even better is that their common arguments of why hitler did literally nothing wrong are constantly rebutted
fascism can be pretty alright though, and racism doesn't exist in the meaning of the word, or are you one of those bastards vouching for communism?
Who's the author of that map?That American racialist from the 19th century?
The modern car which we use today was invented in the Czech Republic, the internet is strictly the invention of the American military, the theory behind the digital computer was founded by Turing and the actual digital electronic computer was invented by John Vincent Atanasoff, a Bulgarian inventor.
Also, electric trams are a Russian invention and before you chimp out, keep in mind that Zuse's machine was an over-glorified calculator.
Yeah, leaving aside all the memes, this basically. It's all an anti-/pol/ reaction, which like everything on Veeky Forums gets taken to extremes.
Obviously Germans have made many contributions to Western civilization, though I definitely believe that there have been certain defective elements of their culture that have made them overall a malignant influence on the world at various points throughout history, especially 1870-1945.
>The modern car which we use today was invented in the Czech Republic
Karl Benz wasn't Czech.
>the internet is strictly the invention of the American military
Anglo, thus Germanic.
>the theory behind the digital computer was founded by Turing
Anglo, thus Germanic.
>and the actual digital electronic computer was invented by John Vincent Atanasoff, a Bulgarian inventor
Born and raised in America, Anglo, thus Germanic.
>Taking a pic from /int/ which was just posted yesterday.
>Anglo, thus Germanic
kek, Germans have to claim the accomplishments of a totally different culture, just because some of theirs migrated there more than a thousand years ago, in order to be relevant
inb4 "lol all those people are German". If Germans are so great, how come the only thing they ever contributed to the world is scat porn?
>Anglo, thus Germanic.
What's with the fixation on Germans anyway, just one of the many Germanic peoples? OP said Germanic and the post I was replying to included vikings so it's obvious we're talking about all Germanic people here.
Atanasoff was Bulgarian,not American and the Czechs were the first who've built a fully functioning modern car.
>Anglo, thus Germanic
Theory means nothing if you can't materialize it, which Atanasoff, a South Slavic savage did.
Also, Václav Laurin and Václav Klement were the first to build a fully functioning "modern car", Benz is only generally acknowledged as the creator of the car.
>John Vincent Atanasoff (October 4, 1903 – June 15, 1995) was an American physicist and inventor, best known for being credit with inventing the first electronic digital computer.
>Atanasoff, of Bulgarian, French and Irish ancestry, was born on October 4, 1903 in Hamilton, New York to an electrical engineer and a school teacher
>Atanasoff was raised by his parents in Brewster, Florida. At the age of nine he learned to use a slide rule, followed shortly by the study of logarithms, and subsequently completed high school at Mulberry High School in two years. In 1925, Atanasoff received his bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering from the University of Florida, graduating with straight A's.
What the fuck is an Anatatsoff?
OP's pic is literally German WEWUZISM. It claims the entire world as German. Funny how Germany is the only place where all those "Germans" never achieved anything.
But anyway it's not like Scandinavia is any more relevant than Germany.
American-Bulgarian inventor, he spoke Bulgarian and even got a dual citizenship.
No, I am not a communist. What I'm saying is that people are vulnerable to the outdated and ridiculous arguments and lies of fascism and racism because a cartoon version of history is taught, and they can't refute the absurdities of fascists easily so they assume that they are right.
It's even seen in history when people say "Germany did this" or "the Germans did that/were this way" it's a false collectivist view of the world. People aren't their races, they're individuals.
>Atanasov visited Bulgaria twice, in 1975 and 1985. He visited Boyadzik village, where his grandfather was shot by the Turks and was warmly welcomed by the locals and his fathers relatives. He was made an honorable citizen of the town of Yambol
Wow, it's fucking nothing.
>how come the only thing they ever contributed to the world is scat porn?
Scat porn is Brazilian.
That has nothing to do with him knowing how to speak Bulgarian even before he visited the earlier said country, and as I've said before, he had a dual citizenship.
We've already solved German question by introducing jews into the system.
Only a few decades left before germans die out.
He was awarded with the Order of Saints Cyril and Methodius, First Class.They're only given to those who have a Bulgarian citizenship.
>Anglo, thus Germanic.
Who is William of Normandy?
>hint: he's the reason we don't have people named 'Wulfstan' running the country
[shouts of "NEUMANN" in the distance]
>ach ach, warte ab!
>*schmatzt Lippen*
None of those have improved society in the long run.