League of Legends General - /lolg/

Sleepy edition


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xth for Rumble

/lolg/! Wish me luck pls. Last chest for a week!

What are tanks going to rush now that Sunfire is utter garbage toplane? Stack Dorans Rings into shit like Frozen Heart?

i love lux's high skill combo based gameplay but damn her voice is annoying

i have to play with it on mute

weak bait

her voice is cute

>tfw irl friends get offline so you dont have flex queue partners anymore

feels bad anyway comfy bfs~

Hope you get an AWESOME skin user!?!?!???!

>low plat with LFT in their name

>retards actually bump Lulu thread

>if i don't like it it's box

her voice is fucking annoying

>hurrr the thing about light is it never really dies XD

>another lulu thread
stop enabling this shit

Post a better Login Theme


You've never played with SKT T1 Yásúó?

Lee out clears and out pressures him early and can neutralize him as a threat in teamfights with Dragon's Rage. Xin has to farm up for the most part unless Lee is dumb enough to gank where Xin can counter it. Splitpushing is the only place where Xin has an advantage, but if Lee builds with that in mind and plays out laning phase correctly he'll be in a position where he can hold Xin from taking towers, meaning that the game comes down to the 4v4(which if both junglers are equal will go in favour of Lee's team since Lee is straight more effective at pressuring during laning phase).

>open chest after thousand years
>Cassiopeia shard


>be support
>mid lane picks Xayah
>ADC picks Annie
>Think they will swap
>They don't
>Expect me to lane with Annie ADC
>Go mid with my actual ADC
>Get reported
Nice game

It WAS awesome! And it's a legacy too.

>Your main
>your deepest secret

Man, the fact they just removed the MR and butchered the Armor, then slapped fucking Attack Damage on this item is kind of hysterical no.

>you would like to know huh

>snare a xayah
>she ults
>E's me for 1k damage
>1-shots me with lightning fast W
lol riot does it again another successful content release

I pee sitting down

Not the burch we have, but the burch we deserve

As a Brusierfag I can't wait

>i once drank my own piss, i used a piss bottle before bed and left it to the side so i woke up and reached for my water bottle but picked up my piss bottle instead and drank out of it because it was dark







shut up cuck

Busted comment bro

I call everything "fucking retarded"

hey come on man you know how i get down doot diddly donger cuckerino! haha!!

Anyone else have those games where you're just tilted from the get-go?
>Been playing Swain for a few days now
>Finally think i've gotten good at his farming
>Face illaoi top
>She's clearly a newbie Illaoi that doesn't know the shit
>Think it'll be super easy
>For some reason can't CS at all the first few waves
>Get ganked at 2:30 by their shaco and die
>Downward spiral of tilting from there
>Keep getting caught out trying to ward once it gets to mid game cause the bot was a thresh/rengar attached at the hip that started roaming
>Everytime it happened team would shit talk me
>Tell them I'm tilted and sorry but already pretty fucked up
>They keep going
>Refuse to surrender though cause I'm the only one this fucked up
>Goes on for 40 FUCKING MINUTES

Like, I legit think I was having a mental breakdown when the loss screen came up.


I have a lot of piercings but they're actually all fake pressure rings because I'm super afraid of needles

I also wear non-prescription glasses because they make me look smarter

I'm a phony! :(


It's fun to piss you guys off once in a while

Jesus christ

70 for a quick loss. 100 for a quick win. 2 blankets and a pot a coffee. Gonna be good.


>I work at a hotel and sometimes take panties women leave behind

Kinda cute actually

Yes I agree.
I bought the item for its defensive stats not because I wanted more damage.

i once had drunk sex with my sister

Wait wait wait wait. WAIT!

How the fuck do you have so much essence?

Noo matter how much I try during sex I can't make my wife have an orgasm. I've done everything to try and for long long periods of time but I can never get her there. She says she can't get herself off either, but I'm afraid she'll leave me over it.

>Riot says that they're okay with tanks doing damage and even okay with them doing MORE damage than they're already doing, but that it can't be reliable ambient damage like sunfire and thornmail
>gut sunfire
>buff Zac and Sejuani with really minor kit changes
>nerf Maokai into the ground
>that's our tank update!
>no other tanks got compensated with "unreliable" damage to make up for sunfire nerfs.

Top lane vs illaoi lee sin camps her first 10 mins, freest promos of my life

actual not lulucancer thread

Wow. Please stop maining Morde. You're giving the rest of us a bad name. I'd rather not be called a sister-fucker next time I post about Morde.

I have disposable income.

>maga cancer thread
fuck drumpf

shut up sisterfucker

i came inside her without protection and she wasn't on it either, so she had to get the morning pill next day and we've barely spoke since

incest is wincest

Why is Lulu so perfect?

>all that tendie money wasted

I think it was a mistake to get rid of the minor class reworks. This update feels so fucking barebones in comparison to the last few class updates it's ridiculous

story time

>Been blowing through ranked, both duo and flex with warwick

I haven't had this much fun with a champion in a long while. People are super dumb and always try to 1 vs 1 me when they find me only to end up dead.

What ADC shits on Xayah? She does so much damage and is just insane.

You mean your parents do

I've done that at least 3 times so far

God it leaves the worst taste in your mouth. Especially when they have been sitting there for weeks

>There's this cute 'girl' that I duo with from time to time and I really want to screw 'her'

Pfft, I only dine on the finest of pizza bagels.

No sir, I have a job.

>both _duo_ and flex queue


Are you even trying?

well then maybe your parents should make you start paying rent

well yeah, why the fuck would you ever play league all by yourself?


How much is your tugboat user?


>Twisted Fate
>I've done so many shameful things that I can't bear to even think of them. I have mental blocks in my mind that keep me from focusing on it for too long, else I would have offed myself years ago and I'm still on the border of it these days.

Why are you posting such an automated meme are you fucking new

You should write a book

How is the game's state of balance right now? Haven't played in 16 days.

so at the time i was 19 and my sister was 18. we'd always been close since we were kids. anyway, one day i have a house party and she's just in her room because she doesn't really know my social circle. so we're all getting super drunk downstairs because>lolacohol, we were at that age where it was fun to outdrink eachother etc. sister comes down and joins us because she can't sleep, eventually starts drinking too. sister gets really, REALLY fucking drunk because she'd hardly drank before this night.

anyway, she gets all emotional over some guy that rejected her at her school (she was qt but he was chad and she was kinda nerdy). so she's crying in the kitchen

"user, come and talk to your sister"

so i go there and my friend leaves us alone. i just hug her in a friendly way but it's like a really weird intimate hug. next thing i know my hand's on her ass and she starts breathing heavily against me, my actions are kinda happening on auto pilot at this point

i'll skip the nsfw stuff because i don't want a faggot mod to ban me but yeah we ended up making out then later that night fucking. she got the pill the next day and it was really really awkward. i went back to uni a few days after and we haven't had much contact since.


I'm desperate for human contact and friendship, but I abandon people before they get the chance to do the same to me.

m-me 2

>not pinking his ult
>positioning where he can hit you

>Supporting qt Xayah ADC
>We're getting on well, won lane hard
>Rakan top
>Laning phase ends
>mfw actually feel jealous when she ditches me to walk around the map with him

It's over for me bros

>mordekaiser players are LITERALLY incestfags


>There are literal incestfags in this thread

Wew lad and I thought lolg couldn't get any more degenerate

now that sunfire doesn't do that much damage they can buff the tanks who relied on it for damage

What's that site?

as girly boys with small penises should

Has she ever brought it up again. Have you fapped to the memory? What rank are you?


>Wew lad and I thought lolg couldn't get any more degenerate
Are you kidding me?
These threads are full of pedophiles, zoophiles, and foootfags.

that's hot

It's okay, we can be proud of the fact that we never make a mess

This is a falseflag by that one Morde shitposter, no doubt

>Putting your hands on her ass
>Knowing its your sister

You deserve death, degenerate. I'd call you a rapist but she fucked you back.

>every single time I'm going out with my friends the conversation inevitably turns to them trying to get me laid. I went up to Toronto for a friend's birthday and we were all there to celebrate him and go to the club he wanted to and everything, only then the discussion instantly became how much pussy I was going to get, who'd be my wingman etc and it was totally unprovoked, I'd said literally nothing about that and don't even really like clubs.

I'm 22 and have never held a girl's hand in an intimate context or been on a date, much less am comfortable having sex with anyone. I'm becoming more and more paranoid that they always do this because they're ashamed to be friends with a loser virgin like me and trying to hook me up with someone is the only alternative to cutting me out of their lives

I wanna sing cheesy love songs for Lulu!

no, neither of us have
yes, she was tight as fuck because she only ever had sex a few times before
gold 2 and climbing, na

They're not ashamed user, they just want you to get in on the fun. Sounds like good friends if you ask me.

There's always a sense of pity when we talk about our virgin friend, but we still love him. We just want him to know what it's like.

> I thought lolg couldn't get any more degenerate
I bet some people have slept with dogs and fucked sheep
I put nothing below these people

every day we stray further from God's light
nearer to a new god's light
and i don't think that new god is a merciful one

Gay is a okay user

>tfw the most fun champion in the game is countered by 100% of League's roster
Just end my entire fucking existence.

I think the problem with you is the pre-sex. Not preliminars but what leads to sex.

On average couples: a good time, in a good place, having fun with friends, eating well etc

>Wew lad and I thought lolg couldn't get any more degenerate

The user who made this thread is quite likely a legitimate pedophile.

>tfw had a group of friends like this
>cut contact with them because I couldn't take it
>still stalk them though