SPOOKY edition!
SPOOKY edition!
Other urls found in this thread:
xth for Rumble
lulu is for retards who deserve to be genocided
Brand is my favorite champion
So next patch when Abyssal becomes an MR item, will it and Sunfire be good buys on Quasus? I just feel since Quasus does less damage with Q and less frequently that spirit Visage may not want to be his MR item of choice, and new Abyssal + Sunfire gives him lots of health, Regen, dual resists and pushing power.
I'd still get IBG of course.
any yordle fags are the worst fucking type of posters
what did the wiki mean by this?
Fuck you retard stop making early gay thrads.
fuck you too
I miss Wriggles Lantern
the fuck am I reading
Dude, let me make one thread pls
Rageblade Diana is so fucking stupid you just murder turrets and then run away like a little pussy. It took me 5 and a half seconds to drop a turret from full.
I bet it'd be a lewd op
>Super Galaxy Rumble is literally Gurren Lagann
How do I get him?
with money
I wanted to make an e-sports thread for ogn finals
but you're too autistic to stop using the op for your waifoo
>implying Riot isn't going to gut Quasus because E is intentionally balanced around the fact you typically level it second and its accidentally fucking broken when leveled first
Spoiler: SKT wins, like always
Sunfire deals no fucking damage at all. And if you're being able to go melee with nasus who cares about sunfire you're going to gut them anyway
supersized waifus with cute faces
best guy
best hair
best husband
im really tired....................this week was ok tho
also pic related, please read it
>implying I made the thread
Quasus is all about massive lane pressure via extreme pushing, and Sunfire, despite having it's damage reduced, was changed from 50 to 200% bonus damage against minions and monsters.
I scribbled some yordles and thought you guys might enjoy it as well. Have a lovely evening and good luck to you in your matches.
Your E already clears the wave. Why do you want more clearing power
>no lulu
wow what a fucking piece of trash attention whoring girl gamer namefagging drawing anonymous person
Don't be like that.
>Riot points
>Hextech (unlikely)
rate my new potion lads
Zuanite injection:
gives 50% bonus decaying MS over 3 seconds
gives 30% AS, 10% increased damage to critical hits, and 5% bonus ms for 1 minute
lowers your mr and armour by 20% + 30-20 flat, and after the 1 minute you will be slowed by 10 for 5 seconds.
ranged only
Yes, Gangplank is best husbando c:
We won /lolg/! Got a new spot anyone want in?
>muh strawman
>when you find a guys posts and go through his backlog and then lose so much respect for him.
>reddit is against me, waaah.
nice job bandle!
comfy bfs~
Ralsa is a good boy!
Thanks, friend.
Is there a /lolg/ guild?
Gangplank SUX!
I wish fuckers would stop fucking maxing Q on Rakan, holy fuck, the heal scales with your level, not the skill's level.
Max shield, with windspeaker's and redemption, you have a 250 hp shield that can be used twice, on a 9 second cooldown. On top of that the cooldown starts after the first dash, not the second, it's so fucking retarded.
love how she puts extra effort into it so i dont call her out again
still looks bad
>league drama
i can't handle how cringey it gets
A star guardian lulu with ezreal but w/e
is NEANCE dare I say /ourguy/
sauce pls
I was lagging all lane so we couldnt engage any fights, but then all of the enemy team ganked me and that cammy blew her ult on me every time
still didnt die cause im bretty gud~
Have one spot left, anyone want in?
Server: NA
IGN: Droneling
Anyone have any suggestions for a name that will let everyone know that I want to creampie Poppy?
damn this is nice
I'm thinking about becoming a top laner these are the 3 Champs I want to play top: Riven, Irelia, and Jayce.
holy shit rakan's utility AP ratios are insane
>heal: 70% AP
>shield: 80% AP, double use
>personal shield: 90% AP
a single amp. tome for him gives him a regenerating 18 health on his passive, a 46 point health swing for his adc with two shields and a heal, and 20 damage on his Q + W
I might consider frost queen's claim on him over coin, ghosts would be a good way to keep people from walking out of his W and the benefits from that AP are huge.
why would you want everyone to know that? that's kinda cringe
they all get rekt easily by any meta top champs
Lulu is the BEST girl!
draw Lulu you havent drawn her in ages
this 2x
is this flex?
i kinda wanna join but this loser is in it
didnt know king gay was this new
>cringe as an adjective
No U suck c:
>Rakan HAS to land his Q on an enemy champion in order to proc his heal, it is mandatory in order to heal someone
>people take coin over edge
Taking coin is like an admission you'll play him badly.
why are you so hostile to grey, gumi?
>lutards in charge of reading
It's the classic recommended items noob trap
I think you meant to respond to bandle, not to me. Thank you for the (You) though.
>tilted from 3 game losing streak
>someone picks a meme champ in a meme role
>decide to meme pick if I'm going to lose anyway
how does this game work
Talisman works amazingly with his ultimate though. Frostqueens isn't as good in that regards.
>taking screenshots of Veeky Forums rules
ughh cringe
gumis a gay cuck and got mad after I removed him from my friendslist cause he cant make fun conversation
Courage of the Colossus senpai
So sell it for Talisman post-lane phase?
It's a linear skillshot that doesn't pass through minions, you can't reliably expect to land it constantly. Abilities like that have more value for zoning relative to dependable harass that you know you can use to proc spellthief's like Morgana W, Zyra Q + plants, etc.
>all these hideous subhuman goblins
future of esports gentlemen
Only Pray and Kuro are odd looking out of those though
Rate my taste
The two on the left is literally Bob and Fat Bob.
>tfw emailed Bandle about commissions a while ago
>She got back to me recently
>tfw I'm broke now
Why aren't attack speed quints on sale?
how 2 play drayman
Have you tried using his q though? The range for it is actually pretty garbage. I can see a reason to go spelltheif against a melee support, but in any other matchup you'll never really get to land your q freely or get the spelltheif gold.
I dont keep track of anyone that doesnt actively talk to me
sure buddy
press your buttons in the right places and own your lane because fervor is busted on draven
only runes for the standard AD and AP pages are on sale, aren't they?
Yes, but you want the coin health regen too. And, anyway, Q and auto range are both far too small for you to be able to use spellthief's consistently.
Don't upgrade it.
He's not Alistar, don't do that.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you boosted thrash? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the bandle elites, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret matches against the void, , and I have over 300 confirmed assists. I am trained in botlane warfare, and I’m the top support in the entire NA. You are nothing to me but just another free game. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in this game, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me in a muslim imageboard? Think again, noobtard. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of players across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the 1v1, faggot. A game that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your elo. You’re fucking polymorphed, kid. I can smurf in any elo, any time, and that’s just with my na accounts. Not only am I extensively trained in supportal combat, but I have access to the entire champion roster and I will use it to its full extent to deny you elo gains, you little bronzie. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit furrys all over you and you will drawn in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Because attacking fast is a privilege and not a right kid
I did draw her recently, though it's rather messy.
Let me know which one is you. We can work something out.
What if Sona couldn't play her instrument?
How do I be cancer at low level?
Is that an Asuran?
>Rengar top with Spirit Visage
>Warwick jungle with Spirit Visage
>Soraka support
This is busted
Why haven't we blacklisted Boodrum from Veeky Forumss yet?
tfw gunblade frozen mallet teemo is broken