>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
Tharja a best and canon
I love Fernand!
These are my wives.
I fucking NEED Hinoka.
I *NEED* her.
I'm gonna use Sonya in Echoes even if IS tried their best to make her bad. I guess the DLC rings would help her mediocre growths. Too bad they couldn't have at least let her keep Angel.
Its shit
>tfw no reinhardt
>Too bad they couldn't have at least let her keep Angel.
Fuck me, that's a huge nerf already. I'll still pick her, I love mage shenanigans with rings.
just use poverty reinhardt
So I spent all my orbs and got a 5* Nowi with +HP/SPD and sadly a 4* thundercock with +DEF/RES
Are they at least still barely viable?
I think at this point it's pretty obvious that the ability for your self-insert to romance fictional characters in videogames mentally corrupts people.
>tfw Reinhardt
>recognized artist
>check their twitter
>all this great art
Some damn good stuff
Well they also made the Angel Ring worthless by removing the growth bonuses from it. Pretty much everything they did seems shit on Sonya somehow. Apparently she's been turned into almost strictly a support unit via Rewarp and Entrap but I have a hard time imagining that makes up for how badly they 'nerfed' her. And by that I mean how they buffed everyone but her while nerfing her.
t. Tharjafag
>tfw 2 reinhardt
>Tfw Reinhardt
>But ATK-
Accept my friend request please Ge-b sama
I use a flier team too!
That's my wife.
>tfw no -atk Azama to kit out with SI
Feels bad man
Any Rein that isnt -atk is fine
Nowi is kinda ehhhh but she's slow to begin with so she shouldnt be too terrible. TA and Quick Riposte and she should be fine
>he doesnt pair Tharja with Stahl
Being a cuck is...
english echoes leak when
>tfw Reinhardt
Fuck you IS
No, that is TherjaAnon's mistress.
Your wife is cute
The guy also drew more #FE stuff than that one Kiria pic
How do you know I didn't make that post
Ursula is better because she can actually kill TA Cecilia, Nino and Julia
lmao 2Rein
Does Therja like to watch you plow Kagero or is it a secret thing?
>complaining about a god-tier unit with good IVs
You can consistently get more feathers. You can't consistently get a unit with good IVs. Count your blessings you ungrateful shit.
Would Luna or Bonfire be better on +atk/-def Cherche? I figure with the Brave Axe she can afford a longer cd special
Quit spreading disgusting rumors user
He doesn't even like Tharja. He just uses her to shitpost.
Fuck you user, 20k feathers is nothing.
You shouldn't kill cake with another cake man, that's a crime
Hey I still love my waifu I just don't really bother showing it all the time.
Assuming she's a 5*, without any buffs the calc says Bonfire gets 97 kills while Luna gets 99
I'd rather have that than a 5* Reinhardt with +hp -def.
I also have two Lindes with +hp -spd. I hate the sight of them because no matter what I do it will always be the worst possible Linde.
Dragon Fang.
I think the original Tharjafag left long ago and the new one just pretends to be him.
Do the math. Dragonic skills are better than Bonfire skills for Raw Brave Axe Cherche +Atk/-Def, without taking into account any additional attack buffs.
I think my pictures of my various Tharja merch prove it's actually me.
Good night /feg/, quit shitposting me please
Would Quick Riposte be better than Swordbreaker?
Cuz' that was what I originally wanted to do
It just means your dedicated to your shitposting faggot
First ever deathless run, I had to struggle by with a +def -spd Catria for to long.
>Cherche attacking 3 things on a map to get the Dragon Fang to proc on the 3rd thing
Thats just silly. Unless you're banking on her getting counterattacked at some point, which is even sillier since her job is to kill and not be touched ever. 3 countdown skills are best for Braves since you'll always get them if they need a 2nd target. Draconic Aura is an option but its just slightly worse than Luna by 1 kill, and the only reason Luna is better for him in this case is because of the -def. If she was neutral def Bonfire and Luna would have the exact same numbers.
God dammit, this isn't Thundercock.
The error 3001s are getting more frequent, what the hell is causing this?
Me on the right.
Can we all agree that Battling Zephiel is the best banner for April?
Up to you. Either works really, Swordbreaker deals with Falchions with extreme prejudice while with QR she can just barely survive and kill them. That said, QR works on everything so its 2 guaranteed hits on just about anything not green or a roided Brave Lance
What do you mean by best?
What a tsun.
All this and for what.
Do I pull for Rein if I don't have Deathblow 3 ready and I already have Nino and Buncina?
I wish they had never changed the score system. Half of my matches against retarded Reinhardt teams. Fun fun fun.
Before the game was "You want to play on drooling moron easy mode? Fine, but you get a score penalty for it." Now everyone just uses these stupid 0 thought one-shot units and calls it a day.
Best as in the units on the banner are not all shit
If you really want him then yes. Even as a 4* he is not very common. This will be your best chance at him for a good while.
Is your Ursula a blade tomer or something else?
Any units you hope make a return on a GHB banner one day? Personally hoping for Julia again.
I see! Thanks for the info user
I'll weigh my options then, though I have more swordbreaker fodder than QR hm
Hinoka so I can try for flier emblem again
Any ideas for the next gauntlet ?
Horse gauntlet
Chrom and Ryoma.
Tharja + a bunch of nobodies.
>threw a few orbs at the flier banner to try for her
>nothing, oh well
>first Blue on this Rein banner
Really fucking wish she wasnt -atk though because I like her and would have tried to flier meme with her. IVs are cancer. I mean, I still could she just wouldnt be great. All of my 5* fliers (Hinoka, Cordelia, fucking Bunmilla too) are -atk except Minerva, and thank god she isnt because boy I woulda been pissed.
have you ever been so desperate you went to tumblr for fav game/waifu fanart? don't do that
I rolled Odin while looking for Reinhardt and a spare lightning breath+ it's nice because the only unit she can't nuke is Hector but that's what Marth is for.
Ryoma was never on any banner.
>Gerik's crew are niggers
>Tethys is a slut
Checks out
I was having a good day up until now.
>Lady lel
>Hat man
>Gerik and co
>all niggers
This is advanced heresy. Tethys being a bicycle makes sense though I guess.
Well, hoping he'll pop in on one. Maybe for the Xander GHB banner.
Wait I thought Tethys was Ewan's mother
Who's retarded here, me or that guy
Well he's obviously retarded but still
Since the Zephiel banner has no thematic sense to it, I'd doubt that.
My prediction for Xander is Barst, Lacheslut, Catria and Felicia.
I just want my fucking husbando on a banner already. there's too many red units for me to pull a specific 4-5 star sword reeee
>1 kill
>using mass duel simulator in the age of inheritance
You build to counter specific threats, not against Bartre and Henry.
> Forgetting based raigh and his powerful wolf tome that will annihilate xander, like how based fredrick's hammer helped annihilate Zephiel
>hating on Tethys
Faggots the both of you.
You're right, how could I forget the incredible Raigh. Actually if its a disadvantaged effective weapon then maybe we'll get FRobin out of it. At least I hope, I want a source of Blue Tomebreakers.
Thanks for reminding me I managed to roll -spd +res Frederick 5* on this banner, wasting my pity %.
Gonna just pass on his WoM to someone later, seeing as Hammer+ will probably never be meta.
>liking sluts
Nothing about Tethys indicates that she's a slut unless you just get triggered by women showing skin. Which is pretty likely considering /feg/.
im only memeing but she literally makes a living by shaking her titties at rich old men, she's hardly a pure maiden
>not a huge whore
Do you even play FE?
My wife is NOT a whore