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Previous dead: >New V106 patch incoming, Warden/PK/Shugoki nerfs, Orochi buff


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I can't believe Shugoki is fucking dead


>Can no longer cancel into a parry
>If you try canceling you risk eating a GB
>I-it's nothing!
Top kek

i'm looking forward for when the patch comes out, so we can see if the nerf is actually apparent

keep saying that, cuck

if you couldn't punish it before you will still not be able to

this changes literally nothing

>Literally cannot cancel without the risk of eating a GB
>Literally not enough time to cancel parry a light anymore
This changes everything lmao

whatever helps you sleep, kiddo

>I can't refute these points, but I'll keep pretending I'm right

If anything, this patch will raise awareness among the average players that you can just light the Warden to get out of SB chains.

However, the average player is a retard who will buffer the light after getting hit by the previous side lights, so the Warden can just wait and parry instead of even needing to feint a bash.

>Raider buffs were confimed
>nowhere to be seen on 1.06

they literally cucked Raider mains lmao

You need to change "cucked" or "literally" because those together aren't true.

>Conqueror infinite chain now speeds up over time
>can walk while he does it


they literally Raider mains lmao

Now look here u lil shit


>playing Conqueror
>parry PK lights 4 times
>only two bars gone

are the new executions in yet?
I want to get my crotch too close to nobushi's

Finally started playing like an asshole (or I guess the way it is supposed to be played). Tried to play without abusing GB for far too long.

>Block, shove, grab, light.
>Block, shove, grab, wall throw, heavy
>All day.

So many rage quits. Best one was when I threw a PK into that saw during the final round.

it's not a true combo, anyone with a brain can tech that gb

>muh 50/50


>Playing Brawl
>Fighting my guy
>Suddenly teammate runs over and starts fighting him as well
>Wonder if he ledged his guy or something
>Suddenly get hit with an off screen heavy

Yeah but most don't. Beats trying to play honorobu with Laws slow as shit combo's.

How would you buff or nerf your main? What would you like to see them get?

Assassins almost never do it though because they're trained to dodge fucking everything

I'd like Warden to get a thrusting attack animation. That's literally it.

At least halfswording and mordhau show up as minion kills and executions respectively.


I don,t know, I guess give him something other than a light or that stamina draining zone after a GB. I would say give him super armor on some attacks but he already hits like a truck so would probably break him.

still triggered by a mixup?

Hiss knee-to-the-face move after smashing someone into the wall should so some damage. Combined with a light attack after that,, it would kinda equal the damage of a free heavy. And it only works when you smash them against a wall.

right now warden has 2 attack chains
i wish the added a 3rd attack in those
if the last attack hits, it confirms into a thrust
>deals 10 dmg + 15 bleed

>Berserker gently nudging you in his throw animation deals 8 damage for some reason
>Raider knee-slamming your face into a wall deals 0

I shouldn't type while the match countdown is already beeping.

give her all block on her zone attack and blocked attacks make people fall over.
reduce recovery on hits so she no longer gets stunlocked by fast
increase her range on attacks a little

does not apply to a double light*
shit would be broken

Ah that is a good one. Always bothered me it did no damage, "yeah the back of my head is split open and I have no nose left but its fine bro"

>play brawl
>first round show that I'm not going to do seperate 1v1 bullshit
>if my teammate stands to the side I tell him to enjoy the bot teammate, call him a shitter, then leave

he already gets a side heavy when you throw someone to a wall

I don't mind the ganking, but holy shit what the fuck is the point of immediately running to gank my guy, give me no warning of it, and let me get hit from behind?

Also I just had that situation happen to me
>Round 1 of brawl, finish off my guy and gank the enemy
>Teammate instantly quits as I'm emoting
>Still manage to beat them with a bot teammate
Honorfags are fucking pathetic

That's fine, but don't run in for the gank BEFORE EVEN KILLING THE OTHER GUY

>Playing Brawls
>Teammate is a Shug
>Round 1 his enemy runs from shug to gank me
>Grab him and throw him off the map instantly
What the fuck do you expect me to do when you pull that shit?

>playing brawls
>opponents are Warden and Orochi

Isn't the best strategy for Dominions to just capture one point and sit on it until you get catapults? There's no real benefit to fighting people.

Sick of that shit too.

>Finish my guy and watch teammate (inb4 honor fag).
>Teammate is winning, dude runs to a bridge and waits there.
>Teammate doesn't go there for obvious reasons.
>I raider charge him and throw him off.

Fuck you buddy, as if you weren't planning to ledge anyone.

It's always fucking baffling when they get mad over ledging when they were obviously trying to get you
>Someone camping a ledge
>Go to him
>He GBs me, counter it
>He staggers off the ledge

Finally, evidence that Berserker players are fucking cancer

My guess is they are mad you saw through their fool proof genius plan. Damn meddling hero's.

>Get matched against a rep 5 Shugoki in brawl
>Gee I sure wonder what playstyle he's gonna have
>Desperately trying to Oni charge
>Doesn't even cancel it for the 50/50
I can't wait for the bitching when it's taken away from them

>not killing them both by yourself

I did though

what the fuck
is berserker broken?If i guarbreak someone they can block my high heavy but i can't if they do the same

Post wardens


Guys don't you think shoves in this game are unfair? I mean it's impossible to dodge them, Lawbringer should have never even been buffed!

I'm a basic-ass hoe
I wanna get that silver tint and emboss everything to I look like the silver set from Oblivion.

You can buffer top heavy from parrydeflect. If you throw them against a wall you get a top heavy. Gb's only give you a side heavy. Reflex guard can fuck you over sometimes.

Basic is best, cute femwarden too

Don't call me cute, I'm a tough warrior!

literally the qtest


Femwarden is cute, CUTE!


you ugly



never gonna stop, fem warden a qutie

I will give you this image in return for you stopping at once.

>Actually took /fhg/ advice and took def over att as Raider
Note to self to never listen to Veeky Forums again

why we can't pick the hero and then start the matchmaking
why we can't switch hero during the preparation timer?

>warden main
>read nerf notes
>never use SB cancel to grab

I'm surprised this thing was intended in the first place. Anyone interrested in some ragequit webms?

fine, i will go pester Nobushi

>for wanting to fix my class

you wont know what cancer is even if a pk light spammed you

Why would you take defense over attack ever?


*sheathes sword in hand*
hehehe... later kiddo.....
*teleports away*

>for wanting to make a cancer character get free knockdowns on a blocked attack
You do realize she would get 60 damage on a blocked zone then, right?

>anyone interested in seeing clips of the most boring character in the game
No thanks.

I want to hold hands with the cute wardens

Are PK's still severely OP?
Are Nobushi still broken?
Is there still decent activity online?

I was told to come back in a month and ask if the game was still a hot mess of it they patched the worst of it.

>Bushi can barely be punished on parry
Is this okay? No it is not okay to let them be retarded without punish

Law is annoying to fight against now, the 50/50 he's getting is going cancerous to fight against

>nobushi broken
>pk is only op on consoles
she is getting neutered more in the upcoming patch

Shit, meant "are nobushi still useless"

this is some high level stuff

Are berserkers side lights like 1 frame? What the fuck?

every class has some sort of a punish
and nobushi is shit anyway

you must git gud


Why would he top heavy? if he did a side heavy it would have hit


>for wanting to make a cancer character get free knockdowns on a blocked attack

her zone should give her allblock and blocked hits WHILE doing the zone attack should knock people down.

Can you punish nobushi's kick?
because i dodge it but there's always a follow up light

If the nobushi does the follow up parry it and punish

zerks zone already gives hyper armor, it's good
just let him cancel it

>zerks zone already gives hyper armor
lol no

the enemy get hyper armour on the 3rd hit which allow him to punish the 4th

>lol no
go fucking learn your own character, jesus

and go test it you donkey fucking mexican

the 3rd hit of zerk zone give the enemy fucking hyper armour

>A lagging valkyrie
Does it get any more cancerous?

damn the french are autistic shitter that don't know how to play meme is true after all
and they are honorfag too

>and go test it you donkey fucking mexican
no need to be upset when you are proven wrong

wait, what's that, could it be the FUCKING HYPER ARMOR? nooo!

and as i said let him cancel it you idiot
knockdown on block is retarded, not even conq gets that, and it would not solve anything

Every class is guaranteed a heavy off of a light parry on her. Warden, Berserker, Raider, and Lawbringer take almost 50% health with one parry lol.

hyper armour active on the 3rd hit which also give the enemy hyper so they can parry you

you can get hit while doing zone and get knocked out of it you dumb mexicunt

thanks for BTFOING yourself

>enemy only gets hyper armor on the 3rd hit
>hitting you out of it
>you get hyper armor on the 1st hit in backwards zoen
thanks for being wrong dumb frogposter

>you get hyper armor on the 1st hit in backwards zoen
>implying backward zone is worst using

admit it you got BTFO user, no need to be upset