WoW Token Price:
Blood of Sargeras to gold:
WoW Token Price:
Blood of Sargeras to gold:
forgot old thread link:
first for Night Elf Mages
I'll be better
if I want to win random battlegrounds, is my only option to just change to horde? I lost 15 fucking rbgs in a row as alliance to retarded shit like people still idling in the beach in strand of the ancients or 4/5ths of the group defending stables in arathi basin
just fucking kill me
>invited to Cath 10
>randomly kicked a few mins later
>get this in reply
just wait an hour then go back in. horde' players might die off and alliance'll probably pick up. i'd guess, anyway.
Delete this shit pasta it's so stale I got food poisoning
>cathedral 10
he did you a favor.
i hope you made some suicide treads to make him feel bad
An illusion! What are you hiding?
I don't understand
*unzips dick*
Those weapons are gayer than a leather pinata.
>euros wake up
>game stops being mentioned
What's gay about a pinata
>arena is the same as random battlegrounds
really made me think
>ur mom wakes up
>my dick stops being flaccid
is the pally healer fun?
The last of the original 5 paladins, second in command to Anduin Lothar, during the second war, and the guy that brought down Doomhammer. He also fucks Sylvanas' sister.
so is Anduin becoming a paladin with his father's sword and his priest powers?
Fuck meant for
anyone up for anything? 896 fat bear here, achievement hunting mostly, but willing to do most shit
pic related is how I tank
Rate my mog
how fucking low is the drop rate for honor marks? I just want to F A S H I O N but I keep getting fucking swiftness potions. fucking eat my asshole
>literally not enough wardens wq on the map
thanks for responding
>fucks sylvanas sister
oh shit she has a sister? is she undead too or is it prime elf puspus?
looks like shredder
nah, she's good
she's pretty much the good sister
alleria is alive
only means that you are literally a fucking idiot who did wardens wq without the wardens emissary being up
kys yourself
she has two sisters and both of them are getting dicked by humans
we've been though this already.
1. check highmountain if there are invasion wqs aligned to the wardens
2. wait till the invasion is over and normal wqs are shown.
I'll run something, 902 lock
thats so cool
cant wait for a jealous sylvanas
Why are Femsaken such qt's?
even without waiting for the invasion to be over I had a total of 5 wardens quests up today
people are dumb
most pure
less degenerates
>want to go femdead but the erp game is nonexistant
alright gimme your thing
I had 4 and I don't really remember doing any previously
do you have kosumoth?
literally dont exist in erp
stop being elfs all the time
also stop the dicks on fem elfs
Nobody wants to fuck a literal CORPSE
Imagine how nasty that would be IRL
do I need to have him?
I did the emissary already anyway
just saying, kosumoth is a wardens quest
I didn't tho turbofag
yeah right
If the fucking joints could be covered with skin it would just be your generic pale vampire girl though
Like how everyone is fine fucking a death knight
I love femdeaders and (e)rp. Hit me up Discord sometime.
>start a group on my alt to get my Upper Kara+8 carried
>die a couple times on the first trash right before Curator
>barely beat the tank's DPS on the boss
>after fight lock goes "the carry intensifies" in chat
>Medivh goes fine but ran out with flame wreath so couldn't attack for 15+ seconds and did shit dps again
>lock goes afk on the chess event so it takes forever
>miss 3 chests by 5 seconds
I'm sad
does it really matter if they're vampires or death knights, they're DEAD
>shittalking you while getting free loot from your keystone
what a dick
I'm sorry, user
I know my dps is shit on this alt but the lock was the only one who said anything, and then was the same guy who went afk on the chess event
If he had been there on it we could've made up that few seconds we missed it by
If he's there for the loot you think he'd care more to get the 3 chest
>fuck a death knight
>she drains all the blood out of your dick
fuggggg :-DDDDDD
>Killed MoP rare spawn that drops +gathering speed item 200 times on my DH now
>Still hasn't dropped
Haha epic looks like yet another item they forgot to pout on the loot table for demon hunters
Anyone who still somehow doesn't have flying should just unsub already. It requires minimal fucking effort, and some people are already exalted.
People care more to fuck over other people than to get better shit themselves. Its human nature.
exalted by virgins lmfao
do you know how fucking tedious are the questlines of the zones?
I barely finished highmountain and stormheim, they were so horribly boring.
I don't even want to know about filling the other requisits like exploring all the zones, some parts are just impossible to explore, the world map just wont remove the fog of the place.
Why not just use the glove enchant...?
i forgot to turn in my Kirin Tor emissary yesterday
>get flying
>never use it in world of queuecraft
Imagine being this pathetic...
why do you even play this game?
if they don't have it they don't give a shit
only an autist would care
They're the original lordaeron humans who werent savage degenerates like stormwind nu human trannies
I just resubbed yesterday....stop bulling....
>he doesn't get 150 gold + ap token on 6 alts every WQ a day
I have never pugged a Warlock who wasn't a raging faggot. Something about the class attracts the worst fucking people.
mage or feral?
>queueing for anything
stfu screamer noob
>I wanna be dps and good at it
>I want to be alpha as fuck stud who can play 4 specs and isn't a shitter like the other hybrids
Do you want to top dps meters by pressing 4 buttons or do you want to be middle of the pack having to manage an autistic rotation and dots
>there are people that still haven't beaten heroic gul'dan
what the fuck is your excuse after 7.2?
anyone wanna buy me a token
at least post the best toaster user
>52 guild attempts with 14 ppl
>always get him around 3% and wipe
i dont even
What part do you think you guys are struggling with?
For the next relinquished token should I get a relic or they're not worth investing the 5k nethershards? Mine relics are the ones when I finished questlines in the broken islands
is everyone properly soaking souls? I can't believe it's the dps that is lacking, maybe if you told me this before 7.2 I would consider it
I guess I have to be both...
Anyone know if i buy the base game off g2a or kinguin, does it come with a subscription or do i have to sub
if you don't sub you can't play past level 20
I have been giving Conjurer Margoss drowned mana and my reputation with him is actually going down. Is that how it is supposed to me? I am halfway through over to Hated.
its the souls not being soaked and fire being misplaced constantly, i honestly don't understand
even if by just by accident we should have killed him at least once by now. Just put the fucking fire to the left, and soak souls that's literally it
Everyone's pulling 600k+ dps on him
Relics are usually the biggest upgrade so yes, they're worth it if you have shit ones. For most specs it also doesn't matter nearly as much which ones you roll as long as it's an upgrade and the right slot. I managed to roll 2 880 frost relics on my druid when I needed life relics and wanted to die.
>Vanessa lost her cute turtle mount
what the fuck, why?
not part of her bodyguard fantasy
>tfw Minerva doesn't ride one of the ICC achievement mounts
My buddies guild is top 10 us and they carried me for free because they needed people that wouldn't take gear for split runs
>this illidaren tabard rouge screamer has the valarjar mount
>I don't
wtf bliz
?not part of the bodyguard
literally who cares, it looked cute and funny
I guess with flying being available, it doesn't really matter anymore
>caring about non-achiev mounts
Now who's the screamer?
rate my mog
I also have the unicorn and the shitty carpet.
cry more
what the fuck delete this
post good mogs only and rate