why dont people just go to flight school become a pilot pay 100k study for a year or 2 and make bank your whole life?
where's the catch?
Why dont people just go to flight school become a pilot pay 100k study for a year or 2 and make bank your whole life?
you have no idea how much flight hours cost do you? They don't make much money after all the bullshit certifications and costs they have to go through. Not to mention the fucking insurance. You become a glorified bus driver and make little more than one unless you're over 40.
Also some people are just gigantic pussies and are afraid of flying or get motion sickness.
they usually get less than $100k, work outrageous schedules, get yanked around by the union, and constantly fucked by the company that's downsizing and cutting costs all the time.
the best compensation actually comes from moving to Asia to train pilots and work with the natives. But even then you're giving up huge quality of life just to barely clear $100k. If you're smart enough to become a pilot you're probably smart enough to find easier ways to make more money.
Shitty hours, you're never home, and you'll never have a chance at a normal love life, let alone a family life. Hell, most pilots have shitty studio apartments because they need a physical address, a place to have things mailed to, and a place to live one week a month.
It seems cool until you consider you don't get to live a life with your stacks of cash.
>hurr durr what is retiring early
Why don't people just join the Air Force or the Foreign Service?
>Why don't people just get full ride paid tuition BS and MBA and make $200k jobs with no travel at 30?
I dunno they're dumb or lazy probably
>why dont people just make loads of money?
>$200k jobs
30 years in maybe.
Maybe if you're too stupid and uninteresting to get in to a real MBA program.
pilots make like minimum wage for many years. there's a trailer park near LAX where a bunch of them live. this ain't the 1960s when pilots were like minor celebrities. glorified bus drivers.
I've got a relative that flies for united. Has done for 12 years now. He made captain 5 years ago. He makes $80k or so. He studied aerospace engineering.
Well no offense, but your relative kind of sounds like a retard from a money-making standpoint. Why put the effort into getting such a challenging degree and then not leverage it at all? Unless flying is his passion and he gets some kind of personal fulfillment from it, he made a terrible decision. I also don't really know what this has to do with my post, I never really disputed that pilots make shit compared to what they used to.
Bonus, you can Lubitz when you're fed up with the bullshit.
>I also don't really know what this has to do with my post
just one example of the well-documented fact that $200k is not typical or to be expected.
unless those are Canadian dollars. You do seem a bit Canadian.
Why are you racist against Canadians?
He meant being a pilot is a shit job compared to a good job after getting into a good MBA program. Your post asked why everyone does go the pilot route. Well, question answered because being a pilot pays shit compared to other better jobs now crash your plane and kys
>He meant being a pilot is a shit job compared to a good job after getting into a good MBA program.
he said the exact opposite.
>Your post asked why everyone does go the pilot route
no it didn't.
are you stoned or just stupid?
I was talking about MBA's, not BS's who purposefully work in positions they're over-qualified for. And hell, most MBA's won't crack 200k either, my point was that if you want to reach that relatively easily you need to go to a good MBA program.
And no, I'm not Canadian. New Jersey scum born and raised.
>my point was that if you want to reach that relatively easily you need to go to a good MBA program.
and my counterpoint was that it will still take 30 years to reach, as I said.
and even then 90% of pilots never reach $200k.
Forget being a pilot
Fucking forget it
Put it out of your mind right now
You can't do it
Give up
You didn't make a counterpoint, you started talking about a completely different subject. There are plenty of people coming out of top tier MBA programs making $200k much sooner than 30 years.
>you started talking about a completely different subject
if you're not talking about pilots with MBA's then YOU changed the subject, jersey-person.
Nobody here ever said a word about pilots with MBAs except you. What the fuck kind of MBA decides to become a pilot anyway?
>What the fuck kind of MBA decides to become a pilot anyway?
it's the other way around. Pilots may decide to get an MBA.
when I said 30 years in I was talking about pilots. the thread is about pilots.
you coming into a pilots thread and announcing that surgeons make more or whatever wasn't expected. You changed the subject.
>not BS's who purposefully work in positions they're over-qualified for.
also should point out that most major airlines require you to have a STEM degree to fly.
pretty much all pilots are overqualified by your standards. Or just qualified by the airline's standards.
The person you were originally replying to clearly wasn't talking about pilots. I assumed you weren't a complete fucking retard and that you realized what he was talking about when I replied to you, but it appears I was wrong.
I thought this thread was a brag thread by some fag who thinks his path being a pilot is the best path. Pilots are dumb and poor tho. Why not be successful?
my mistake then.
I assumed he knew that pilots get paid tuition and are required to get a degree, and that many of them do get MBA's.
silly of me to assume people here have any idea what they're talking about.
I'll try to speak down to your level in future, and just assume you have no knowledge of what you're talking about even if it coincidentally looks like you do.
Yes, I don't know why anyone who went to a reputable school would study one of the harder engineering majors and then take a job as a pilot if your goal is to make money.
He wasn't talking about pilots in the first place, he was making fun of the OP by comparing it to getting an MBA. Jesus I hope you're drunk or something.
>I don't know why anyone who went to a reputable school would study one of the harder engineering majors and then take a job as a pilot if your goal is to make money.
like I said, it's the other way around.
you become a pilot and then find out you need to study one of the harder majors.
>he was making fun of the OP by comparing it to getting an MBA.
yes, I got that.
your mistake was in thinking the two are mutually exclusive. Or even an uncommon mix.
but you're retarded and I didn't expect retards on my Veeky Forums.